49s - What would you like to see?

Hey guys, I've been kinda sparse on the front page lately, and I was wondering what kind of stuff you'd like to see blogged about in the 49 bracket. Any suggestions would be great, especially since we're coming off a fairly large patch and won't have much new material.
Honestly I can't think of specifics off the top of my head because I am in work mode at the office. I will say that I have been pretty bummed about the amount of bad information that I do see floating around in the 49 threads. It saddens me to know that many people are given "incorrect" information to a community which I love and live for in world of warcraft.
Druiddroid said:
what about the viability of a 49 resto shaman?

what kind of gear is attainable through questing for said shaman?

i'm aiming to get stam > sp > int >>>>...

i want stam because it's budget and i want to have as much health as possible. i won't have enchants.

spec: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hZMZx0tuIcoekbo

Some things about the spec. Healing Wave is a no no its a extra second cast when a lesser healing way will heal any non-twink for 50% of their HP and any twink for 1/3. With less mana and less casting time. The burst in the bracket is huge and you can't rely on casting 2.5 second casts.

Now that we have that out of the way the frees up those points to be placed in Totemic Focus which is a godly talent for a good shaman. You have to constantly replace totems so that they are in range of your dps and yourself. Setting and forgetting totems is what separates good shamans from bad shamans right off the bat.

I am assuming you took Restorative totems to get Mana Tide? Mana Tide is terrible in group pvp. Your teammates are not going to stay in range of the totem. If you have to have the totem then you are not using proper time management. There are plenty of times to drop and take a few ticks of food there are also resto huts everywhere in group pvp forget 4 talent points and a 5 minute cooldown to get mana... BG food is extremely cheap. There is not reason not to have a few hundred in your bags at all times. The only time the totem is even somewhat useful is in arenas. Even then if you now how to manage your healing you don't need it. Lets be honest how often are you playing 5s?

5 points for 5% crit on heals and bolts is a no-brainier. That is a great return on investment.

No Silence disruption and planning to use healing wave? See: Bursty bracket.

Also you do not get an extra benefit from Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem from having Earth's Grasp. I would assume that would be the only reason to consider taking Earth's Grasp over another 10% healing from int.

With the proper spec you increase the effectiveness of your heals so that your lesser healing ways do the perfect job.

I hope this does not come off as being rude to you. I would like to see you get the best advice possible and I don't see a lot of that around here. I love healing on my 49 shaman. I play RickRude in a guild called Juiced. If you follow 49s at all you should have heard of my guild. I would me more than happy to invite you into our vent and we can talk all the shaman talk you would like just come over to Kael'thas and get our info. We play 39s and 49s so I can cover both in great detail. I am about to start leveling a shaman to 80 since the highest I have ever played a Shaman was 60 back in the day.
RickRude said:
Some things about the spec. Healing Wave is a no no its a extra second cast when a lesser healing way will heal any non-twink for 50% of their HP and any twink for 1/3. With less mana and less casting time. The burst in the bracket is huge and you can't rely on casting 2.5 second casts.

Now that we have that out of the way the frees up those points to be placed in Totemic Focus which is a godly talent for a good shaman. You have to constantly replace totems so that they are in range of your dps and yourself. Setting and forgetting totems is what separates good shamans from bad shamans right off the bat.

I am assuming you took Restorative totems to get Mana Tide? Mana Tide is terrible in group pvp. Your teammates are not going to stay in range of the totem. If you have to have the totem then you are not using proper time management. There are plenty of times to drop and take a few ticks of food there are also resto huts everywhere in group pvp forget 4 talent points and a 5 minute cooldown to get mana... BG food is extremely cheap. There is not reason not to have a few hundred in your bags at all times. The only time the totem is even somewhat useful is in arenas. Even then if you now how to manage your healing you don't need it. Lets be honest how often are you playing 5s?

5 points for 5% crit on heals and bolts is a no-brainier. That is a great return on investment.

No Silence disruption and planning to use healing wave? See: Bursty bracket.

Also you do not get an extra benefit from Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem from having Earth's Grasp. I would assume that would be the only reason to consider taking Earth's Grasp over another 10% healing from int.

With the proper spec you increase the effectiveness of your heals so that your lesser healing ways do the perfect job.

I hope this does not come off as being rude to you. I would like to see you get the best advice possible and I don't see a lot of that around here. I love healing on my 49 shaman. I play RickRude in a guild called Juiced. If you follow 49s at all you should have heard of my guild. I would me more than happy to invite you into our vent and we can talk all the shaman talk you would like just come over to Kael'thas and get our info. We play 39s and 49s so I can cover both in great detail. I am about to start leveling a shaman to 80 since the highest I have ever played a Shaman was 60 back in the day.

100% agree with everything. Just forget about healing wave, i'm trying that spec now, and its horrible.
Druiddroid said:
what about the viability of a 49 resto shaman?

what kind of gear is attainable through questing for said shaman?

i'm aiming to get stam > sp > int >>>>...

i want stam because it's budget and i want to have as much health as possible. i won't have enchants.

spec: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent#hZMZx0tuIcoekbo

If stam if what you're aiming for then you should go Stam > SP > MP5 > Int
abraxa said:
100% agree with everything. Just forget about healing wave, i'm trying that spec now, and its horrible.

We(Nurse and I) Got bored one weekend and tried the healing wave spec with glyph out and it was pure fail. I think we played like 10 games and some arenas and we were done with that idea. The glyph was the only reason we considered it but our dps was droping while we were trying to play "I'ma charging my healing wave" all day.
Luka said:
If stam if what you're aiming for then you should go Stam > SP > MP5 > Int

You don't go out and look for MP5 unlike end game brackets you just have to take what you can get.
RickRude said:
Honestly I can't think of specifics off the top of my head because I am in work mode at the office. I will say that I have been pretty bummed about the amount of bad information that I do see floating around in the 49 threads. It saddens me to know that many people are given "incorrect" information to a community which I love and live for in world of warcraft.

I have to pick my battles with the "bad" information that floats around. I have a very good grasp on BiS gear for pretty much all classes and a decent amount on how to spec, but some people are just so set in their thinking that they won't switch. (I'm kinda like that until you give me some concrete math, but I respond best to numbers that prove it to me rather than someone just saying it's better. Normally I'll just do the math anyway just to shut them up)

And there's only so many times I can use this line "Here's the CORRECT information for those people that are looking for concrete information, although you are entitled to your own opinion". Using it more than once a month makes me an ass lol.

Resto Shamans are viable, but I've never run into one that has struck me as good. Bubbletai rolls over them with a Arcane Torrent, and Taitiiya does as well in my BG. I'd have to expand a little to get the right information on them. And I also believe that every healer type needs some sort of support, but as a standalone pug healer, they are the weakest in my opinion. As a custom group healer with i.e. Juiced, I believe Shamans are great healers and provide fantastic utility.
Taitaih said:
And I also believe that every healer type needs some sort of support, but as a standalone pug healer, they are the weakest in my opinion. As a custom group healer with i.e. Juiced, I believe Shamans are great healers and provide fantastic utility.

I would agree that in a solo queue setting they are step down from Paladins do to self cleanse and bubble. I think we are much better off than priests and in most ways a tad better than druids as well.

The druid part is assuming you are playing against a team that knows how to dispel hots and focus fire. If your opposition does not do that then the shaman is lower than the druid.
Yea it's all situational, which is why I hate arguing the "Which healer class is better than the other". Just be pro imo :)
RickRude said:
Some things about the spec. Healing Wave is a no no its a extra second cast when a lesser healing way will heal any non-twink for 50% of their HP and any twink for 1/3. With less mana and less casting time. The burst in the bracket is huge and you can't rely on casting 2.5 second casts.
ok, i'll use lesser healing wave more then.

Now that we have that out of the way the frees up those points to be placed in Totemic Focus which is a godly talent for a good shaman. You have to constantly replace totems so that they are in range of your dps and yourself. Setting and forgetting totems is what separates good shamans from bad shamans right off the bat.

yeah i figured totems are probably the make or break for a 49 shaman...using them properly is probably key. that said, i did not put points into Totemic Focus because i didn't think they would burn my mana too much. i guess with those points out of healing wave maybe i will put them into totemic focus.

I am assuming you took Restorative totems to get Mana Tide? Mana Tide is terrible in group pvp. Your teammates are not going to stay in range of the totem. If you have to have the totem then you are not using proper time management. There are plenty of times to drop and take a few ticks of food there are also resto huts everywhere in group pvp forget 4 talent points and a 5 minute cooldown to get mana... BG food is extremely cheap. There is not reason not to have a few hundred in your bags at all times. The only time the totem is even somewhat useful is in arenas. Even then if you now how to manage your healing you don't need it. Lets be honest how often are you playing 5s?

i don't eat/drink in PVP unless i'm on my mage...it's just a personal thing. mana tide totem helps.

5 points for 5% crit on heals and bolts is a no-brainier. That is a great return on investment.


No Silence disruption and planning to use healing wave? See: Bursty bracket.
i figure if someone silences me then i'm screwed either way :p

Also you do not get an extra benefit from Glyph of Stoneclaw Totem from having Earth's Grasp. I would assume that would be the only reason to consider taking Earth's Grasp over another 10% healing from int.
extra range on EB is nice

I hope this does not come off as being rude to you. I would like to see you get the best advice possible and I don't see a lot of that around here. I love healing on my 49 shaman. I play RickRude in a guild called Juiced. If you follow 49s at all you should have heard of my guild. I would me more than happy to invite you into our vent and we can talk all the shaman talk you would like just come over to Kael'thas and get our info. We play 39s and 49s so I can cover both in great detail. I am about to start leveling a shaman to 80 since the highest I have ever played a Shaman was 60 back in the day.

no you definately don't come off as rude, i'm still trying to feel around how the 49 bracket works and what i should go with in terms of gear/talents. thanks for the response :)
forget HoTs on a drood. all about droppin HTs all day for me now. have to admit shaman are my least favorite to solo que with, but they can do great with good support/good dps to heal
RickRude said:
We(Nurse and I) Got bored one weekend and tried the healing wave spec with glyph out and it was pure fail. I think we played like 10 games and some arenas and we were done with that idea. The glyph was the only reason we considered it but our dps was droping while we were trying to play "I'ma charging my healing wave" all day.

Hehe, the reason I tried that spec was that I saw it on Nurse's armory, and though "shit, what have i been missing out on, using lhw all the time":p
Healing wave heals for more HPS, making it superior vs burst damage, once you have the hang of precast/cancelling etc. It helps that it's more efficient too. LHW should only be used to play catchup after you have been CC.

It's fairly situational though, as if a mage is even looking at you out of the corner of his eye while you try to cast it, your whole team may die.

I have no experience in 49s though, this is just from playing a resto shaman for a few years. However, in a situation where LHW is only healing 1/3 of a health bar, I'd say HW is the way to go, unless you have a pretty obscene crit rate.

Basically, unless your HW is consistently overhealing, you should be looking for ways to land it. LHW is for when you can't HW, as it's inferior HPS, HPM, and scales worse on both fronts too.
Taitaih said:
Hey guys, I've been kinda sparse on the front page lately, and I was wondering what kind of stuff you'd like to see blogged about in the 49 bracket. Any suggestions would be great, especially since we're coming off a fairly large patch and won't have much new material.

here are some thoughts...

  • Noggenfogger Elixir, how to get it, etc
  • Tips for survival in the new world of zomgburst
  • Talk about dual spec for 49 twinks
  • Talk about gear farming strategies
  • Talk about WSG/AB/Arena strategies
  • Talk about my cool website ;)
I think 49s are actually the most balanced bracket right now. Yes we are bursty, but all classes are capable of it. There are a few rock/paper/scissor deals, but for the most part, every class has a chance to beat another class. Rather than Rogues ambushing you for over half your health (which happens sometimes :p).
Adt said:
here are some thoughts...

  • Noggenfogger Elixir, how to get it, etc
  • Tips for survival in the new world of zomgburst
  • Talk about dual spec for 49 twinks
  • Talk about gear farming strategies
  • Talk about WSG/AB/Arena strategies
  • Talk about my cool website ;)

Thanks Adt, that actually gives me something concrete to work with.

I think I'll finish my BRD farming guide on that note. I started a paladin guide and borrowed your template from 49 twinks, but it just ended up looking too much like yours so I'd rather not take it from you.
Taitaih said:
I think 49s are actually the most balanced bracket right now. Yes we are bursty, but all classes are capable of it. There are a few rock/paper/scissor deals, but for the most part, every class has a chance to beat another class. Rather than Rogues ambushing you for over half your health (which happens sometimes :p).

That happens in 39s? I have a ambush rogue geared to the max. Crits are around 12-1300 on twink cloth at best. Thats not going to get a kill on a priest or mage.

I hope your right though :D

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