40 armor to BoP

Sorry, this came up on the front page and I would like an answer from people that actually know what they are talking about. I would like to know if it is possible to need on an item apply a 40 armor leg kit and then trade to one of your dungeon mates. I was under the impression that the item became bound after enchanted. Or, is this something that simply has been off my radar and I just didn't realize this was possible? I will test it after servers come back up but if anyone can give me an answer before that I would appreciate it so I don't waste my time.
Applying any enchant to a BoP item will make it soul bound. Still try it out if you think it's bugged.
Grabco said:
Sorry, this came up on the front page and I would like an answer from people that actually know what they are talking about. I would like to know if it is possible to need on an item apply a 40 armor leg kit and then trade to one of your dungeon mates. I was under the impression that the item became bound after enchanted. Or, is this something that simply has been off my radar and I just didn't realize this was possible? I will test it after servers come back up but if anyone can give me an answer before that I would appreciate it so I don't waste my time.

if u want to test it i have a hunter on Elune I wouldn't mind getting it for
maybe hi levels loot the legs, put the armor on them, do the dying trick to reduce armor on the item to zero, then are able to trade them back to a party member who repairs them logs out and relogs causing the 40 armor kit to reappear on the item?

the trick that was posted on some of the head enchants and wotlk leg kits?
shanker said:
maybe hi levels loot the legs, put the armor on them, do the dying trick to reduce armor on the item to zero, then are able to trade them back to a party member who repairs them logs out and relogs causing the 40 armor kit to reappear on the item?

the trick that was posted on some of the head enchants and wotlk leg kits?

fixed. tried it a while ago :(
It's pretty easy to do, I'll explain how to do it. (Yes, it can still be done.)

1) Have a level 40+ character run you through either WC or DM for the pants.

2) Once the pants drops, let the level 40+ toon need the pants.

3) Open trade with the 40+ toon.

4) Have them apply the kit. They should get a little window saying, "Enchanting this item will make it soul bound", hit okay.

5) As the kit is being applied, click drop the pants that are being enchanted to the trade window. If you did it correctly, it should glow green showing that there is an enchant being applied.

6) Complete trade.
Lets all crutch on 40 armor!
Keeping on the subject of how will 40 armor effect Painaid, I took the liberty of doing some calculations. According to Painaids stats sheet he has 6,453,732 damage recieved and 4,217,215 healing recieved leaving 2,236,517 damage recieved without healing. 2,236,517 divided by deaths should give his average HP per death of 2650 (this number seems high and may reflect occasional world buffs, friendly buffs or even exploits from previous patches depending on when blizzard started keeping track of these stats). I had to make an assumption that 2/3 of the 2,236,517 damage was physical damage and 1/3 was magic damage (unmitigated by armor). If 24 armor gives an additional 0.05% physical damage reduction (just a guess but seems conservative). 0.05*1,491,012 = 74550.6 / average hp of 2650 = 28.1.

So in summary if painaid had been using the 40 armor kit from day one he would have died 28.1 less times over the course of his twinking career. Insignificant?.....maybe
Grabco said:
Keeping on the subject of how will 40 armor effect Painaid, I took the liberty of doing some calculations. According to Painaids stats sheet he has 6,453,732 damage recieved and 4,217,215 healing recieved leaving 2,236,517 damage recieved without healing. 2,236,517 divided by deaths should give his average HP per death of 2650 (this number seems high and may reflect occasional world buffs, friendly buffs or even exploits from previous patches depending on when blizzard started keeping track of these stats). I had to make an assumption that 2/3 of the 2,236,517 damage was physical damage and 1/3 was magic damage (unmitigated by armor). If 24 armor gives an additional 0.05% physical damage reduction (just a guess but seems conservative). 0.05*1,491,012 = 74550.6 / average hp of 2650 = 28.1.

So in summary if painaid had been using the 40 armor kit from day one he would have died 28.1 less times over the course of his twinking career. Insignificant?.....maybe

Nerd .

And honestly in reality it's probably like 3 less time max.
Eliot said:
Nerd .

And honestly in reality it's probably like 3 less time max.

Actually, if you maxxed out armor and then took the 40 armor into consideration due to diminishing returns on armor coefficient this might only give 0.01% armor. Under this senario he would have about 5.6 less deaths with the armor kit.

However consider the extreme senario of never being healed and all damage taken being physical. If the armor kit gave 0.05% mitigation this would have saved him 2,313 deaths!
Quelfep said:
So, could this work with other leg chants?

I think other leg chants now have a level requirment, but I could be mistaken
Grabco said:
Actually, if you maxxed out armor and then took the 40 armor into consideration due to diminishing returns on armor coefficient this might only give 0.01% armor. Under this senario he would have about 5.6 less deaths with the armor kit.

However consider the extreme senario of never being healed and all damage taken being physical. If the armor kit gave 0.05% mitigation this would have saved him 2,313 deaths!

No I'm saying dps will just stay on him 1 second longer and he will still die.

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