US 70 Twink guild or home realm Updates (OLD) 70-79 guild recruitment thread for NEW


TBC Classic
"That Seventies Show" has been an alliance Bleeding hollow guild since early WoD and is looking to become a home guild for 70s looking to join a server or guild. This stemmed from an increase in twinks curious as to where they should make a twink or have a new home for their older ones etc.

Picture was taken at 5:47 am lol

GM: TheMango#11450
Main twink: Blackberryy
Guild: "That Seventies Show"/Bleeding Hollow/Alliance

What it has to offer?
What are we looking for?
  • 70 twinks looking for a home realm and guild
  • New to 70 players that are willing to try it out and play with us to make a larger better community.
  • New system for rewarding Proffession grinding, 5k per proffession 450 currently!!!
  • Core raiders and PvPers willing to put in the time and effort to help score kills on raid content and to create a carry group for new twinks to allow for guild carries and not higher level toon carries, along with grinding BGs in a 5 man group and for arena events, WPVP events, and dueling tourneys.
Update: we have these evnts in place along with BG teams, and Raid teams.
UPDATE:Carry group for raids has been created

(Main Goal is to create as stated above a carry group for raids) , will allow for more guild involvement and allowing for more activity in the bracket. Also will be prizes for events in pvp and timed raid runs.


I have been twinking 70 since very late TBC right before WotLK where my level was capped at 70 since I didn't buy WotLK. Since that time I have been learning and exploring all the content that was available to me including questing zones, reputation grinds, Patterns, Enchants, Gems and Small little things that help set twinks apart from other players. Every expansion since then has offered new content, which i have explored to the best of my time and ability. I have cleared every raid multiple times in all 70 groups in respective expansions and even had the opportunity to do ICC 10 man in a raid group of 70s. Through the years i have met great players that have enjoyed twinking as much as i do. Sadly most of these players have quit the game or leveled out of the bracket after rating was disabled at this level. So like im saying above, looking to fill this bracket back up and make a great community to try and rival the old days (possible, but far off).

Please pm me or comment on this post with any interest or questions! Or add my btag ^^^
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"That Seventies Show" has been an alliance Bleeding hollow guild since early WoD and is looking to become a home guild for 70s looking to join a server or guild. This stemmed from an increase in twinks curious as to where they should make a twink or have a new home for their older ones etc.

GM: TheMango#11450
Main twink: Blackberryy
Guild: "That Seventies Show"/Bleeding Hollow/Alliance

What it has to offer?
What are we looking for?
  • 70 twinks looking for a home realm and guild
  • New to 70 players that are willing to try it out and play with us to make a larger better community.
  • ALCHEMIST!!!!! we have 2 alchemists on this realm but neither of them are 70, so as I said up above we like to be self-sustaining!
  • Core raiders and PvPers willing to put in the time and effort to help score kills on raid content and to create a carry group for new twinks to allow for guild carries and not higher level toon carries, along with grinding BGs in a 5 man group and for arena events, WPVP events, and dueling tourneys.
Main Goal is to create as stated above a carry group for raids, will allow for more guild involvement and allowing for more activity in the bracket. Also will be prizes for events in pvp and timed raid runs.
View attachment 6383

I have been twinking 70 since very late TBC right before WotLK where my level was capped at 70 since I didn't buy WotLK. Since that time I have been learning and exploring all the content that was available to me including questing zones, reputation grinds, Patterns, Enchants, Gems and Small little things that help set twinks apart from other players. Every expansion since then has offered new content, which i have explored to the best of my time and ability. I have cleared every raid multiple times in all 70 groups in respective expansions and even had the opportunity to do ICC 10 man in a raid group of 70s. Through the years i have met great players that have enjoyed twinking as much as i do. Sadly most of these players have quit the game or leveled out of the bracket after rating was disabled at this level. So like im saying above, looking to fill this bracket back up and make a great community to try and rival the old days (possible, but far off).

Please pm me or comment on this post with any interest or questions! Or add my btag ^^^
Funny, exactly how I got into 70 twinking. Povo little 12 y.o, couldn't afford wotlk XD
Are you still playing? I was considering making a 70 twink again. Currently leveling a disc priest on stormrage alliance, and found your post after looking up the 50 project other old projects I was in lol. Im gonna plan on making a 70 twink and buy the nec. gear (spellstrike and such) let me know if you are still active. I added your btag just in case.
@Anuel Add my btag in-game. It is Trithis#1791. I am in Blackberryy's guild, and we have been very active lately. We do battlegrounds, arenas, wargames, and even raids. We're hosting some raids today at 4:00p.m. E.T. I will help get you involved in any 70 events and activites that you are interested in!
Does the horde version of this exist?
Arn't you that ugly orc rogue (drmango) that called me "faggot" for no reason..I presume cause I was a 79 twink not sure...wouldn't join a guild with a GM that goes around calling people names...GL
Cool, I sent you guys a message and I will be getting my priest over there soon. Gonna be Disc, and I have the whitemend/spellstrike sets... think its the spellstrike... Idr lol but give me some time and I will be ready soon.
Cool, I sent you guys a message and I will be getting my priest over there soon. Gonna be Disc, and I have the whitemend/spellstrike sets... think its the spellstrike... Idr lol but give me some time and I will be ready soon.
glad to have you!
Arn't you that ugly orc rogue (drmango) that called me "flower" for no reason..I presume cause I was a 79 twink not sure...wouldn't join a guild with a GM that goes around calling people names...GL
noone cares about 79s in the community, so why would anyone care what i called you? Gl still losing with more abilitys and stats :)
good point, being 2017, he does have every right to a safe space and free abortions.

Last I checked you were the one throwing insults at random people you know nothing about and making assumptions on what kind of people we are.

Seems kind of similar to the people wearing all black clothes and masks covering their faces to me. You can have your "safe space" from the big bad 79s with war games in your "community" if you'd like.

Or if you'd like we can have a civil discussion in Skype like normal people. There's no reason to have all this hatred flying around in a dead bracket.
Last I checked you were the one throwing insults at random people you know nothing about and making assumptions on what kind of people we are.

Seems kind of similar to the people wearing all black clothes and masks covering their faces to me. You can have your "safe space" from the big bad 79s with war games in your "community" if you'd like.

Or if you'd like we can have a civil discussion in Skype like normal people. There's no reason to have all this hatred flying around in a dead bracket.
ive never liked 79, noone really has that plays 70. im not uncivil, i have tons of friends on my btag that play 79 and i pay them no mind. if youre getting upset that i throw insults at random 79 twinks in bgs and open world, you in fact need the safe space.

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