40-49 q&a

HP Requirements?

(Shamelessly copied from my post in 39's Q&A)

How much is too little HP for:

* Healer

* Melee DPS

* Ranged DPS

Thank you very much for your help! Love the site. Keep up the good work. ^.^


Silver Hand
Kaanaa said:
(Shamelessly copied from my post in 39's Q&A)

How much is too little HP for:

* Healer

* Melee DPS

* Ranged DPS

Thank you very much for your help! Love the site. Keep up the good work. ^.^


Silver Hand

(Shamelessly copied from my post in 39's Q&A)

Healer: If you can get 1-shotted by an ambush it's too little. If you can last a GCD after the ambush and heal yourself you're fine.

DPS: There is no "too little" unless you have a healer. Without a healer just get balanced stats, but don't focus heavily on DPS.
Kaanaa said:
(Shamelessly copied from my post in 39's Q&A)

How much is too little HP for:

* Healer

* Melee DPS

* Ranged DPS

Thank you very much for your help! Love the site. Keep up the good work. ^.^


Silver Hand

i'd say the minimum hp anyone should have in this bracket (regardless or class/duty) is 3k. some can get away with less like maybe a rogue, but not by much. the main thing you need to survive is an ambush/evis. that is probably the most burst in the bracket atm. then their is warriors crazy burst with MS and overpower...pallys, casters, etc.

just dont roll with less than 3k hp and live should be good. after that focus on dps or healing stats.
3k is bare minimum imo for most classes. I'd almost recommend 3.5k if you're going to be dealing with a lot of focus fire or you queue alone.
Taitaih, excuse me, but do you know what the 'naked stats' of a 49 orc lock is ? or where I can find out, did some googling , but gave up rather quick.

(not 49 yet and trying to calculate something <_<)
You can go to chardev.org and fill in the blanks for a naked 49 lock if you want to know the exact stats.
What should i do?

My 49 twink is going to be a Rogue, and i'm wondering whats the best spec to do the most damage, and have good survivability? and if i need to know anything else for my rogue please let me know. Name: Tyrannize Realm: Daggerspine Thank you :)
There are not any ilvl 60 weapons available for Alliance.

However you could always faction transfer to Horde to get the item... and transfer with it back to Alliance.
Taitaih said:
There are not any ilvl 60 weapons available for Alliance.

However you could always faction transfer to Horde to get the item... and transfer with it back to Alliance.

has anyone done this and confirmed it worked btw or is this still speculation?

only reason i ask is if they are treated as two different weapons or if they're the same and blizz just fudged alliance quest and never fixt it.
has anyone done this and confirmed it worked btw or is this still speculation?

only reason i ask is if they are treated as two different weapons or if they're the same and blizz just fudged alliance quest and never fixt it.

As I recall the initial alliance quest requires level 50 for some reason whereas the horde only requires 45 I think. The quests after that on alliance side can be done before 50 according to wowhead.com so it's strange that the initial one is different. You can faction change to horde to get it then change back again if you want, however unless they bring in some new enchants I don't think it's worth getting.
Hurpdurp said:
As I recall the initial alliance quest requires level 50 for some reason whereas the horde only requires 45 I think. The quests after that on alliance side can be done before 50 according to wowhead.com so it's strange that the initial one is different. You can faction change to horde to get it then change back again if you want, however unless they bring in some new enchants I don't think it's worth getting.

nah initial quest is the same or 49 or something but the second or third quest in the chain requires lvl 50. so you could actually start it then faction change, finish it, then change back, but thats a lot of irl gold for just that (altho you can pick up other horde only gear while you're at it, but still..). its been broken since vanilla and blizz has known, but just never decided to fix it since it doesnt effect "end game" (60 content) since it wasnt meant for lower lvls to complete anyways - used to require a group of 60s to take down the final boss or w/e.

cool that alliance people are able to get it via faction change though, i remember when the service first came out nobody had used it having a felbane wep and couldnt c/d. (btw armory linked doesnt have it equipped & i didnt see it in the activity part of armory, but i trust yall).
I play arena frequently with this guy who runs with Enchanted Azsharite Felbane Sword w/ Executioner to later on swap out his BAR to get insane crits.

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