85-89 Drafted RBG's

We are currently in need for much more Horde signups in order to make this work. I encourage if the current Alliance signups have any Horde alts they would potentially like to play on to use them over the current char you have signed up on because we have more then enough Alliance signatures.

the only reason xxmd is "dead" is because after weeks of trying to make the 85 bracket into something good, every single other guild / group of players in the bracket bitched out. naturally the bracket got boring beyond belief queueing bgs all day in full mop gear, and i eventually just quit playing

if there were people who actually wanted to play us and wanted to be competitive and not bitch out from games for whatever reason they can spew out, then i would more than likely come back and get xxmd back together to play whoever that team happens to be

until then, the game / bracket is not worth my time unfortunately
Name: Killadrix
Faction: (MW Monk/Alliance) / (Resto Shaman/Horde)
Server: Monk (Sargeras) / Shaman (Mal'Ganis)
Battletag: will update when I get home

Willing to play whichever class/faction needed.
Can't find you on armory!
Btw guys please post your Btag too, just so we could add you!
Names: Kinitara/ Ixiya
Faction: Alliance
Class/Spec: Disc Priest
Server: Arathor
Battletag: You already have it
It is not as dependent on gear as you are making it sound. I am a full Ruthless boomkin who has been dominating the bracket. I can plow over most of the people who use sun-lutes in this bracket. It will even be more balanced in 5.2 when they change the stat scaling.
It is not as dependent on gear as you are making it sound. I am a full Ruthless boomkin who has been dominating the bracket. I can plow over most of the people who use sun-lutes in this bracket. It will even be more balanced in 5.2 when they change the stat scaling.

Yea but this isnt 5.2, in fact, sushi told me that the guildies would be going to 49.. because 85 was going to die when 5.2 drops. Guess he'll just deny that and make it seem like im making it all up.

You act like im raging about this, just telling you that you will get triple the interest if you regulate some things. Simply put; why would you put together RBG bracket when you have ability to make it more fun/balanced. Seeing as this entire argument still hasn't gotten an answer, i see that there will be no restrictions. Make it fun, you fell me?
It is not as dependent on gear as you are making it sound. I am a full Ruthless boomkin who has been dominating the bracket. I can plow over most of the people who use sun-lutes in this bracket. It will even be more balanced in 5.2 when they change the stat scaling.

his point is that the entertainment value of the games would increase tremendously if there were actually rules put in place to balance out the games more instead of having everyone running around mouth breathing in full MoP gear hitting everything for half their health bar every global

if you guys want to sit here and act like you're doing something good for the bracket by straight up stealing an idea that my guild and i created, at least do it right. balance games out, otherwise this isn't going to be worth anyone's time unless you want to queue up with a bunch of players who can't break 1400 on anything. then again, maybe that's exactly what you guys are going for, i have no idea because the twinking mentality at 85 revolves around strictly winning, never anything actually competitive. god forbid you have to try.

just my 2c

and the offer is still on the table, i'll come back to this game if you guys want to play against a team i form in rbgs and you can see how "dead" we are
Twinking has always been about gearing to limits. If you don't like what Sushi is doing here, don't sign up. Its his event not yours. You can bring up your point but sitting here arguing is childish. You can knock someones health down to half in any bracket. Its your choice if you want to sign up or not and really, if your not signed up why would he care about your opinion?
Twinking has always been about gearing to limits. If you don't like what Sushi is doing here, don't sign up. Its his event not yours. You can bring up your point but sitting here arguing is childish. You can knock someones health down to half in any bracket. Its your choice if you want to sign up or not and really, if your not signed up why would he care about your opinion?

I fully understand his point.

It's a little silly trying to get the flag across the field while being Chaos Bolted, Eviscerated, Obliterated, Kill Commanded for six figures a pop, but the kind of restrictions he's talking about will take time and resources for people to put together.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't, I'm just saying it's short notice for this event, why not just give it a go for shits'n'giggles.
Twinking has always been about gearing to limits. If you don't like what Sushi is doing here, don't sign up. Its his event not yours. You can bring up your point but sitting here arguing is childish. You can knock someones health down to half in any bracket. Its your choice if you want to sign up or not and really, if your not signed up why would he care about your opinion?

okay that's fine if that's how you think because then obviously this event is for you. this event is not for people who care about having balanced games.

the bottom line is that (sorry to bring this up again) i've done this with several different things including tournaments AND the exact event they are planning, and each time it has been successful. considering that experience you'd think that maybe my opinion on how to fix this might be somewhat valued but apparently not. i'm not even going to participate i'm just trying to help out because i appreciate the fact that they are actually trying to do something for the bracket.

so with that being said, they can do things however they want. maybe it will survive a couple weeks. maybe a couple months. maybe it won't even happen. i know one thing for sure though, it's not going to be nearly as enjoyable as it could be without restrictions and rules, and i feel sorry for everyone participating for that reason alone.
it's not like everyone has to farm another complete set of gear. simply banning alch trinkets/sun lutes would be a huge improvement
Twinking has always been about gearing to limits. If you don't like what Sushi is doing here, don't sign up. Its his event not yours. You can bring up your point but sitting here arguing is childish. You can knock someones health down to half in any bracket. Its your choice if you want to sign up or not and really, if your not signed up why would he care about your opinion?

You can't play competitive/fun games in the upper brackets of twinking without gear restriction, that's how it was for 70s and that's how it is for 85's. Also, last I checked the draft nights were a community event for all those in the bracket so rated bgs actually happened regularly. Nobody can really sit here and deny that mop gear would make these games retarded.
is anybody streaming the games?

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