@tomxoqt i think for the community, or the majority at least, twink is 70. At least in this bracket.
I think u play 79 to kill everything. And only 79 twink can give u problems.
But in this bracket, as u can see, u dont meet lot of 79. Isn t it?
U keep alive the bracket?
Im not sure...when 1 ally hunter can kill 6 hordes or when a 79 horde shammy can kill half or more ally raid... you r saying "M8, stop queueing bg or u ll die".
For me "keep alive the bracket" it s not this.
About the "fair"....
My gear give me advantage, sure.
But i play in the bottom of the bracket and lot of levellers r 75+.
The extra talent and extra stama make a leveller harder to kill, doing a "little" balance with my gear.
In your position, as 79hunter, how a leveller can kill u?
Maybe my english is bad but i know the meaning of "hypocrite", as i know u dont know the right moment to use that word.
@Outofspace nothing to add.