US A Challenge to Gucciglad

Who is better?

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everyone knows here that that is a big lie lol
HA, the original had like 20k-30k hks. As we all know I had to deal with some shit irl and left shortly after GG Tinks disbanded. When I came back to the game I decided to level him to 100 shortly after I renamed him to Runechi and made my 90-99 ww monk tink pvp montages.
Hks make the man or arena rating? Neither of them do. There are allot of A class tw1nks that play this bracket, some post on the forums and some don't. Just cause those two are trolls and claimed to be so, that makes them the best? I vote other.
i voted duo , was my personnel opinion between the two

on a side note tgod is best player in the bracket ,
Yes, i can say he was a dick w/ gy farming n ego many years ago, but i have to say the whole horde respected his leadership. Yes, it was crummy to always sit in the gy, but the alliance did it as well. The majority of the people see the bad in Duo instead some of the good. Personally, i don't blame you, things can't be forgiven or respected in a way and i get that. Duo has gotten better with his self-image. A deff to one of the top paladins. Many of you may agree/disagree. Besides that, the alliance needs another "Lithology" to run as a leader tho.
i voted duo , was my personnel opinion between the two

on a side note tgod is best player in the bracket ,
lol, im not the best, but im not an idiot like half of the bracket. So, that counts for something right? =p well, i can say im one of the more superior players that can actually multi-class and not b a prune
sup tgod- take the damn compliment
bout time you did rerolls with us again , ivi been back as well last couple days
The best thing is when he hides in stealth when doesnt have a team or when team is being farmed or tries to afk when taking damage but you nuke him and get that kb before it afks
duo was known for afk'n to keep his like 95% win ratio in wsg or w/e it was. I don't recall him stealthing tho cuz he was a pally.. If your pointing my direction, I never afk'd in a wsg due to incompetent players on horde.
thanks man, likewise, it was always fun runnin into you on my alliance panda monk. sadly, alliance died so i went horde on him
Stuck at Graveyard is doing a pretty decent job of holding it down on alliance. When I solo que they farm my ass so hard they could process me and sell me to local grocery stores.
Yes you did lol at least the hiding part...

I know duo didnt afk when being farmed
also, your wrong about duo, every game of a "loss" he would afk at the end to keep his perfect win/ratio. I know him pretty well and i dont blame him for doing it
Well a few times when I was tunneling you...Idk man I never hide in stealth or afk for example(both complete coward moves, imho . I only afk when irl calls or technical shiTe)

Its like im just trying to pop a fucking ego here and sizereduct it a little bit so come and face me like a man dont hide like a pussy bitch its a fair 29vs29
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everyone hides in stealth at some point. i can deff 100% vouch for myself about never afk'n. Do you have any evidence that i afk'd?
You and me both bro, I've been farmed over 1,000,000 times. I'd rather go down fighting lol. There's been times where it was only me and 2 others left on the horde team lmfao.

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