Warriors were supposed to get Overpower and Taste for Blood at lv 20 but it still requires lv 30. QQ
Look at Modicum past posts.
A wiser man than I once said " It is better to be silent and thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt."
To answer your oh so snarky question, No. 20s are not raping face. Because Blizz, in its infinite wisdom in only scaling up base stats, forgot about stat decay ratings.
A lvl 20 now needs 40 hit just to cap YELLOW hits against a 24.
It's not just this bracket.
Blizz has broken EVERY bracket except 90s.
Every bracket that ends in a 9 is completely fine.
absolutely NOT true. 59s, 69s, and 79s are the worst, due to expac gear disparity. 84s and 89s are still borked, but not as badly as those three brackets.
of course this pretty much only affects the xp-on BGs, but this change was supposed to make it EASIER for newbies to play BGs while leveling up, but has had the complete opposite effect.
No matter what Blizz does, it'll either be better to take advantage of the scaling and re-roll a 20 or not. It's virtually impossible to level the bracket. And beside 20-24, why does Blizz care? Toons level in minutes. It's not like an exp-on level 25 isn't going to level to 29 in about ten minutes? If it's exp-off, then let them level max the bracket? The whole concept of trying to level the bracket is silly. We're exp-off, so let's look at what constitutes a BiS toon now:
After the hotfix, it looks like it's better to re-roll a 20 and take advantage of the BiS enchants. BiS enchants now scale the P2P level-20 well past 24's. As long as Blizz is going to multiply level-20 spell-power by 20% (picking a random number for example's sake), why not let that 20% apply to BiS enchants like +30 sp to weapon, becomes +36 sp? Assuming Blizz leaves this as is, 24's will need to re-roll to level-20's to have the most powerful toons. And that's the point of twinking, after all? To have the most powerful, well geared toon for the bracket possible?
A few classes may try to hold out for 24 abilities, but soon it will be clear that level-20 simply out-scales level-24. Not sure this was intended, because P2P will still dominate, they'll just have the hassle of re-rolling to maximize the advantage.
Many play the twink brackets, because rep-farming at max-level (90) is just old. Every expansion adds N-factions and slightly higher i-levels every couple months. The model is played. Twinking means one works their butt off to get a well geared toon, but that toon is valuable for years. Maybe Blizz's just trying to make the twinks chase gear like the 90's are forced to chase gear? Anyone else tired Blizz's little rat-mazes? We gear to play, we don't play to gear.