Sanitarium said:So after establishing that Mcer is an idiot.. I decided to check out your armory thing or whatever that is.
Please remove that Nightmare Tear before I scream.
you also MAY be better off with 23 haste to cloak
Jeego said:ITT Vanity vs. Gear
this arrgument isnt about the 95% of ppl with TBC gear, i dont use TBC gear and never will, i got a few inchants i shouldnt have and my relic (vanilla) which has a gem but blizz turned all relic into a gem slot.ITT: Mrcer is the only one making valid points.
Staying at 60 for the sake of vanity? That's why 95% of the level 60 twinks are using TBC gem gear. That's why it's laughable for some of you to critique what Mrcer was saying. If you were a pure 60 without TBC gearz, fine, but none of you are.
Zephinism said:Any feedback is appreciated.
Mrcer said:This is a 60-69 bracket forum. So suggesting you to go to 64 is not stepping out of line at all. You asked me how to improve? well technically if you leveled to 64 and got new BiS gear the hunter would improve. If no one here likes the way I critique then go qq to an administrator, I spoke with valid points that would technically improve your character. Don't qq if you don't ppl to tell u how to improve if ur just gonna bitch a storm about it.
Obviously not.
Mrcer said:This is a 60-69 bracket forum. So suggesting you to go to 64 is not stepping out of line at all. You asked me how to improve? well technically if you leveled to 64 and got new BiS gear the hunter would improve. If no one here likes the way I critique then go qq to an administrator, I spoke with valid points that would technically improve your character. Don't qq if you don't ppl to tell u how to improve if ur just gonna bitch a storm about it.
Obviously not.
Sanitarium said:Herpus Derpus
Leveling to 64 makes scaling go to shit. Not as much as 70 to 74 or 80 to 84, but it makes a difference. Mcer is an idiot, we know this, let's get over it.
Mrcer said:Please explain how the scaling goes to shit when u level to 64 from 60. what stats decrease?
Mrcer said:Can u provide a decent percentage? or u just making this shit up?
Sanitarium said:You're not worth my time if you think I'm making "this shit up."
Rivfader said:doj