60 Twinks - US - [H] - Ironsole Clompers (Kel'Thuzad) Recruiting!


Ironsole Clompers the #1 Horde guild in the 60-64 bracket is recruiting.

We raid 3 days a week (MC, BWL, AQ40) as all 60s.

We PvP and BG Premade every day. We are recruiting friendly and respectful individuals who want to have fun playing their twinks.

Here is a little video to keep you entertained.

YouTube - Level 60 PvP - Carnage

Hope I see your faces over on Kel'Thuzad!
Status update.

So in the last 2 days we have gained 20 members and are now 3/8 into BWL. Guild now has 85 people.

Hope to see some of you guys soon!

Blackwing Lair cleared on 3rd day of raiding. Have received a few transfers today as well.
In the last 6 days we have received 40 new members. A lot of them being transfers.

We do have some big events scheduled for the next 2 weeks.... Secretive and all.

Have a good day!

105 people in this guild. Growth is insane I can't keep up with all the new faces.

Guild now has 115 people.

KT Horde won 3 random bgs today.

Wsg. 5 capped AB and 1600-0 in EoTS.

Raiding this week again Thursday 6PM - Server time if you want to hop over and be a part.
I'm guessing the time difference is approximately 8 hours. EU WoW being around 8 hours ahead of US WoW. We have had some people buy the US Version of WoW and migrate over from EU WoW.
working on a mage right now i'll probably be over next week. might bring some friends ^^
Recruiting more people for our PvP teams and Ahn'Qiraj 40 man progression. We are currently in need of more clothies / druids and anyone that is committed to 60 twinking. An alterac blitz is in planning stages and other pvp tournaments, also going to choose a day where we go around ganking 85s as a large raid group.
I would love to transfer my Lvl 62 Warrior if you will take him. (Twinkienut-Moonrunner). Account is frozen I got tired of BG queue times back a few months ago. But I can roll a new toon depending on what you need.
I leveled my mage to 60 and transferred over to raid with these guys. These are my first impressions about this guild, and our my own opinions.

The Good:

- Active membership. Pretty much people are always on.

- Has a few good people i enjoy talking to.

- Overall seems to be a friendly social guild.

The BAd:

- Have ventrilo but no one uses it. not even for raids.

- SUPER UN-ORGANIZED raiding. Wiping on trash, constantly swapping toons, No loot system, group loot. I got out rolled on DPS cloth robes by a resto shaman.

- No website

Once again this is no reflection on the people and you can see my main complaint was the dis-organization of the guild. I see this as a guild that could be fun if your new to 60 twinking or WoW in general. But as a older player whos been playing since release its just too messy for me. I support 60 twinking and anyone who is trying to bring people in. So i wish you luck and have fun with your guild. :)
You came in at a bad time. We don't wipe in BWL or MC usually at all. Sometimes we wipe on Nefarian but that's when people mass disconnect mid way through fight when bone pile comes back.

That was the worst raid we had so far. I guess you are the goblin mage named Judisc.

Oh and about the looting system, the guild started out as basically all 60 twinks that were BiS. None of us really needed any loot at all, like maybe 1-2 pieces maximum each, so that is why loot was on group loot. Then people started transferring and other started re-rolling and we didn't change the loot system. For most of us it was about the enjoyment and not so much about the loot.

We are recruiting people that have raid leadership experience, I basically recruited people over to this server and have been given the leader of PvE content. I would like to hand this over to someone that has time to invest in leading. I agree it is disorganised but you experienced the worst day, we usually kill MC in and hour with no wipes, BWL in and 1.5 hours - 2 hours and are progressing through AQ.
Citycouncil said:
I would love to transfer my Lvl 62 Warrior if you will take him. (Twinkienut-Moonrunner). Account is frozen I got tired of BG queue times back a few months ago. But I can roll a new toon depending on what you need.

We take 64s but not on raids, so I guess if you want a community to hang out with then we are welcome to hang out with us and PvP etc.

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