70 Rbg FC discussion.


Yo guys.

I was wondering is this BiS fc set for 70 warrior chardev 9 2x sonics because they give mad health, like 1.1k per trinket and im using 2x t6 for 4k command shout which is also undispellable so i will be sitting at +22k selfbuffed.

I'd like to know why many people say dk is better fc than warrior?
Okay, good things about warrior i can find -

- Non dispellable 3-4k stamina buff for raid. (commanding shout with 2x t6 bonus)
-Many stuns, example with shockweave u can stun multiple people for 4 seconds.
-Many silences, example heroic throw silence mage when he pop cds
-60% shield wall(glyphed), 20 secspell reflect helps, last stand is ok, shield block also reduces 20% magic dmg for 6 sec. I think warrior have little weaker cds than dk
-disarm yo
oh and dk can get sap spammed when he walking with flag, warrior can just berserk rage it :)
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Okay, good things about warrior i can find -

- Non dispellable 3-4k stamina buff for raid. (commanding shout with 2x t6 bonus)
-Many stuns, example with shockweave u can stun multiple people for 4 seconds.
-Many silences, example heroic throw silence mage when he pop cds
-60% shield wall(glyphed), 20 secspell reflect helps, last stand is ok, shield block also reduces 20% magic dmg for 6 sec. I think warrior have little weaker cds than dk

oh and dk can get sap spammed when he walking with flag, warrior can just berserk rage it :)

Why you so clever!?
Stamina is useful but you have no way of getting out of stuns and silences. selfhealing is also pretty bad as is the damage. Prot warr relies on having dps'ers defending him for any attackers to die, dk doesn't.

Warrior is possibly only better in non-flag carrying bgs, but then the blood dk is better than prot as frost imo. Seen a few prot warr's around in these bgs though, seemed ok.
When my guild participated in RBGs we would often use a prot warrior fcer ;) with the right team coordination it can just as effective.
Yo guys.

I was wondering is this BiS fc set for 70 warrior chardev 9 2x sonics because they give mad health, like 1.1k per trinket and im using 2x t6 for 4k command shout which is also undispellable so i will be sitting at +22k selfbuffed.

I'd like to know why many people say dk is better fc than warrior?

im not sure if this is good, but i belive there are a shield with 2x sockets? would get some more resi then. as mentioned - no idea if its good
When we did RBGs with a warrior we just had him to peel for our FC, warriors has alot less defensive abilities then dks but still really good peels (if prot).
Played few rbgs as prot today and good experience so far.

I was just wondering what is good point to start stacking stam? Is 40% resi enough then go all way stamina and have like 25k hp?

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