Hey, so I'm making a funsies twink at 70. Probably be mostly brutal gear since I've got a couple hundred of those marks stashed away with whatever random Sunwell gear I come across from buying runs.
Very casual indeed- actually, I'm mostly making it so I can burn through northrend loremaster and finish up outlands, with some wpvp/arenas.
So the question is, what's the power difference between wars and DKs? I took a year+ break that just ended a couple months ago so I honestly have no idea. I get the feeling that DKs are weak now, but if that's not the case, I'll probably just roll a DK rather than level a war. Will a twinked 70 DK be able to demolish level 80 levelers the way I assume a war would?
Very casual indeed- actually, I'm mostly making it so I can burn through northrend loremaster and finish up outlands, with some wpvp/arenas.
So the question is, what's the power difference between wars and DKs? I took a year+ break that just ended a couple months ago so I honestly have no idea. I get the feeling that DKs are weak now, but if that's not the case, I'll probably just roll a DK rather than level a war. Will a twinked 70 DK be able to demolish level 80 levelers the way I assume a war would?