Hows holy coming? Im getting the sense that people want more crit more crit, But this set actually allows me to have 15% crit, a considerable portion of spirit, high base hp, enough int, haste belt/cloak, and some pvp resil. With that said, I think i will rate first:
I would swap noble robe for pve chest, despite the crit value when scaled, especially considering a mostly mail/leather set. I would swap shield for boa, which would increase the value of mtb vs. crit bracer. If I stay with resil hammer, then further increasing the value of spirit, I might even swap dpr for lorekeeper or wail cavern ring. Idk, I also kind of feel like i am wasting hordes abundance of crit gear with this set up, I can rock a set with like 25% crit which is a little absurd, most useful for denouncadin. I might even consider pvp shoulder over mags ay?
So yes spirit, your all like wtf? Guess what, you cant one shot your teamates with shock anymore, you will have to cast, alot. Spirit allows you to function as a healer outside min max situations.
Anyway, please let me know how to proceed, because I do have fun playing my pala, w/e spec.