80s? 84s?


Say, you made a level 80 twink and queued for a BG... would it pop other than organised games? (US servers)
Another quick question, are there many 84s in this bracket? I dislike the idea of vsing a character 4 levels above me.
Old 80 twinks are pointless now, every core member of <Doesnt Like You> has decided to level to 85 because 1. We have every single 10/25 raid achievement for Ulduar/ICC/TGC and secondary 80 twinks to keep in the bracket and 2. 84s in BiS have about 200-250k health and hit for about 10-20k (BiS 80 twinks have about 50k health)

and yes, there are many 84s, there's at least one per game, and I would say typically more than one per game.
They are able to be dealt with, if you are in MoP gear, if not I do wish you luck.
Many many days play-time of experience.
Ex-80 twink mage
Ex-80 twink priest (I actually just got him restored and geared him in full BoEs because I deleted him)
Soon to be Ex-80 Death Knight Didn't quite get her BiS before MoP, as I was doing it quit half-ass'edly
Soon to be Ex-80 Warlock (Same thing as what happened with my priest, just got him restored a few days ago after clearing him and deleting him)

80 twink warrior Not sure if I want to keep her 80 and get her Shadowmourne and just keep her 80 for the sake of it, or level her to max. Still contemplating.
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:l Splosion couldn't be more right, as for Robert the Druid i haven't got a frigging clue what hes yammering on about the fact we can get up to 85% resil+ and secondary stats easily above the 100% mark we have and always will thrash 81-84's in pve and pvp, Their hp means jack shit when they cant hit you for more than 2k and your dishing our 200k executes.
You really couldn't be more wrong. But hey, DLY has been trying to be right for quite a while without much success.
Also keep in mind I've been in this bracket long enough when people even hinted we should roll to 85 to do Cata end-game content I didn't continue my theorycrafting with the 80s any longer, which wasn't many days out of MoP.
But hey, surely someone with a few 80s I've never heard of can know what I've, or we've, been up with with much success.

:l Splosion couldn't be more right, as for Robert the Druid i haven't got a frigging clue what hes yammering on about the fact we can get up to 85% resil+ and secondary stats easily above the 100% mark we have and always will thrash 81-84's in pve and pvp, Their hp means jack shit when they cant hit you for more than 2k and your dishing our 200k executes.
I'm yammering on about how we've grown tired of the 80 bracket, which I talked about in my yammering post, and we've decided to move up a group as we've gotten everything out of the 80 bracket as we want. I also included how I was contemplating keeping my warrior at 80 for the sake of her being an 80 to continue further theorycrafting.

But yes, this bracket has and always will be riddled with 84s, and they are a nuisance at 80 regardless of how white-knighty you want to get about it.

many 84s in bgs? makes me wanna play again to own these scums!

I agree and disagree, I felt that way an expansion ago when I had stopped leveling my mage half way to 81 to transfer him to Kargath and faction change him to join <DLY> but after a few years of stomping some 84s and then getting stomped by some (I'd say typically blood death knights with healers back when vengeance was available to them) It just got a bit old having X amount of games lost solely due to the fact they had some bullshit 84 premade.

But I think the bottom of it all was my fault, I rolled a mage as my 80 twink without realizing how overpowered they were, as I was trying to roll around as fire (I was terrible at fire, I still am terrible at fire) but when I switched to Frost (long after I was dedicated towards my mage being my main 80) I rolled over everything in my path.

So I got rather bored of the bracket, on top of having every achievement available in raiding (Except I think a few 10 mans I can probably just go solo or bring a 90 friend along with to finish up) So I rolled up a bracket, I believe I'm keep my warrior at 80 though.

Edit: Oh, and being first in line for the legendary staff is a bit of a plus, I s'pose.
Since being Feral on my main I was neglected the chance of every having a possibility of getting it. Q.Q
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Also keep in mind I've been in this bracket long enough when people even hinted we should roll to 85 to do Cata end-game content I didn't continue my theorycrafting with the 80s any longer, which wasn't many days out of MoP.
But hey, surely someone with a few 80s I've never heard of can know what I've, or we've, been up with with much success.
You've clearly been so active in this bracket, one that I've had a heavy part of the theorycrafting. I said DLY have been doing it wrong for some time, and I a right in this regard. Saying that I'm someone you've never seen because you've not been frequenting the bracket's forums on this website (which, if I am to understand correctly is the biggest website in the world for twinking), seems to me like you don't actually know very much at all.

I'm yammering on about how we've grown tired of the 80 bracket, which I talked about in my yammering post, and we've decided to move up a group as we've gotten everything out of the 80 bracket as we want. I also included how I was contemplating keeping my warrior at 80 for the sake of her being an 80 to continue further theorycrafting.

But yes, this bracket has and always will be riddled with 84s, and they are a nuisance at 80 regardless of how white-knighty you want to get about it.
See here's the thing. You don't twink to get everything out of a bracket that you want. The 10s, 19s, 29s etc brackets would be exhausted rather quickly if this was the case (it's not the case, so you're again wrong on this count). If you get tired, it's likely because you can't succeed in it, or that something you play has been horribly nerfed beyond use (See Death knights in the 60s and 70s brackets).

I agree and disagree, I felt that way an expansion ago when I had stopped leveling my mage half way to 81 to transfer him to Kargath and faction change him to join <DLY> but after a few years of stomping some 84s and then getting stomped by some (I'd say typically blood death knights with healers back when vengeance was available to them) It just got a bit old having X amount of games lost solely due to the fact they had some bullshit 84 premade.
You're complaining about blood dks in the 80s bracket? They've never done much damage, with vengeance or without. The exception to the rule is 84, which apparently you're rolling because you can't succeed at 80, when you're playing a mage against a melee class (80 mages were juggernaut's of damage, don't even try and deny that fact)

So I got rather bored of the bracket, on top of having every achievement available in raiding (Except I think a few 10 mans I can probably just go solo or bring a 90 friend along with to finish up) So I rolled up a bracket, I believe I'm keep my warrior at 80 though.
Half of us have that, and some even invented their own achievements to make the content fun again. You're just saying that exhausting the raid content means there's nothing to do beyond that in a twink bracket. Again, you're wrong in that regard (see 10s, 19s, etc as I've previously mentioned)

Edit: Oh, and being first in line for the legendary staff is a bit of a plus, I s'pose.
Since being Feral on my main I was neglected the chance of every having a possibility of getting it. Q.Q
Both a feral and a boomkin (plus several alts) got the staff during cataclysm. What excuse are you going to have for this?

Ah well, good riddance to you. Just take your chars to 85 (or 89 if you can't manage 85s) and begone from this bracket that you clearly never really had enough heart for in the first place.

in saying this i have spent the last 3-4 days reforging/enchanting and endless item rotations to Theorycraft my DK.. frost and blood. Blood DK's put out no where as near as much as frost. im 2 shotting most lvl 84's in Mop Gear.

And IMO, The bad's are the ones that level past ie 74's and 84's. you get them in arena's and there useless
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TBH, everyone rolls a 84. and there is nothing more satisfying then killing them on your 80 twink

Really ? I was 80 but i went 84 just for fun , I have yet have a 80 Solo me In the past month its been quite the contrary takes about 5-6 or more to kill me I've been 84 and Im only in the Panda Greens at the moment . I keep seeing people raving about how much better 80 is then 84 because of Scaling but sofar i have only came across 80 Arena Master Healers that are hard to kill but i dont have Any Real Silence or stun .
In this regard. Saying that I'm someone you've never seen because you've not been frequenting the bracket's forums on this website (which, if I am to understand correctly is the biggest website in the world for twinking), seems to me like you don't actually know very much at all.
In this regard, I checked your signature and did not recognize any of your characters, all of who seem fairly unplayed in pvp, and I had not seen you in pvp, nor went against you in arenas, so I have not seen you.
I could not care much less about the forums or your theorycrafting, I played the game, did my own theorycrafting, and I didn't get a post count. <3

You don't twink to get everything out of a bracket that you want. The 10s, 19s, 29s etc brackets would be exhausted rather quickly if this was the case (it's not the case, so you're again wrong on this count). If you get tired, it's likely because you can't succeed in it, or that something you play has been horribly nerfed beyond use (See Death knights in the 60s and 70s brackets).
Obviously it's not about achievements, and obviously the lower brackets would be exhausted quickly if it were, and if you were to read what I said I made a reference to how I made an uneducated guess at having my mage be my level 80 twink, and you're wrongly on the other side of the spectrum, it was too easy to play this bracket for me. I was a frost mage, I shatter comboed everything for a bare minimal of double its health. (Exaggerating for effect, as you seem to love to take things out of context)

You're complaining about blood dks in the 80s bracket? They've never done much damage, with vengeance or without. The exception to the rule is 84, which apparently you're rolling because you can't succeed at 80, when you're playing a mage against a melee class (80 mages were juggernaut's of damage, don't even try and deny that fact)
I fail to see why you typed this up, I specified 84 blood death knights, and again towards the end I fail to see why you typed it, as I've made many references in that first post as well as this one as to how I unknowingly picked a "juggernaut of damage".

But, to prove you wrong.
Here is a video of me and a couple guild mates, you can see some example of the damage I put up 0:00-0:30 and then how long it takes my damage and, I believe, three other people to take down an 84 death knight who was nowhere near BiS, as he only had 120k health, and again at 4:40, and then him against two frost mages at 5:40, his health does not budge here, despite being up against two "juggernauts"
and no, he didn't pop his AMS and we were just casting at him like "HURRRRRR Y U NO TAYK DAMMIJ?"

He just did not take damage.


Half of us have that, and some even invented their own achievements to make the content fun again. You're just saying that exhausting the raid content means there's nothing to do beyond that in a twink bracket. Again, you're wrong in that regard (see 10s, 19s, etc as I've previously mentioned)
See above, as I continue to fail at figuring out why you've typed this up as I've stated it was mainly because I was maining a mage and I'm most likely keeping my warrior in the 80 bracket.

Both a feral and a boomkin (plus several alts) got the staff during cataclysm. What excuse are you going to have for this?

Ah well, good riddance to you. Just take your chars to 85 (or 89 if you can't manage 85s) and begone from this bracket that you clearly never really had enough heart for in the first place.
Yes, senior year in high school living by myself, that means school 8am to 3pm, work 3:30ishpm to 9 to 10ish pm, not an excuse, it's a thing that life throws at you.

and again, I continue to fail to see why you added your snippy comment to the end, as I've said I was strongly considering keeping my warrior at 80.

So I guess since you're picking a big bad internet fight over how you have a big post count, it's your move I guess?

Edit: and to add to your comment, the lower brackets would not be exhausted at any point as now they would be completely pointless if it was all about achievements, as they have no raids and nothing available to them that 60/70/80 twinks would not/do not.
If I were leveling because of the whole hearted fact that I have all the achievements my 70 rogue, 70 shaman, 70 death knight, 60 warrior, 49 balance druid, and 24 monk would be leveling as well, yet their experience is still canceled and is staying canceled.

Except maybe the Shaman, but that's for different reasons.
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In this regard, I checked your signature and did not recognize any of your characters, all of who seem fairly unplayed in pvp, and I had not seen you in pvp, nor went against you in arenas, so I have not seen you.
I could not care much less about the forums or your theorycrafting, I played the game, did my own theorycrafting, and I didn't get a post count. <3
Lulz, you are so blind you haven't even seen that I'm not in your region. Nice touch about the post count, your theorycrafting isn't really worth much when it involves reforging a few times and dummy DPSing. That's a bad attempt at optimisation, not theorycrafting.

Obviously it's not about achievements, and obviously the lower brackets would be exhausted quickly if it were, and if you were to read what I said I made a reference to how I made an uneducated guess at having my mage be my level 80 twink, and you're wrongly on the other side of the spectrum, it was too easy to play this bracket for me. I was a frost mage, I shatter comboed everything for a bare minimal of double its health. (Exaggerating for effect, as you seem to love to take things out of context)
Yes, and what did you do when you found out frost was too easy. Did you try anything else? Or did you stay complaining that you're too Op, whilst globaling everything in sight like every twink mage I met in BGs during season 9 through season 11.

I've been playing a holy paladin in PvP at 80 for the entire expansion. It's fun getting me or my partners killed in any single CC, it really is. Oh wait, it isn't. Yet I'm still playing. You're moaning because you're too strong, and yet all your other chars you've barely put any effort into anyway. Seems to me you like being OP.

I fail to see why you typed this up, I specified 84 blood death knights, and again towards the end I fail to see why you typed it, as I've made many references in that first post as well as this one as to how I unknowingly picked a "juggernaut of damage".

But, to prove you wrong.
Here is a video of me and a couple guild mates, you can see some example of the damage I put up 0:00-0:30 and then how long it takes my damage and, I believe, three other people to take down an 84 death knight who was nowhere near BiS, as he only had 120k health, and again at 4:40, and then him against two frost mages at 5:40, his health does not budge here, despite being up against two "juggernauts"
and no, he didn't pop his AMS and we were just casting at him like "HURRRRRR Y U NO TAYK DAMMIJ?"

He just did not take damage.

[DLY] 80 Twink Frost Mage - Critin' like it's my job - YouTube
Wait wait, so you're showing me a video of you lance spamming (not exactly the highest damage a frost mage can put out), and you're saying it takes you a lot of time to take out an 84 dk who has the following:

1. AMS up when you start attacking him. It's not for long, but it's there.
2. IBF up when you're nuking him (better than AMS for the 80s bracket, as it doesn't drop off after some damage)
3. Having you spamming a crappy damage spell for the spec into him (Hurrr durr why don't you cast something that isn't ice lance)

As I said, looks like you love being OP, and also have no idea what you're doing. If you watch your own UI at 4:40, you'll see he uses AMS and IBF to survive there too. Ice lance spam doesn't kill everything, especially when it has more than twice their normal health (thus managing to survive your damage) and a 50% damage reduction cooldown (in addition to a 25% one at <30%, and various others from spec). You clearly don't know what you were fighting, or even how to kill a blood dk in the first place.

See above, as I continue to fail at figuring out why you've typed this up as I've stated it was mainly because I was maining a mage and I'm most likely keeping my warrior in the 80 bracket.
So you're not maining a mage why? Because mages aren't as OP as they were (sans mop gear, or playing fire, which apparently you're bad at). I'm failing to figure out why you're keeping a warrior in this bracket, rather than leaving it completely.

Yes, senior year in high school living by myself, that means school 8am to 3pm, work 3:30ishpm to 9 to 10ish pm, not an excuse, it's a thing that life throws at you.

and again, I continue to fail to see why you added your snippy comment to the end, as I've said I was strongly considering keeping my warrior at 80.

So I guess since you're picking a big bad internet fight over how you have a big post count, it's your move I guess?
I'll add whatever the hell I like. Firelands takes 2 hours per week, pretty sure you would've found time for that. Oh wait, you were busy making ice lance spam videos. Nevermind. As I said, the guys in my guild got them on alts or offspecs, stuff they put the effort into making. You lacked said effort, so you lack said reward.

As for the picking a fight on the internet, if you want to stroll into the 80s bracket and start spouting stuff that is just plain wrong, I'll defend it. Don't like that? Then I suggest you leave. It's not a matter of ego here, you're just being an ass making such statements.

Edit: and to add to your comment, the lower brackets would not be exhausted at any point as now they would be completely pointless if it was all about achievements, as they have no raids and nothing available to them that 60/70/80 twinks would not/do not.
If I were leveling because of the whole hearted fact that I have all the achievements my 70 rogue, 70 shaman, 70 death knight, 60 warrior, 49 balance druid, and 24 monk would be leveling as well, yet their experience is still canceled and is staying canceled.

Except maybe the Shaman, but that's for different reasons.
Wait wait, I love this quote right here. "Lower brackets aren't pointless if it was all about achievements", right after "I'm leaving the 80s bracket because I have all the achievements". Neat that you've got every achievement possible on two level 70s and a level 60. That must have taken a very long time (7.5k achievements+ on 70s, and closing on 6k at 60)

Awesomeyo, wtb your comments on this guy. This is the most amusing this bracket has gotten in a while. Pity the thread will get locked eventually.
I'll add whatever the hell I like. Firelands takes 2 hours per week, pretty sure you would've found time for that.
Ah, see, you've already forgotten what you noticed and I did not, you're on EU and I'm on US.
It must be a luxury clearing Firelands in two hours, lucky you.
It took Dawnbringer (Aptly named Failbringer by a very large majority of its residents) three to four hours sometimes even more to clear Firelands in most guild groups, and upwards in most PuG groups.
I had forfeit my main tanking spot in my guild group when I had to go to school and work for so many hours, and I would like to point out you're telling me to spend two hours of my eight hours of sleep and one hour of leisure playing a video game for a orange texted staff.
That speaks volumes about you, I literally laughed out loud.

Wait wait, I love this quote right here. "Lower brackets aren't pointless if it was all about achievements", right after "I'm leaving the 80s bracket because I have all the achievements".
I find it cute how you couldn't make it through a reply post without forgetting the contents you're replying to, and I'll leave it at that, because if you don't have the mental capacity to figure it out, why bother? :3
and on that note I'll take my leave as this is quite childish and you're consistently unaware of half the things you're replying to, plus why feed your epeen by allowing that number to grow larger specifically because of me?

I do want to thank you, the fact I have seven minutes of footage, most of which hit multiple points of mine home and prove multitudes of yours wrong and your only retorts are "ERMAGERD U URSED ERCE LERCE ERT TER BERGERNING" was probably the greatest laugh I had all day.

Good-day to you sir.
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cant lie, i would say about 90% of this robert has been dishing it out like a madman and it just seems like splosion is just trying to stay in a fight hes obviously lost lol
Ah, see, you've already forgotten what you noticed and I did not, you're on EU and I'm on US.
It must be a luxury clearing Firelands in two hours, lucky you.
It took Dawnbringer (Aptly named Failbringer by a very large majority of its residents) three to four hours sometimes even more to clear Firelands in most guild groups, and upwards in most PuG groups.
I had forfeit my main tanking spot in my guild group when I had to go to school and work for so many hours, and I would like to point out you're telling me to spend two hours of my eight hours of sleep and one hour of leisure playing a video game for a orange texted staff.
That speaks volumes about you, I literally laughed out loud.
That sounds like a lot of excuses, since you're playing a game that does require some amount of time commitment. Pity you chose such a useless realm.

I find it cute how you couldn't make it through a reply post without forgetting the contents you're replying to, and I'll leave it at that, because if you don't have the mental capacity to figure it out, why bother? :3
and on that note I'll take my leave as this is quite childish and you're consistently unaware of half the things you're replying to, plus why feed your epeen by allowing that number to grow larger specifically because of me?

I do want to thank you, the fact I have seven minutes of footage, most of which hit multiple points of mine home and prove multitudes of yours wrong and your only retorts are "ERMAGERD U URSED ERCE LERCE ERT TER BERGERNING" was probably the greatest laugh I had all day.

Good-day to you sir.

Let's see. You were talking about a Blood dk being "unkillable" (that is, something that doesn't die in a shatter combo, or even two). 7 minutes looks a lot like a single BG (that video is nothing special. Sure you weren't lancing the whole thing, but there was a lot of the stereo-typical jump-lance spamming the everyday frost mage does), and when you found you couldn't kill an 84 blood dk when he's sat Death-striking things (Who'd have thunk it?), you ran off to find easier prey.

All I've seen is that you take what I say, then turn it into all-caps, then post it as a retort.

and on that note I'll take my leave as this is quite childish and you're consistently unaware of half the things you're replying to, plus why feed your epeen by allowing that number to grow larger specifically because of me?
Sure thing. I've responded in kind to everything you've posted, so take it however you wish. I think you may want to learn some reading comprehension if you decide to come back.
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Funny shit here.

an 84 DK was just easy as every other 84(except hunters :D), Nova, Deepfreeze so he can't use his CD's and after that just a CS and he died.

but anyway, this was Patch 4.2(?).


for me, 84s are easier now even they have full MoP Gear, i played some games with Full Resil Gear(1,6k Resil, 80% Reduce) and some with full MoP and they are both good - But you MUST Reforge to Hit since Blizz was just so stupid and changed the Hit Rating % Against higher levels(17% Hit on my Mage and still Missing against 84s).

btw. The best DPS Class in the 80-84 bracket is the Ret Paladin, doing 110k DPS only selfbuffed with Mastery pot is just Insane.

Drmabusoxd @ Die Aldor - Community - World of Warcraft is the gear etc.

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