40-49 q&a

probably not very considering ArP gets better the more you stack and there aint much at all to stack at 49. plus doesnt executioner disappear if you swap weapons? cuz i thought it did
was a whopping 840 armor pen, now its 120 armor pen rating. you positive you can weapon swap and keep the buff tho?
i know crusader works but didnt know if they all worked with swappin
They apply a buff, not a weapon effect. A temporary weapon effect would not overwrite a Sharpening Stone unless you'd accept it in a warning-box.
How are Priests in the 49 bracket? How do they rank in terms of healing compared to the other healers, and is shadow decent in terms of damage/utility?
Dusty old twink...

I am currently from the tanaris realm/ nightfall bg. I figure I need to transfer my guy, but where should I go, and is it worth it?


Horde Warrior

lvl 49
If you are on US, I would try queuing on one of our 49s nights (Monday/Thursday/Saturday) and see if you can get in. Many people from multiple BGs are able to now, and I would try before spending the money to transfer. If you're looking for people to play with, I would recommend looking on Ruin's servers. Also look on the battleground forums for any other information. 49s Thread (Updated 3/6) - Forums - World of Warcraft
/wave all my old friends. This is my first post ever, and although I do not have a twink anymore, for all you still going, I saw a pair of Spellshock Leggings in the Alliance AH on Medivh for 225g buy out. Not really sure if they're still as sexy as they were in my hayday, just thought I'd spread the word.

Much love.
apparently they're not as rare as back in the day (all the zf blues got increased drop rates, way over due imo), nor are they as clear BiS since most cloth users are wearing the postmaster's set....and one day BoAs most likely. but 225 is still cheap, id scoop em up and try and resell....hell i sold silvershell legs for 350g the other day and not only are they not BiS for 49 anymore, they arent even usable for 49s lul
How active is the US 49 bracket?

My good friend, fiance, and myself are returning to twinking and wanted to try a different bracket besides 19. Do enh shamans, rogues, and holy paladins fair well in this bracket?

Thanks for your help! :)
Welcome back! 49s play Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays starting 10pm EST/7pm PST. Enhancement shamans do decently enough, rogues hit hard, and holy paladins are arguably the best healers in the bracket right now thanks to their survivability.

49s have tremendous burst -- a fully geared 49 can die in two globals, which makes for intense games. The bracket is not a walk in the park, by any means. While gearing up a 49 can be a lot of work compared to other brackets, the community is very helpful toward that end. Check out the WoW 49s thread for more info:

49s: Mon/Thurs/Sat 10pm EST/7pm PST - Forums - World of Warcraft
Welcome back! 49s play Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays starting 10pm EST/7pm PST. Enhancement shamans do decently enough, rogues hit hard, and holy paladins are arguably the best healers in the bracket right now thanks to their survivability.

49s have tremendous burst -- a fully geared 49 can die in two globals, which makes for intense games. The bracket is not a walk in the park, by any means. While gearing up a 49 can be a lot of work compared to other brackets, the community is very helpful toward that end. Check out the WoW 49s thread for more info:

49s: Mon/Thurs/Sat 10pm EST/7pm PST - Forums - World of Warcraft

Thanks for the reply! I'll enjoy the intenseness of 49's. Would you happen to know a guide or a few armory links?
Thanks for the reply! I'll enjoy the intenseness of 49's. Would you happen to know a guide or a few armory links?

49pvp.com • View topic - Armory Data (29,39,49) lists a ton of armories for every class and spec, though it's a couple of months out of date. I recommend putting a chardev together and posting it for opinions in the official WoW forum thread, in case a popular choice for a slot isn't the best choice.

I don't know of any guides off the top of my head, but when in doubt, go for survivability. We've seen crits for 3.2K in this bracket, so we recommend a minimum of 3.5K unbuffed combined health and damage mitigation (e.g. priests can go lower since they can keep themselves bubbled) to prevent getting globaled. My resto shaman clocks in over 5K health.

Professions vary. Many choose mining, as capping at 375 nets you 30 stam. Herbalism is also popular for the haste burst from lifeblood, and rogues like skinning for the extra crit. Engineering (capped at 300) has some fun toys, alchemy has elixir buffs, and tailoring has nets.

Hope to see you all soon!

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