5.2 BG changes look cool! My f2p buddies will be even more awesome now!


Battlegrounds •Players in low-level Battlegrounds will have their effective level raised to the maximum level allowed in that Battleground bracket. Players' base stats and spells are scaled accordingly, and are treated as the same level when determining hits, misses, and critical effect chance (quote from 5.2 ptr notes)

There are some who do not like this. I welcome this, I think it means better competition. I especially like it for my friends that are f2p.

What are your thoughts on it?

The really good f2ps I will not start naming names I don't want to leave any of my friends out, will be even better team mates now!
This is going to be a great change, will most likely bring more people back into this bracket and add more competition to the mix. For The Horde!!
For the horde for sure...although this change
May be good I still can't get over no blood pact in 5.2
I'm assuming that Heirlooms will scale to 24 too then? Correct me if I'm wrong. This will definitely narrow the gear gap even farther though. Good if you just like the PvP, bad if you just like owning F2Ps.
I hope it makes you 24 cocksuckers obsolete. With all due respect (none is due). I'm mad.

Bottom line: Placate the freeloaders at the expense of paying customers.

You win the moron of the year award. You've payed to win for long enough, guy. This is (hopefully) leveling the playing field so you can't stroke yourself at how much you own people who are at a huge disadvantage. You must be afraid of how shitty you will be once you aren't one of those who deliberately ruin an entire bracket for your own personal masturbation.

On a personal note, I realize that in the past I've played 24's. Now that I've cancelled my sub, I have confirmed what I always knew: 24's are scumbags. I am a hypocrite, but that doesn't justify you being a scumbag too. Go play in a competitive bracket.
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I'm wondering how this will really work. If you use BG's to level, sure, but I would think it would not effect XP off.
I wonder how many f2ps will still be complaining about 24s in 5.2. That will be fun to see.
Will be curious how it will be implemented.. get zoned into a bg as a lvl 20 spriest.. now 24 with shadowform and mindblast.. i dunno.. guess we'll have to wait and see.
If all of the above is true....then finally the myst will rise and the sun will shine upon those who confuse skill with gear/class/lvl advantage.

Finally there won't be any more foggy excuses as to why 80 % of you suck at your class/gameplay or lvl you play (f2p or 24).

This will be so very welcomed in this bracket where personal e-peens and such reach so high that God forbid anyone should say outloud about someone else playing like shit...............oh yes, we musn't have that !..........but we will !..........or in other words.....When the game stripps away your huge advantage within gear/stats/take less dmg/do more dmg, all that remains is your own lvl of skill.............won't that be interesting.........

So don't you worry folks, the 24's that are good - they will remain good but will have to work harder for it, and those who aren't will leave the bracket after one more desperate FOTM reroll................

Am looking forward at seing all of you on the ''sunny'' battelfield !
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Bottom line: Placate the freeloaders at the expense of paying customers.

On behalf of Blizzard Entertainment i would like to apoligize to you my paying customer.

It would apear that you can no longer bang your face upon your keyboard and thus kill a f2p regardless of your class or spec.

Due to some technical difficulties we are currently unable to grant you a bracket where you pay to win.

But rest assured that we will do everything in our power as to provide you with a simular bracket where our paying customers can prevail in a 3:1 ratio.

Once again thank you for opening this ticket,

Yours trully, Blizzard and Alphasky Entertainment :)
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