70's Armory Vault

What about Dogmode,Shelbyz,Sparklystars,Semiprolol,Naroxx and Lancegodx ? I'm Dogmode the Priest from Aegwynn. I was the highest and ,,legit" rated 70s Player of all time. I was 2.540 Rated as Dpriest. Well Vapriest is not even decent in my opion. I farmed him every game we meet him also 3v3 he played with dblrogue/priest and we beat him like 5-1 or something as Ppally/Dlock and Dpriest. Best Rogue 70s bracket is absolutely Shelbyz. Half Members of these Guilds are trash. Just sayin.
Btw sry for my bad english.
Maybe you could use another lock as it seems we dont have alot of them.

Goldenberg @ Darksorrow - Community - World of Warcraft

I usually play Demo but sometimes Destro for funs and BG, i hope i can help and inspire more locks and other none fotm classes so we can see a more variation inside BGs and Arenas.
What about Dogmode,Shelbyz,Sparklystars,Semiprolol,Naroxx and Lancegodx ? I'm Dogmode the Priest from Aegwynn. I was the highest and ,,legit" rated 70s Player of all time. I was 2.540 Rated as Dpriest. Well Vapriest is not even decent in my opion. I farmed him every game we meet him also 3v3 he played with dblrogue/priest and we beat him like 5-1 or something as Ppally/Dlock and Dpriest. Best Rogue 70s bracket is absolutely Shelbyz. Half Members of these Guilds are trash. Just sayin.
Btw sry for my bad english.

English is fine :D Sad to say i don't recall you at all :( Too bad that 3s stat is hella far out as we lost less than 10 games in total, i think i'd remember if we lost over half to you :p

I believe the thread is about updated characters - shelby and semiprolol i would agree with but i haven't seen any of the others you listed. PS me and yow were 2600, not that it matters.
[MENTION=14829]dogform[/MENTION] you don't even know who I am or what comb I played so please shut the fck up )))))))) [MENTION=6781]Vapriest[/MENTION] I remember that we won every game vs you in 2v2. We lost some games 3v3 cause tripletazik+dblrogue is fine :) We played like 3-2 or something in 3v3 vs you. My mate (warlock) wasn't even good geared or had tazik. And yeah I heared you guys wintraded so you get the 2.600 rating. I played legit on 2.5 mmr vs sparklystar and shelbyz.
This is semiprolol(I heared he disband his currently 2v2 team on 2480 rating 270-6 or something.:Semiprolol @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft
This is Shelbyz Priest (he is inactive atm @rogue): Shelbyx @ Destromath - Community - World of Warcraft

PS: I can post 100 screenshoots here. I farmed you so often in Arena. Anyways I don't care anymore.
dogform you don't even know who I am or what comb I played so please shut the fck up )))))))) Vapriest I remember that we won every game vs you in 2v2. We lost some games 3v3 cause tripletazik+dblrogue is fine :) We played like 3-2 or something in 3v3 vs you. My mate (warlock) wasn't even good geared or had tazik. And yeah I heared you guys wintraded so you get the 2.600 rating. I played legit on 2.5 mmr vs sparklystar and shelbyz.
This is semiprolol(I heared he disband his currently 2v2 team on 2480 rating 270-6 or something.:Semiprolol @ Stormscale - Community - World of Warcraft
This is Shelbyz Priest (he is inactive atm @rogue): Shelbyx @ Destromath - Community - World of Warcraft

PS: I can post 100 screenshoots here. I farmed you so often in Arena. Anyways I don't care anymore.

I can't be bothered arguing and derailing this thread but you clearly haven't rofl. #1 we have never been "farmed" by anyone, we've always had more wins than losses against any team. #2 None of us had taziks and your comp by the sounds of things counters double rogue, BoP > Blind prot pala yo. We never wintraded in 2s, we farmed sparkly and cyber 6-2 to get to 2600 from 2520~ - something most high players know.

Please do send me screenshots via PM as to not derail the thread, it's nice to know you idolise me by taking them though :)
If you could move my Chardev into the Survival category I think it would be much more fitting; I found that gear to me bore successful as Surv and need to play around with PvP Power/AP numbers to find an optimal setup for MM :3

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