5.2 BG changes look cool! My f2p buddies will be even more awesome now!

Wenoye, you speak for the majority of 24s, but not for all.

I don't play to face roll. In fact (so long as the changes are positive) I am looking forward for 5.2 for the reason that most scrubs will quit 24 all together, and we will be left with only objective focussed players! (Hey I can dream can't I?)

Edit.. Paramore you play 24 Spriest, right?

did make one for the sole reason of everyone saying they were op and cuz i have never played priest (its not like im hiding that fact v big picture of my priest in my sig)- but saying that it got boring real quick so play my hunter again full time
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Wenoye, you speak for the majority of 24s, but not for all.

I don't play to face roll. In fact (so long as the changes are positive) I am looking forward for 5.2 for the reason that most scrubs will quit 24 all together, and we will be left with only objective focussed players! (Hey I can dream can't I?)

Edit.. Paramore you play 24 Spriest, right?

I know that you are a descent player and an objective one, BUT one thing escapes you for sure......you play lvl 24 because it's much stronger then lvl20.

So all aside,again at the end of the day you play LVL 24 because it makes you strong in a 3:1 ratio, cause if you wanted a challenge you'd roll a f2p or a p2p20.
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@ Paramore

How can anyone who plays lvl24 in this bracket say that ''they enjoy the challenge'' when they are 2-3 times stronger then their opponent.......
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@ Wenoye

A big plus to your honesty, regardless of you admiting it, there's still one thing with a fault......'' i kill or i die'' or ''win or i lose''.....do i really need to explain as to how that statements contradicts to your playing a lvl24....?

Those statements would be OK if you were a f2p, and seing your much stronger as a 24, then your ''i kill or i die'' becomes a ''i usually kill with very little die''.....and''win or lose'' becomes ''usually win''.....

So your playing 24 has pushed you a bit off on the ''objective scale'' regardless of your honesty m8.
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@ Paramore

How can anyone who play lvl24 in this bracket say that ''they enjoy the challenge'' when they are 2-3 times stronger then their opponent.......

I just said it, say what you will there are some fkn amazing f2p twinks out there that even at 24 are still a pain in the ass to kill, and that doesn't show that I'm good or bad that just shows that everything isnt as black and white as 20s will die every time to a 24 SURE it may happen most of the time but thats hardly the point. I find it more fun these days and incredibly frustrating at the same time on my hunter that a f2p prot hits me with his shield and takes quite a bit of my health it makes me think more about what ill do next when to interrupt etc cata as a hunter it wasnt like that i could easily kill people of any class pretty quick and that just adds to the fun of the bracket and the fun i have with hunters. Be it as you will I have yet to see a good f2p complain constantly about 24s being 2-3 times stronger, they tend to have more fun and make the bracket more enjoyable.

ps. why is it when the whole 24s in a 20 bracket thing comes up they ignore the fact they also have 24s on their team??? :s
I just said it, say what you will there are some fkn amazing f2p twinks out there that even at 24 are still a pain in the ass to kill, and that doesn't show that I'm good or bad that just shows that everything isnt as black and white as 20s will die every time to a 24 SURE it may happen most of the time but thats hardly the point. I find it more fun these days and incredibly frustrating at the same time on my hunter that a f2p prot hits me with his shield and takes quite a bit of my health it makes me think more about what ill do next when to interrupt etc cata as a hunter it wasnt like that i could easily kill people of any class pretty quick and that just adds to the fun of the bracket and the fun i have with hunters. Be it as you will I have yet to see a good f2p complain constantly about 24s being 2-3 times stronger, they tend to have more fun and make the bracket more enjoyable.

Your lack of skill is compensated by you playing a lvl 24,that much was obvius from your ''prot pala example''.So if there is a strong f2p class with BIS gear and a lot of skill, you will have a hard time at killing him.................now imagine if you were a lvl 20............

It's not complaning when someone stats the truth about lvl24 being 2-3 times stronger CAUSE IT IS SO.....but since you are the one playing 24 then from your point of view it's ''you f2p's only bitch and complain''...REALLY ? have you ever tried reaching the max lvl of skill as a f2p and then being facerolled by 24 regardless of their class or spec or skill ?.....sure you did.....that's why you make such comments.....

I will say this again cause it obviusly needs to be said many more times, and i will even put it in caps:


That being said, it makes a huge diff if a f2p or a 24 states ''i enjoy the challenge'' WHY ? - because f2p's have to work 3 times harder in order to defeat a 24.

Once again, someone choosing a 24 in a 20-24 bracket - that doesn't make them a bad person, it's their prorogative, but what it does make em is 2-3 times stronger then their opponent.
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Your lack of skill is compensated by you playing a lvl 24,that much was obvius from your ''prot pala example''.So if there is a strong f2p class with BIS gear and a lot of skill, you will have a hard time at killing him.................now imagine if you were lvl 20............

It's not complaning when someone stats the truth about lvl24 being 2-3 times stronger CAUSE IT IS SO.....but since you are the one playing 24 then from your point of view it's ''you f2p's only bitch and complain''...REALLY ? have you ever tried reaching the max lvl of skill as a f2p and then being facerolled by 24 regardless of their class or spec ?.....sure you did.....that's why you make such comments.....

so since your just continuing to take snippets of my words and taking them out of context to help your case I'm just gonna stop here cause obv im wasting my time.
I will reply properly later.. but alpha I do play 20, more than 24 now and I play a 22 rogue too..
I will reply properly later.. but alpha I do play 20, more than 24 now and I play a 22 rogue too..
i also am working on my f2p warrior not that it even matters, On Topic i cant wait for f2ps to get scaled up and welcome it, yet i just had a 24 complain about what i said then a 20 complain.
Can't win.
Day in and day out. I see people pick on Paramore I figured one of his guildies by now would jump in for him but I guess not. #1 I always thought you play a solid hunter. So that's great your going back to that or stay on priest. To each their own. Don't reply back to trolls. I don't take anyone serious unless they have at least 200 -1000 posts. This guy has 58.

As far as anyone talking smack about 24s unless they graveyard farming get off them.

Please stay on topic everyone.
Day in and day out. I see people pick on Paramore I figured one of his guildies by now would jump in for him but I guess not. #1 I always thought you play a solid hunter. So that's great your going back to that or stay on priest. To each their own. Don't reply back to trolls. I don't take anyone serious unless they have at least 200 -1000 posts. This guy has 58.

As far as anyone talking smack about 24s unless they graveyard farming get off them.

Please stay on topic everyone.

You're not to smart........are you ?
Look how easy it was to pull you. I'm done with thread. Just wanted to see how fast I could get u to reply.(smh) just trying divert your attention off the poor guy.

on topic :5.2 will be great

yeye anyway so alpha I play 20 f2p on 3 different toons (1 in sig, 2 elsewhere)... I don't play 24 to faceroll, ever. I will log a 24 if I see cripz n co rolling with a premade, or The Twink Alliance (lol) rolling a 10man 24 premade... But generally I will work from the bottom up, start on 20s, I often go solo unless a poor guildy is lonely and wants company. I rarely add people on real ID because it equals boring games. Trust me when I say that I am here to make the community a better place. Oh and while I'm at it, to all you EU Spriests on horde, fuck you. All of you. I hate you.
yeye anyway so alpha I play 20 f2p on 3 different toons (1 in sig, 2 elsewhere)... I don't play 24 to faceroll, ever. I will log a 24 if I see cripz n co rolling with a premade, or The Twink Alliance (lol) rolling a 10man 24 premade... But generally I will work from the bottom up, start on 20s, I often go solo unless a poor guildy is lonely and wants company. I rarely add people on real ID because it equals boring games. Trust me when I say that I am here to make the community a better place. Oh and while I'm at it, to all you EU Spriests on horde, fuck you. All of you. I hate you.

Why u have ruin my fun! why!? xD
The probelm isnt u, the probelm is 24rogues and Spriests that come with u... and ofc the 4+healers that are so often vs english realms and they are skilled :( (Not saying u premade with them).

Alpha u have probelm with ppl rolling 24 cuz they are taking advantage on f2p´s but u dont mind playing with them and being carried by them.
If u AFK´d every time ur team had 3+ 24s u wouldnt even have 100K HKs.
Alpha u have probelm with ppl rolling 24 cuz they are taking advantage on f2p´s but u dont mind playing with them and being carried by them.If u AFK´d every time ur team had 3+ 24s u wouldnt even have 100K HKs.

Cripz m8, try and conterplate this through some time so it sinks in :

It doesn't matter what you have to say or what you think ( good or bad ),to me your way of thinking and playing is so imature and non objective,starting from the way you glitch when the opportunity presents itself and then talk against glitchers,or the way you mid and GY farm with your 24 pala or hunter.

As for my HK's or game stats, you are so far beneath and uninteligent to make such remarks my little facetroller.......far far beneath ...... you see, the things i do with my f2p warrior - you can't do with 2 of your 24 palas.......
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I rolled a 24 because its the most active bracket out there atm i originally rolled a hunter because i had never played one before, not cause it was really op at the time ( which led to me rolling one as my main at 90 )

Kinda the opposite for me. I started my original 24 in cata and it was a hunter. Not because it was op because at that point I had no knowledge of twinking. I already had an 85 hunter at the time so I figured I would play what I knew. Of course then I joined here and got ragged on for rolling a hunter. :p
@ Wenoye

A big plus to your honesty, regardless of you admiting it, there's still one thing with a fault......'' i kill or i die'' or ''win or i lose''.....do i really need to explain as to how that statements contradicts to your playing a lvl24....?

Those statements would be OK if you were a f2p, and seing your much stronger as a 24, then your ''i kill or i die'' becomes a ''i usually kill with very little die''.....and''win or lose'' becomes ''usually win''.....

So your playing 24 has pushed you a bit off on the ''objective scale'' regardless of your honesty m8.

Kill or die, win or lose. Just because I am a 24 doesn't mean I mostly win. I do mostly kill (when I play anyways), But winning and losing doesn't fall on one person. If I am the only 24 on my team and the other team is a premade, probably not gonna do so well.
Cripz m8, try and conterplate this through some time so it sinks in :

It doesn't matter what you have to say or what you think ( good or bad ),to me your way of thinking and playing is so imature and non objective,starting from the way you glitch when the opportunity presents itself and then talk against glitchers,or the way you mid and GY farm with your 24 pala or hunter.

As for my HK's or game stats, you are so far beneath and uninteligent to make such remarks my little facetroller.......far far beneath ...... you see, the things i do with my f2p warrior - you can't do with 2 of your 24 palas.......

imature? non objective?
Really? u cant be serious...
yes i used glicth agaisnt those bunch of scruby healers carrying you and agaisnt bunch 24s also carrying you, i dont use glitchs anymore... cuz its useless. they will always end up 1shoting fc.
I gy farm with my 24s? lol dont confuse passing by horde gy with gy farming... ("Im not gy farmer... cant go closer then 10yards to horde gy"; thats the way u think?)

What u do with ur Warrior? u cant kill anything... u always depending on 24s, when ur losing 1vs1 u always run close to ur 24s and wait for them to do what u should have done.
Thats why horde with team of only trials always loses.

If it doesnt matters what i say, why u always reply? truth hurts?

I won't turn this thread into struggaling with your bigotry, if you want you can make your own thread and let others speak their mind on who's right,you or me?

End of discusion kiddo!

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