49s - What would you like to see?

2ndchance said:
That happens in 39s? I have a ambush rogue geared to the max. Crits are around 12-1300 on twink cloth at best. Thats not going to get a kill on a priest or mage.

I hope your right though :D

Actually it's not Ambush but Evis that does the trick of burst in 49s. But good rogues are tough to deal with. Bad ones are still bad :).
Taitaih said:
Actually it's not Ambush but Evis that does the trick of burst in 49s. But good rogues are tough to deal with. Bad ones are still bad :).

bad ones at 39 are bad too
Taitaih said:
Thanks Adt, that actually gives me something concrete to work with.

I think I'll finish my BRD farming guide on that note. I started a paladin guide and borrowed your template from 49 twinks, but it just ended up looking too much like yours so I'd rather not take it from you.

there is a guide on my site that shows how to farm BRD arena. video and everything.


no need to really make guides for gear/talents. the new format i'm moving to will accommodate both gear and talents and glyphs on a single "guide" page per class/spec for 49. here is a sample i did for 39 rogue based off of a guide Ishh posted. it was just to test the layout, though. the extra space is for a max of 3 talent suggestions. glyph suggestions will be embeded into the description for each talent suggestion.

Adt said:
there is a guide on my site that shows how to farm BRD arena. video and everything.


no need to really make guides for gear/talents. the new format i'm moving to will accommodate both gear and talents and glyphs on a single "guide" page per class/spec for 49. here is a sample i did for 39 rogue based off of a guide Ishh posted. it was just to test the layout, though. the extra space is for a max of 3 talent suggestions. glyph suggestions will be embeded into the description for each talent suggestion.


It won't be just the arena, it'll include the entire instance. There's a draft of it floating around in the User Submitted Guides.
Taitaih said:
Hey guys, I've been kinda sparse on the front page lately, and I was wondering what kind of stuff you'd like to see blogged about in the 49 bracket. Any suggestions would be great, especially since we're coming off a fairly large patch and won't have much new material.

Organized 49 pvp via PTR.

More guides towards PVP Organization: perfect 10v10 wsg class set-up for 49s and strats, 15 person ab's and strats, and topics that recruitment into 49s. Really, just general topics that apply moreso to 49s.

Here could a topic for a new thread: Your WSG set-up

My dream-team

2 - Paladins

1 - Rogues

1 - Hunters

1 - Shamans

0 - Mages

1 - Priests

1 - Warlocks

2 - Warriors

1 - Druids


Aff Warlock, BM Hunter, Arms Warrior, Resto Druid

Offense (Flag Carrier):

Holy Pally, Disc Priest, Holy Pally


Sub Rogue, Ele Shaman, Arms Warrior


Basically, sway back and forth as needed to offense/defense. Locks can dot and make healers cringe, warriors can burst down enemy offense, druids got the movement and can keep mid healed, and BM hunter can drop down FCs and has good movment. All classes in mid are pretty much self-reliant, you want these classes to be independent and able to move back and forth when needed. When there is heavy enemy Offense or Defense, these 4 should be there. They also need to be preemptive and catch the enemy offense before they get to the base.


Basically, its run in and out. Disc priest flag carrier, other two are support heals and CC. You basically want to out-heal the defense and CC the rest long enough to make an escape. The only possible defense would be MS warriors, Marks Hunters, and Rogues, and you would need atleast 3-4 of these classes to combat your offense. At which point you could bring in your midfield, clear the room and have a soft exit.


Basically, warrior is the base of your defense. You want him hanging out in tunnel in the cubby where the speed boots are. Rogue needs to be positioned stealthed on the wall parallel to the flag, ready to dart left or right or w/e direction the FC is heading. Shaman needs to be in ghostwolf-form, outside the base ready to move in whatever direction is needed. When heavy offense comes in, rogue, warrior, shaman kill as many people as they can until mid-field gets in. Lots of burst available to out-dps heals, coupled with MS, crippling, and purge, not many people will be escaping the base. Any deaths on your team will probably be from these guys wiping from massive-offenses.
wouldn't it be better to convert one of those holy pallys into a prot pally? no expert here, especially after 3.1, but cant a fully geared prot pally still excel at running flags; especially with a disc priest and holy pally tailing him?

over all sounds like a good strat (and a pretty good forum suggestion), i just like mages. great damage and cc and bring some buffs to the table too. idk if theres anyway to work a mage into ur strat but it'd be cool.

i'd also like to see how some people like juiced run their premade setups/strats, if they're willing to divulge. always fun to pick up some tips from people who like to premade
I'll take that into consideration as well.

I don't think 49s are quite like 19s, we don't have many guilds that consistently field customs to the point where we get a lot of full guild v guilds. At least I haven't seen any recently, but I'll definitely check around.

And just imo, resto druids are at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of healing right now. Any little burst will take them down if they're not pre-hotted and sitting in bear. Disc priests and Holy Pallys can play much more offensively now, especially priests.

Actually just for kicks, my ideal team:

Defense (3): Marks/Surv hunter, Arms Warrior, Elemental/Enhance/Resto Shaman

-- Three solid methods of slows through hamstring, trap, conc shot, frost shock, totems. I would actually prefer a resto shaman here to be able to heal the hunter and warrior. With all the slows it would actually make for a long fight for the rest of midfield to arrive. Also 2 MS effects.

Midfield(4): Warrior/Rogue, Holy Paladin, Warlock, Rogue

-- With two rogues in stealth, Holy Paladin and Warlocks have pretty good syngery work. Both Warrior and Rogue have an MS effect and could easily sub in for each other.

-- I'm not crazy when I say rogue in this situation. A lone rogue in midfield can jump an unsuspecting flag carrier, say a druid, in travel form and really mess them up. Two of them jumping an unsuspecting flag carrier could easily mean death. Good communication is key to having two rogues in mid.

Offense (3): Protection Paladin/Warrior, Holy Paladin, Disc Priest

-- Both Prot Paladins and Prot Warriors bring their own thing to the plate (Paladins with more snare and effect removal, Warriors with damage reduction things like Shield Wall or Last Stand for more health). Holy Paladin is kinda obvious, Disc Priest does wonders against a defense with AoE fear.
Taitaih said:
I'll take that into consideration as well.

I don't think 49s are quite like 19s, we don't have many guilds that consistently field customs to the point where we get a lot of full guild v guilds. At least I haven't seen any recently, but I'll definitely check around.

And just imo, resto druids are at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of healing right now. Any little burst will take them down if they're not pre-hotted and sitting in bear. Disc priests and Holy Pallys can play much more offensively now, especially priests.

Actually just for kicks, my ideal team:

Defense (3): Marks/Surv hunter, Arms Warrior, Elemental/Enhance/Resto Shaman

-- Three solid methods of slows through hamstring, trap, conc shot, frost shock, totems. I would actually prefer a resto shaman here to be able to heal the hunter and warrior. With all the slows it would actually make for a long fight for the rest of midfield to arrive. Also 2 MS effects.

Midfield(4): Warrior/Rogue, Holy Paladin, Warlock, Rogue

-- With two rogues in stealth, Holy Paladin and Warlocks have pretty good syngery work. Both Warrior and Rogue have an MS effect and could easily sub in for each other.

-- I'm not crazy when I say rogue in this situation. A lone rogue in midfield can jump an unsuspecting flag carrier, say a druid, in travel form and really mess them up. Two of them jumping an unsuspecting flag carrier could easily mean death. Good communication is key to having two rogues in mid.

Offense (3): Protection Paladin/Warrior, Holy Paladin, Disc Priest

-- Both Prot Paladins and Prot Warriors bring their own thing to the plate (Paladins with more snare and effect removal, Warriors with damage reduction things like Shield Wall or Last Stand for more health). Holy Paladin is kinda obvious, Disc Priest does wonders against a defense with AoE fear.

This is why PTR 49 pvp is so important. 49s are scarce, probably 1 to 2 guilds per battlegroup dedicated to 49s. If you could get these individual guilds to the ptr, we would be able to pick and choose premade structure. You could even pug full 10v10 twink wsg or ab. You could do bg vs bg, like vindication did.

You could also start showcasing 49s to make it more appealing to the 19s and 29s who are bored of lackluster competition and character creation. Retention at 49s is better than lower brackets, and with dks overpopulating 59s and 69s, 49 is the perfect bracket to be in. Talk about how 49s are different from the other brackets and provide differnt media to to hight lighthis.
I'll start working on a big post for the next PTR. In terms of showcasing 49s through the media, are there any really good videos out there? I'll even admit my rogue video was pretty fail, I was bad at getting the good clips together and editing.
Taitaih said:
I'll start working on a big post for the next PTR. In terms of showcasing 49s through the media, are there any really good videos out there? I'll even admit my rogue video was pretty fail, I was bad at getting the good clips together and editing.

you wouldn't even have to use movies, screenies work good also. Like that one druid who was rocking 13k stam on front-page, thats appealing. Movies, you'd want to showcase skills, being op, and big damage because thats what people like to see.

What would be more appealing is someone killing that druid frapsed in arena.

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