A change of the premade rules

Yes i read your thread, and im not sure why you even have the gull to say im rambling about something in this thread when 95% of your own posts/threads are about you babbling on about random stuff. And if it wasent clear the first time, i was basically saying that derailing one class isent going to help out the community.. If the 19 community is dying the last thing we need is to keep adding on to premade requirements, last thing the 19's need is someone telling them which class they need to play due to "too many rogues" or "too many Mages" etc.. If people like playing that certain class, let them, no one is stopping you from making a rogue.

Hey mate, rogue haven't been competitive in premade for a while now, give us a rest please.
His grammar is about as good as yours.

If that is your opinion, then we all know you obviously did not complete high school or pass English class for that fact.
If that is your opinion, then we all know you obviously did not complete high school or pass English class for that fact.

You really have no idea how funny this is...Dori are you still a English Teacher, I heard you are no longer one
Oh....See all those times I respected your bashing my grammar was because I thought you were a English teacher...oh well, no harm no foul

On topic, I find myself disagreeing with these premade rules and I guess it goes down to its up to the guilds agreeing to the same rules before premades happening
honestly id like to see guilds being limited to a few heals a tank or two and some dps and let them negotiate the class/ spec breakdown. also it'd be cool if more consumables were aloud
honestly id like to see guilds being limited to a few heals a tank or two and some dps and let them negotiate the class/ spec breakdown. also it'd be cool if more consumables were aloud

These premade rules open up a world of combinations. I don't see why people seem to dislike it. You also do realize that you can't use consumables in wargames? Don't know how you got the word 'more'' when I never listed any consumables.
Not that I disagree with the "rules," in fact I think they're great -

But I'm just dumbfounded at the self-elected president of 19s, #Agonist lol.

Sure, some stuff you say makes sense, but I just think it's really funny to see you suddenly grab the 19s bracket by the balls. Surely I'm not the only one who thinks like this? Was there some sort of secret 19s council held which most of us were not invited to, that placed you as the apparent president?

Really, some of this is a good idea, but I just think it's funny that you demand that changes are made, and your "decrees" are received as law.
Not that I disagree with the "rules," in fact I think they're great -

But I'm just dumbfounded at the self-elected president of 19s, #Agonist lol.

Sure, some stuff you say makes sense, but I just think it's really funny to see you suddenly grab the 19s bracket by the balls. Surely I'm not the only one who thinks like this? Was there some sort of secret 19s council held which most of us were not invited to, that placed you as the apparent president?

Really, some of this is a good idea, but I just think it's funny that you demand that changes are made, and your "decrees" are received as law.

You're taking my words profoundly. I'm simply just showing that I really feel strongly about these rules, and the current ones in place are out of order in my opinion. Seeing as I've probably played the most premades out of anyone in this bracket I know how everything works and I know these rules will create alot of opportunity. As for other threads like scheduled games and queue threads, I just want a commanding voice to get people off their feet and attend. I don't want to see threads like ''hey guys do you think we should queue on a Thursday?'' I want to see threads like ''Get up now and attend 19s on Saturday!''
We need strong leadership and commanding voices to make sure things get done.

I got people to queue originally in December by basically yelling at them to que, I transfered that energy to TI. I'm not acting like president. I just want something to be achieved to the best of my ability. People didn't want to queue 19s in December and when I asked them they laughed at me. When I continually stuck my boot up their ass, they budged, and after a week they were saying to me how fun the games were.

Not trying to be this or that, I just really want 19s to succeed, having fun and competitive games.
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Not trying to be this or that, I just really want 19s to succeed, having fun and competitive games.

Point taken, but if 19s are to succeed, then all 19s should create a twinkinfo account right now.

That's never going to happen, though, and it's not possible to have all players immediately conform to these rules. Setting forth dates for queues is a great idea, but really, rules limiting classes, and class abilities is just bad, and will prove to be bad in its implementation (if it is implemented). It's a great idea, in theory, and I wish that 19s could edit their own brackets' abilities, since blizzard really doesn't know shit, or give a shit, about lower levels,

But the actual implementation of these "rules," which are more like guidelines, really, will prove to be a flop. It won't happen unless EVERYONE creates a macro that will spam new 19s to join twinkinfo, HOPING that the new 19s will create a twinkinfo account, and then HOPE that they will choose to play by these guidelines... it's just not realistic.

I didn't read all the replies, but I'm sure someone has pointed this out already, or at least thought of it.
Point taken, but if 19s are to succeed, then all 19s should create a twinkinfo account right now.

That's never going to happen, though, and it's not possible to have all players immediately conform to these rules. Setting forth dates for queues is a great idea, but really, rules limiting classes, and class abilities is just bad, and will prove to be bad in its implementation (if it is implemented). It's a great idea, in theory, and I wish that 19s could edit their own brackets' abilities, since blizzard really doesn't know shit, or give a shit, about lower levels,

But the actual implementation of these "rules," which are more like guidelines, really, will prove to be a flop. It won't happen unless EVERYONE creates a macro that will spam new 19s to join twinkinfo, HOPING that the new 19s will create a twinkinfo account, and then HOPE that they will choose to play by these guidelines... it's just not realistic.

I didn't read all the replies, but I'm sure someone has pointed this out already, or at least thought of it.

You are really blowing this out of proportion. You do realize a large majority of 19s won't even play premades. Usually the people who disagree with the rules are people who never experience the premade scene, so their knowledge is very weak. I see it time and time again.

No class restriction? So you would allow 6 hunters and 4 resto druids? How are teams like these going to be applicable to vs?

You think the stealth rule is silly also? So people should be able to run 10 rogues?

I don't know what you mean by ''in theory''. The stealth rule and class restriction have been in place for 3 years and have worked perfectly fine. You say these guidelines will flop? All I've changed is the removal of the boomkin rule, 1 more healer allowed and removal of the 2 stealthy rule.

I am simply relighting the old rules which everyone who played premades in MoP agreed upon. You, by the sounds of it think we should revamp the whole thing. I'm telling you as someone who has played premades frequently no one wants to play 10 rogues or 6 hunters in a premade.

New 19s rarely get involved with premades. All last Summer, premades were run by the ''elitists''. Maybe Underground had a few new people, but other than that the rest of the teams consisted of people who had played twinks for years. They all agreed upon the rules which aren't that different from the ones I've suggested here that you think will flop. We actually had 4 healers and the 2 class restriction in cata as well, so really the only rule i'm suggesting should be made is for the stealthy rule to be abolished so we can use rogues in premades.

Can I just ask you though, have you ever played a premade in cata or MoP? I've personally never seen you in one and I don't think you understand the concept of these rules
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I have always been a firm believer in everyone sets their own rules, no point in setting a standard...But at the end of the day I do not premade as often anymore and am not on a team so its not like it matters
You are really blowing this out of proportion. You do realize a large majority of 19s won't even play premades. Usually the people who disagree with the rules are people who never experience the premade scene, so their knowledge is very weak. I see it time and time again.

No class restriction? So you would allow 6 hunters and 4 resto druids? How are teams like these going to being an applicable to vs?

You think the stealth rule is silly also? So people should be able to run 10 rogues?

I don't know what you mean by ''in theory''. The stealth rule and class restriction have been in place for 3 years and have worked perfectly fine. You say these guidelines will flop? All I've changed is the removal of the boomkin rule, 1 more healer allowed and removal of the 2 stealthy rule.

I am simply relighting the old rules which everyone who played premades in MoP agreed upon. You, by the sounds of it think we should revamp the whole thing. I'm telling you as someone who has played premades frequently no one wants to play 10 rogues or 6 hunters in premade.

New 19s rarely get involved with premades. All last Summer premades were run by the ''elitists''. Maybe Underground had a few new people, but other than that the rest of the teams consisted of people who had played twinks for years. They all agreed upon the rules which aren't that different from the ones I suggest that you think will flop. We actually had 4 healers and the 2 class restriction in cata as well, so really the only rule i'm suggesting should be made is for the stealthy rule to be abolished so we can use rogues in premades.

Can I just ask you though, have you ever played a premade in cata or MoP? I've personally never seen you in one and I don't think you understand the concept of these rules

I withdraw from this lol, I was thinking that you were trying to get these rules set for the entire 19 bracket, for some reason I was completely ignorant to the word "premade".

Yes, I've done two 2, almost three PMs with TCF, and one with some guild I think it was Meat Puppet versus something, I don't really remember.

Semi-PMs, though, set up on alliance and horde side, I used to roll constantly. That is what I thought this entire thread was referring to, I was unaware that 19s even had enough activity at the moment to muster a PM rofl.

You're right, though, I thought you were trying to apply this to 19s as a whole. I feel like a dumbass.
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