Some of these items won't be useful for 99s due to the 800s but haven't filtered them out of my scan which is mostly for lvl 101 items
EU as of about 1 hour ago:
Marfisi's Giant Censer (socket) @ Aman'thul = 36k
Geta of Tay'Shute @ Arathor = 7.3k
Six-Feather Fan (socket) @ Blackmoore = 135k
Ulfgor's Greaves of Bravery @ Blackrock = 55k
Boughs of Archdruid Van-Yali @ Nordrassil = 84k
Welded Hardskin Helmet @ Drak'thul = 10k
Cloak of Martayl Oceanstrider @ Drak'thul = 11.3k
Telubis' Binding of Patience @ C'Thun = 4k
Geta of Tay'Shute @ Dalaran = 9k
Fran's Intractable Loop @ Kult der Verdammten = 59k
Vastly Oversized Ring @ Das Konsortium = 16.5k
Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart @ Doomhammer = 89k
Telubis' Binding of Patience @ Turalyon = 12k
Ulfgor's Greaves of Bravery @ Ghostlands = 65k
Vastly Oversized Ring @ Mal'Ganis = 20k
Cainen's Preeminent Chestguard @ Eredar = 6k
Gorrog's Serene Gaze @ Hyjal = 10k
Queen Yh'saerie's Pendant @ Kazzak = 100k
Gorrog's Serene Gaze @ Kazzak = 150k
US from about an hour before this edit:
Fists of Thane Kray-Tan (socket) @ Bonechewer = 10k
Geta of Tay'Shute @ Aerie Peak = 12k
Cainen's Preeminent Chestguard @ The Forgotten Coast = 5k
Geta of Tay'Shute (avoidance) @ Shadowmoon = 57.2k
Six-Feather Fan @ Bleeding Hollow = 50k
Six-Feather Fan (socket) @ Executus = 25k
Sameed's Vision Ring @ Whisperwind = 25k
Eyasu's Mulligan @ Velen = 122k
Treia's Handcrafted Shroud @ Spinebreaker = 70k
Queen Yh'saerie's Pendant @ Ner'zhul = 17k
Ulfgor's Greaves of Bravery @ Garrosh = 20k
Fists of Thane Kray-Tan @ Hyjal = 15k
Treia's Handcrafted Shroud @ Malygos = 350k
Shokell's Grim Cinch @ Malygos = 19k
Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart @ Illidan = 57.5k
Gorrog's Serene Gaze @ Kel'Thuzad = 50k
Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart @ Korgath = 40k
Aethrynn's Everwarm Chestplate @ Lightbringer = 9k
Cyno's Mantle of Sin @ Maelstrom = 7.5k
Gorrog's Serene Gaze@ Mal'Ganis = 29.9k
Geta of Tay'Shute (socket) @ Mal'Ganis = 59.9k
Shokell's Grim Cinch @ Moon Guard = 8.8k
Welded Hardskin Helmet @ Runetotem = 40k
Serrinne's Maleficent Habit @ Stormrage = 10k
How are you scanning for these items?? I've been using and it takes forever to look for items on US realms.