A couple of lvl19 questions....

Argh said:
Sounds like you got it all sorted out :) with the skinning part, just follow the skinning guide and you will be lvl 225 in 30 min or less and it wont take long to get the WSG items exp. for the "flag" as i call it :)

Just pm if you got any questions about hunters:)

I tried the skinning guide from 1-75 on the boars and scorpids outside org and 75-100ish on striders outside XR. It seemed to work some of the time. Every other one or two as I skinned in rotation on 6 mobs I would get a point. I'm guessing this is because skinning that level mob was green to me. Make sense?

For 150-225 I think Ill try the raptors right outside grom gol. I should be able to pull that whole pack by the nests near the beach to right near the gate.

And as for the loot not dropping for you that's why I'd really like to just run myself through. Having people get annoyed at running you through isn't worth the hassle. I've already had speeches on why twinks are bad, why it's dumb to spend that much time on a piece of "noob" loot, etc.
Freakaccident said:
Each Wintergrasp Commendation requires 30 Stone Keeper's Shard according to Wowhead. I'll find out for sure when servers come up and we have WG.

EDIT - I just read the notes on Wintergrasp Commendation on Wowhead and apparently they are 9 WG marks now and can't be bought with shards. You were correct.

Thank you for saying so! I've been farming the Marks for a while now, but if there is a way to get the commendation with shards, then I SO WANNA KNOW! (have bought 3 sets of shoulders so far, and still have a ton of shards left).

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