60 warrior twink question

fyi...AV is 51-59 now....60-69 is the new AV bracket, this makes 60 AV twinking now null and void.
LOL I doing know what your smoking but I want to try it waffled. Dueling and facerolling duels is NOT worth it
Ugarak said:
fyi...AV is 51-59 now....60-69 is the new AV bracket, this makes 60 AV twinking now null and void.
I don't agree. A 60 twink, on an account with no expansions, should be able to hold his/her own even against semi-twinked 69s in AV,WSG, & AB...

My favorite is finding the rare fully twinked 68-69s and fighting them on my 60 as that is either a challenge if they are decent/good and they have no excuse if they lose. I really liked fighing this Paladin from 68-69 until he leveled out. Yes he had an advantage but it was kinda like fighting this boss that actually had smarts and it certainly was fun... Sadly they level out fast...
Ugarak said:
Dueling and facerolling duels is NOT worth it

what i meen is. i can beat DK's and warriors with full gear on while im only wearing a wep and shield with nothing else. im prot stunlocks ftw. but as a 60 with my gear i can beat many people 70+ its not hard i have 11k hp thats more then most leveling 70's and if you get the random level 69 twink he will be leveling soon anyways....
I still see zero fun aspects to this personally
Ugarak said:
I still see zero fun aspects to this personally
zero fun in what?

Dueling? I don't really do that so I don't know...

I do know however that going into 69 XP on battlegrounds as a 60 twink is fun. All of us that do it are having fun (just finished several hours with some buds and we were having great fun). If you are criticizing that, have you actually done it lately?
no i actually haven't. I am in the making a 60 resto druid ona pre BC acct to see how fun it is. I'll get back to you once I do.
Ugarak said:
no i actually haven't. I am in the making a 60 resto druid ona pre BC acct to see how fun it is. I'll get back to you once I do.
Frankly I admire that spirit to try something and speak from experience. GL & if you are Alliance on Uldum or Cyclone BGp let me know and at least my buddy and I (& maybe a few others) will be happy to Queue with you.

If you can clear all the pre-BC instances you can get some really good gear but many of them have disappered (Onyxia,etc) and likely more will go away over time. Unfortunately with all the brackets that 60s can particpate in now being 60-69, you almost need to maximize the 10 day trial on a non-expansion account for at least some of your gear.

Just a note that via the 10day trial plate wearers on non-expansion accounts can get 17 gem slots & 2 professions to 375 so they can be very close to even semi-twinked or fully-twinked 69s. On this thread we were trying to put out some druid builds and sadly with only leather you are limited to more like 10 or so gems. Not having gems is a pretty big difference (example it is the difference between 4-7k health vs 8-12k)...

I would really like our 2-3 60 Paladins to group with a 60 gnome warrior with maxed engineering (390). If we had a regular resto druid healing us (that we protected) we would be nigh unstoppable...

GL and if you end up having to go in alone I wish you good PuGs that actually protect you as a healer. Healers are always needed (especially on Alliance) but sadly they often get ganked with most people not helping...

Please let us know how it goes and if there is anything we can do to help.
idk why this wouldn't be a problem on any BG besides for Reckoning US, where the 69s have resorted to doing lvling WSGs without capping any flags
I might hit u up on uldum in the next month or so. Currently lvl 26. I did a resto Druid build. The thing is... U have to look at cloth and leather mixes to maximize stats. I pulled out 750 bonus healing with 7.2k hp 5k mana, and 6.75% hit for the roots and such. Just have to know how to gear. Caster form I only have about 18% mitigation armor wise, but in bear form I can hit 8k+ easy with 44% mitigation . Just have to be creative
Ohnooz said:
idk why this wouldn't be a problem on any BG besides for Reckoning US, where the 69s have resorted to doing lvling WSGs without capping any flags
I would kinda like to see how those go. Unless you can field a full team of like minded 69s on your side I don't know how you can pull that off because all it take is 1-2 others getting the flag out and you will be getting XP. My buddy and I could likely do that with our 2 60s unless their team turtled....
Ugarak said:
I might hit u up on uldum in the next month or so. Currently lvl 26. I did a resto Druid build. The thing is... U have to look at cloth and leather mixes to maximize stats. I pulled out 750 bonus healing with 7.2k hp 5k mana, and 6.75% hit for the roots and such. Just have to know how to gear. Caster form I only have about 18% mitigation armor wise, but in bear form I can hit 8k+ easy with 44% mitigation . Just have to be creative
Be happy to do what I can to help and always glad to have more folk in a BG that work together. You don't need to do the 10-day trial to get a good build (& it is becomes less valuable as you move from plate>mail>leather>cloth) but regardless I do find it easier than trying to clear MC/BWL/AQ/etc & like the 375 on the professions (been doing engineering & mining but herbalism might be better that mining). With a single 80 (I typically use a hunter with a tank pet) it is pretty easy to clear ramps (& the one after for the quest reward) though it sucks that you have to do it all within 10 days & that future chars on the same account can't repeat the trial.

I agree that the 10day-trial isn't everything and doesn't make or break your character. When AV was 51-60 I refused to do the trials and we of course dominated AV and did ok in WSG & AB. We still do ok in WSG & AB but I find as a 60 in 60-69 AV it is really hard to be a major DPSer or Tank without the trial. Even with the socketed gear I have a hard time tanking as my taunts don't control the boss reliably.
I think to be viable you have to do the trial. I get an extra 100 SP and 50 stam from gear upgrades alone. Add in the gems and professions, and it's about an extra 200SP and 2.8-3k hp with my chardev 60 resto Druid. Seems like a huge difference to me
You don't have to maximize the trial to be viable but it certainly does help. My original 60 twink Paladin Ironblood still hasn't done the trial and he is very solid & does fine but is not dominant. I leveled up my 59 twink Paladin Aquaine on my main account to verify all the steps to maximize the 10-day trial and then we popped the trial on my buddy's Paladin Arxe (his trial is now over but he now has everything we planned). Overall they are all viable though the maxed trials are clearly stronger. Your 8K druid with 700+ healing would be fine & viable, especially in a group, but certainly would be stronger if you maxed the trial.

One thing that sucks is that you only have one 10 day trial per account and if you later want to do the same on other twinks you would need to RAF another account then transfer to get a 2nd twink on the same account for different flavors....

Good thing we three are all doing hybrids as we can at least dual-spec and have 2 flavors on one character (Ironblood is dual-Prot/Holy). Just make sure you get at least 2-3 of each BiS gear you can. I plan on eventually having 2 spec sets & a FC Stam set with riding versions of each spec-set so will try to grind 5+ gloves and 5+ boots...

I don't look forward to it but once Aquaine gets to 67-69 I plan to pop my 10-day trial for Ironblood.

note: Some of my character names have special characters in them. If you are trying to look them up try to copy past the names from "My Twinks" into the WoW Armory directly. Note: The account with Ironblood on it has expired and I don't plan on renewing it until Aquaine is approx 67 unless I start to run Ramps for someone else's 10day trial...
AcTually the 700 sp 8k hp Druid proile is with the trial gear. I was saying without the trial, I would have 6k hp instead of 8.6k and only 500 spellpower tops.
6k with +500 would still be viable but that extra 2K and 200 healing would really help when multiple people are trying to burst the healer down.

FYI, first hour or so last night was crazy rough then that group of 67-69s stopped Quing and it was much more balanced. In many of the later BGds it would have been fun to heal AND nuke as a balance druid ...

With minimal gear change your resto could dual-spec balance for BGs where competition is light and healing is less critical.
I've done 3 TBC trials with one account. I think it resets if your subscription goes inactive ever. 1-2 months after the inactivity it becomes available again (in speculation).
Orcgasm said:
I've done 3 TBC trials with one account. I think it resets if your subscription goes inactive ever. 1-2 months after the inactivity it becomes available again (in speculation).
Thanks for sharing the info. That gives me hope that if I later decide to add another twink on that account I could maybe do the trial for them as well.
you can hit 70% crit socketing straight crit rating on a fury warrior.

Then again, just because you can do something does not mean you should.

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