85-89 Drafted RBG's


People that are levels 85-89's sign up for RBG Night this coming Saturday/Monday (3/2 and 3/4). Time for these to start is : 5:15 PM GMT-8. The point of this is to get this bracket started in RBG's, much like the 70's bracket when Anatomy did this, and to get new people to meet each other. This RBG Night will be hosted by me and a few other friends/guildies. Spread the word! There will be team captains to choose from the list of people that sign-up.

How this will work - 2 leader's will pick their group of 10's, they will queue and face each other. 2nd group of leaders will pick their 10 and queue. Experience MUST be turned off to queue.

If you don't have a skype acc, register. It's free, no mic is required, but required to listen if you're in a group.

Please respond in the following manner :
Name :
Faction :
Class/Spec(Role) :
Server :
BattleTag/Real-ID :

*Signing up will not guarantee you a spot/If we don't get enough sign ups for atleast 4 groups, I'm cancelling this*

Names with an asterik=captain
Names in red are not sure if they can come/if they have time.
Names in blue are ogranizers.

Alliance - signed up (18)
Flag Carriers - Natsú-Perenolde(Blood)
Healers - Froot-Perenolde(Disc), Rêttadin-Perenolde(H.Pal), Layonthis-Darkspear(H.pal), Kinitara-Arathor(D.Priest)
Melee - Sushiman-Perenolde*(Frost), Greenred-Sargeras(Rogue), Apple-Perenolde(Rogue), Doctta-Perenolde(Rogue), Acousticqt-Perenolde(Rogue),Rübïx-Perenolde(Feral), Amaliah-Kul'Tiras(Frost), Ggthxbai-BlackDragonflight(Ret),
Ranged - Evanslock-Sargeras(Aff), Laserchicken-Perenolde(Boomkin), Keshaqtblow-Perenolde(Fire), Sympàthy-Perenolde(Fire/Frost), Rokkdots-Sargeras(Aff), Anselhelm-Sargeras(Spriest),

Horde - signed up (0)
Flag Carriers -
Healers -
Melee -
Ranged -
Last edited by a moderator:
Names: Rübïx
Faction: Alliance
Class/Spec: Feral
Server: Perenolde
Battletag: James#12298
Name: Keshaqtblow
Faction: Alliance
Class/spec: Fire
Server: Perenolde
Battletag: Ivyon#1965
Name : Natsu
Faction : Alliance
Class/Spec(Role) :Blood dk fc
Server : Perenolde
BattleTag/Real-ID : gofe uh k yers elf< is that allowed? i dont give my battletag out often since i am famous sowwy
Not entirely sure if I can make either of these days tbh, but I'm certainly interested if I'm online.

Name: Ggthxbai
Faction: A
Class/spec: Ret paladin
Server: Black Dragonflight
i assume that isn't his FC set?

You should get Xxmd to queue against you.

Hello :) First off, Natsu is our resident FC. I assume you are looking at his frost gear.
Secondly, as Sushi implied, XXMD is pretty dead and it has been for awhile. I believe the only other active 85's guild is Nerd Cleave on Sargeras.

Name : Rokkdots
Faction : Alliance
Class/Spec(Role) : Lock-Affliction
Server : Sargeras
BattleTag/Real-ID : rokk#1217

Name : Rokkdaddy
Faction : Alliance
Class/Spec(Role) : DK Frost/Blood (full mop set and full cata pvp set)
Server : Sargeras
BattleTag/Real-ID : rokk#1217

Name : Rokksalt
Faction : Alliance
Class/Spec(Role) : Rogue (sub)
Server : Sargeras
BattleTag/Real-ID : rokk#1217

Will use what ever gets me in the RBG ;)
So will there be any gear restrictions at all? So we dont have people running around in 3/4 mop with sunlutes, or 210k hp healers? Ive been talking to alot of people, and alot of peopl are actually interested, but seeing that there are no gear restrictions means hp pools are going to ping from 0-100 back and forth all game. Im pretty sure the main players from xxmd are very intersted in rbgs @ 85. But again, no decent players are going to want to join the community for this event with gear being balanced like it is.

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