Rivfader said:
You don't understand how weapon speed affects ppm off of instant weapon attacks (i.e. Revenge)
weapon speed doesnt effect (or affect) instants like revenge. whether you have a 2.0 or a 1.4 its still an instant attack, and each attack has a chance to proc the enchant.
for next swing attacks (ex. HS), which are being removed in cata btw, speed does matter. with a faster weapon you can HS spam faster. faster HS = more hits = more chances to proc. but since HS eats a white attack, it balances out since that slow wep will be hitting a white attack while the quick weapon is using HS. the difference is that with 5% cap you wont miss a HS (unless facing, ne, evasion, etc) but that white hit can be avoided.
also fast weapons generate less rage per hit (subject to change in cata), but hit more often; slow weapons hit harder (more rage, subject to change), but less frequently. it really all balances it out, and thats how blizzard has designed it.
whether you have that fast weapon and get a bit more white hits and quicker HS, or a slow weapon that hits fewer times';over a laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge sample pool they have roughly the same ppm chance.
ex. a warrior using a slow 2h + berserking side by side with a rogue using berserking MH should have similar procs rates over an extended period of time auto swinging...can be swayed b/c of specials (like s&d, etc)...but again, blizz designed this so weapon speed isnt a huge factor
if you can prove im wrong, other than by simply saying i dont understand (proof, link to other sites, etc) then please do so. or just go with your gut and use a slow weapon....its your toon. but im pretty positive im right regarding ppm and weapon speed