49 warrior help

seffy said instants are independent from weapon speed, doesnt that mean instants dont take speed into account for proc chances, if so wheres evidence backing that up or disproving it

& whether its true or not...for a prot warrior, interested in defensive stats, the slower weapon swing of a thrash blade does not out weight the stats of a rin'ji or warhammer. so use an inferior weapon and pray for a few more procs, its ur warrior.
Lepidosteus said:

wasnt that helpful. didnt see anything saying instants are also based off the wep speed or that formula. all i gathered is what i already knew that instants increase proc chance by simply hitting more...and for warriors youll be hitting the same amount of instants regardless of weapon pretty much

and again. sacrificing all those stats to marginally boost a ppm enchant isnt too smart, especially when you quite clearly said defensive set up
I never said anything about some defensive setup.

It has been proven however that enchantment procs are based on something called Procs per Minute (PpM, PPM, or ppm). This in essence makes slower weapons, especially on a class like a rogue with instant attacks boosting their attacks per minute like crazy, actually proc more than faster weapons.

So what does this mean?


The number of attacks a rogue can make is limited by the amount of energy he regains, ie 10 per second, or 600 per minute. That's 17 hemos or 15 (talented) SSes, or 10 backstabs (lol).

If an Arms warrior have enough rage to use MS and OP every 5 and 3 seconds, that's 32 instant attacks in total.

A prot warrior can make 12 revenges and 10 shield slams for 22 attacks per minute.


The percentage to proc an enchant on instant attacks is #ppm * weapon speed / 60

So, a 1.70 dagger will proc Crusader is 1*1.70/60, or 2.8%

A 2.70 1-hander will proc Crusader 4.5%

A 3.70 2-hander will proc Crusader 6,2%


By the autoattacks alone, both a rogue and a warrior can expect to get 1 crusader proc per minute, no matter what weapons they're using.

By matching the class and spec to weaponspeeds from the numbers above and applying an optimal situation (always enough rage, no dodges/parries, always in range etc etc), then we get these figures:

Expected 1ppm procs: (# of attacks * (proc% / 100))

Arms warrior: 1.98 + 1 procs

Prot warrior: 0.99 + 1 procs

Hemo rogue w. slow weapon: 0.77 + 1 procs

Backstab rogue: 0.28 + 1 procs.

(most likely slightly flawed math, but cba to dig out my statistics handbook from the attic)

Haste effects?

Haste increases the chance of getting more enchant procs with autoattacks, but this doesn't spill over to the chance to proc from instant attacks.
so, prot warrior using 1.7 vs 2.7 is ~2% difference under absolute best circumstances, and expected outcome (can be a lot higher or lower in small sample pool). not a very big difference in my eyes. specially when OP was asking for the best defensive S&B combo. warhammer is 2.4 speed, thrash is 2.7...do you really want to trade all those juicy stats for .3 sec and a shitty swing proc. i wouldnt....and i dont know any prot warrior that has, even an offensive one.
Falkor said:
so, prot warrior using 1.7 vs 2.7 is ~2% difference under absolute best circumstances, and expected outcome (can be a lot higher or lower in small sample pool). not a very big difference in my eyes. specially when OP was asking for the best defensive S&B combo. warhammer is 2.4 speed, thrash is 2.7...do you really want to trade all those juicy stats for .3 sec and a shitty swing proc. i wouldnt....and i dont know any prot warrior that has, even an offensive one.

I was speaking to the wep speed difference between war hammer and rin'ji, considering that the difference is fast wep with +5 agi versus slow wep with +5 str then the warhammer wins every time assuming I'm using a proc enchant. If I was using a static enchant then tbh I would prefer 5 agi over 5 str + faster wep for more rage generation. I would also like to point out that horde side has a +12 stam mace that they can get, why are the best weps horde side :(
eh weapon smiths can make a sword with 13 sta iirc. but it only has pure stamina, not sure about speed, id take a bit more strength for 2 less sta
Can anyone verify that the build linked in tweedledum's first post in the thread (with the chardev link) is the build to go with? It all looks right to be except the lower tiers, which I don't really know anything about. I just started doing bgs with my warrior (who has been gathering dust as a little prot bot for a few years) at 38 tonight and now (at 41) I'm really diggin it. I've been wanting to twink for a while now so I think I may do it on my warrior at 49. Good thing I'm already in Ruin. :)
eh lower tiers are personal preference. id go with something this: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

i mean the whole tree is personal pref. there is no one BEST spec within arms some people like imp ms, some people like parry, etc etc etc

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