60 Twink Hunter - Completed I think

Nice hunter. Level to 64 and get any new gear and your gtg.

64s will dominate over 60s.
Pretty stupid.

64s have access to more useful gear and more gem gear as well as new abilities; Not to mention new talent points. My stupidity has taken over, please forgive me.
Mrcer said:
Pretty stupid.

64s have access to more useful gear and more gem gear as well as new abilities; Not to mention new talent points. My stupidity has taken over, please forgive me.

You ruin the fun thing about 60s.
Wasn't me who ruined it, it was blizzard when they changed the level range of every bracket. Twinking is about being the best player out there with the best possible gear for their level bracket. You might have a 100% BiS Geared level 60 Hunter but when he has to fight a 100% BiS Geared level 64 Hunter(for this situation, lets say they are equally 'skilled'), the 64 Hunter will win because he has a talent/gear/(and new abilities) advantage over the other person.

Obviously I am just too stupid to realize the point of staying at 60, other than being a scrub.

EDIT: Unless 60s have some sort of resilence/dodge/parry/block/crit/haste/mp5 advantage over 64s, then there is no point of staying at 60. level to 64 or pick a different bracket to twink in.
If I found a lvl 64 / 74 twink, I would destroy the guy..... are they really that obsessed in being overpowered vs 60s ? 60s and 70s are vanity lvls. top level in bracket or not. You just don't make a twink in level 64 / 74. I'm getting really mad, just reading about it..
70-74 bracket is COMPLETELY different from 60-64. 70-74 Bracket benefits from the resilience buff. 450 resilience at 70 is about 30%. But at 74 it's only 22%. Therefore a level 70 would beatout a level 74. 60-64 don't use resilience therefore it's a completely different situation. 60-64 are Overpower because of the gem benefits. When you get to level 64 you gain A LOT more gem slots than you would at 60, therefore you have a huge gap between 60s and 64s.

Naturally a BiS 64 Character will win against a BiS 60 because the 64 benefits from gems more than a 60 would. This is not a debate, it's solid logic that you nitwits are so determined to relive the glory days of Pre-BC. Facts are facts, and the facts show that 64s are stronger than 60s.
who the fuck cares about a couple of gems? yes the character would be stronger, but if you actually played 5-6 years ago, like some of us did, you would never accept a lvl 64 as a twink. It's called vanity mate, and gems etc will never win vs vanity...
Good luck, go ahead and gear a scrub while the rest of us gear as a twink. Because that's what the games will be like for those who aren't 64, a bunch of scrubs in a twink's game.
Mrcer said:
Good luck, go ahead and gear a scrub while the rest of us gear as a twink. Because that's what the games will be like for those who aren't 64, a bunch of scrubs in a twink's game.

Only dickheads would level their 60 twink that thye used so much time on.
to be quite honest, I would rather gear as a 60, than gearing as a lvl 64, it takes away the magic!
Quinp said:
Only dickheads would level their 60 twink that thye used so much time on.

Obviously a lot of people are going to be dickheads. I'm sure I'm not the only person who knows that 64s will be stronger than 60s. When you ragequit from your games I'm sure you will make a 64 as well.
Mrcer said:
Obviously a lot of people are going to be dickheads. I'm sure I'm not the only person who knows that 64s will be stronger than 60s. When you ragequit from your games I'm sure you will make a 64 as well.

Like we said Mrcer.. It's called Vanity!... Nobody cares to be stronger in this bracket... 60s were everyones first love...

And FYI Mr. Mrcer, people who makes 60 twinks instead of 64 twinks are not scrubs, it just proves that thei've played the game longer than you have.
blazed said:
Like we said Mrcer.. It's called Vanity!... Nobody cares to be stronger in this bracket... 60s were everyones first love...

And FYI Mr. Mrcer, people who makes 60 twinks instead of 64 twinks are not scrubs, it just proves that thei've played the game longer than you have.

Exactly!. Mrcer did you start playing in wotlk?.
Lol for those who really care when i started, it was in pre bc on my mage. Obviously I've made my point in this post and I'll leave it up to the hunter to decide if he wants to get rolled over by 64s by staying 60.
Mrcer i was goin to ask if u think 64's are soooo good why is your 60 pally still there? but then i looked at him and saw u prob made him in a night. some of us have been working on our 60's for a long time (years). It might be a easy choice for u because u got nothin holding u to 60.
Mrcer said:
Lol for those who really care when i started, it was in pre bc on my mage. Obviously I've made my point in this post and I'll leave it up to the hunter to decide if he wants to get rolled over by 64s by staying 60.

Your 60 is geared like fucking shit, heirlooms and nothing but bad outland gear.
I didn't get around to finish my 60 twink if your so curious. I've been working on my 39 war, fishing up my 19 druid, and working on my 70 restor druid. Obviously my holy paladin isn't my only twink and I'm sure that you'll see that by rechecking my signature.

Any other childish remarks before people stop caring about this topic?
64 isn't even an option for me. What makes me laugh is when sub rogues, prot paladins, holy paladins or any plate class for that matter thinks they need that extra 4 levels for an advantage.

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