+7 relics for artifact weapons

Relic drops are dependent on zone, so you'll need to find a spot to target the ones you're after. I've been farming Azsuna murlocs with a lvl 24 and only have a bunch of Storm relics for example. I also got a lvl 19 +7 Frost relic from a lockbox that dropped from murlocs, was unlocked by a 50 rogue and opened by a lvl 24. Not sure if that was luck or if lockbox loot is linked to drop location.

(Best I could do for a filter to find them all)

Based on the wowhead drop tables:

Azsuna: Storm, Frost

Val'Sharah: Life, Shadow

Highmountain: Fel, Iron

Stormheim: Holy, Blood

Suramar: Fire, Arcane
to add in:

lockboxes drop ALL zone relics, just unlock them on a rogue and open them on a 24-25.

suramar ones can't be obtained by any other means but lockbox afaik

dual +7 is only ilvl 34.

i don't think they can upgrade.

farm hyperspawns. just don't come on my layer ;)

to add in:

lockboxes drop ALL zone relics, just unlock them on a rogue and open them on a 24-25.

suramar ones can't be obtained by any other means but lockbox afaik

dual +7 is only ilvl 34.

i don't think they can upgrade.

farm hyperspawns. just don't come on my layer ;)

View attachment 17438
ahh man. really wanted to enchant this bow with something a little more interesting than a +2 scope. thanks for the info!
Keep a lookout on your AH.. Might take a while to see one.. Farming is really wasting your time I think

Relics dropped at every lvl.. Including lvl1 lololol it's so cute when I first saw a lvl1 relic
to add in:

lockboxes drop ALL zone relics, just unlock them on a rogue and open them on a 24-25.

suramar ones can't be obtained by any other means but lockbox afaik

dual +7 is only ilvl 34.

i don't think they can upgrade.

farm hyperspawns. just don't come on my layer ;)

View attachment 17438

Can you recommend a specific hyperspawn? I personally have been using the moonvale/moonclaw clan or whatever it's called and I've had okay success but nothing along the lines of what others are saying they're having.
I got a green Rite of the Valkyr from a trash mob in Stormheim earlier today. dropped on my 24. Seems to match with above though its green

I've been killing random Stormheim mobs on my lvl 24.

I've been at it for 3-4 hours.

So far I've found 0 relics.

But I did find x31 BoE iLvl 28 gear. 4 of which rolled with a socket, 2 of which rolled with good stats.
Just verifying that you can get Arcane and Fire relics from lock boxes. I opened 70 boxes and got 1 of each, so they are going to be pretty damn rare (as in pain in the ass to farm), but doable.


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Probably an increased respawn rate so people can get them done quick, assumingly without dead-time.

I was farming the murlocs in aszuna a little bit and just myself doing that had a pretty large dead spot with none alive.
Best class to farm these? I'm going to have to farm them on two realms sadly.
If you don't need to tag mobs (no competition) I would advise fury warrior. Kills tons of mobs really fast and no problems with self healing even in poor gear (2 crusaders ofc).
Probably an increased respawn rate so people can get them done quick, assumingly without dead-time.

I was farming the murlocs in aszuna a little bit and just myself doing that had a pretty large dead spot with none alive.

Where abouts in Aszuna buddy?
Where you first meet the ghost prince is the murlocs I did, where he sends you to get the elven bones.
If you don't need to tag mobs (no competition) I would advise fury warrior. Kills tons of mobs really fast and no problems with self healing even in poor gear (2 crusaders ofc).

I never played legion and rushed the pillars stuff for ilvl 50 - where would i have competition for farming? I also am pretty burnt out on farming/levelling but do you think a DK/DH would be fine or even better(if i have competition for tags)? I get to start at level 8.
I never played legion and rushed the pillars stuff for ilvl 50 - where would i have competition for farming? I also am pretty burnt out on farming/levelling but do you think a DK/DH would be fine or even better(if i have competition for tags)? I get to start at level 8.
I’d say no on DK, there’s just no mobility/speed

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