This makes me wanna have a level 45 - but also I was talking to someone last night about how since level 10's are going to become a niche thing and completely useless thanks to some kid with multiple accounts spamming the forums, I am thinking of having a 45 or 49 mainly for being able to go into Chromie and fucking people up who are ganking folks leveling in war mode. I'm on Area52 Horde and I see so many Alliance feeling brave once they hit 40+ so they go to Gorgrond and start ganking people, I've also seen Horde do the same thing. This is why I want something that's like 40 something just for Open World PvP (and possibly PvE) because once 10's are dead, I don't really have anything that's gonna draw me back into WoW. I don't raid and I don't do mythics because I hate the communities surrounding them always becoming toxic after awhile because someone is doing 1dps more than the others. I just wanna enjoy the game and endgame content doesn't do that for me anymore.45 for more talents/abilities, better scaling at the min level for a raid tier.... can't you eek out the highest possible ilvl for artifacts at this level from antorus?
Plus its the best level for combining artifacts and azerite traits. That's my take on it. Never played the bracket but I plan on doing it soon on a 45
Too bad we couldn't have traits at 10... that was so much fun
10's have ALWAYS been a niche thing but NEVER useless. Most Players who started Twinking at 10 did so because that's the 1st Level when Blizzard will reinstate Gold/Items/etc if your Account gets hacked and Toons deleted. They were also Bankers for a lot of us (still are for some of us).but also I was talking to someone last night about how since level 10's are going to become a niche thing and completely useless thanks to some kid with multiple accounts spamming the forums
Well, I mainly just wanna do WPvP to stomp on kids who are leveling and trying to gank people. I'm a bit of a dick I guess.Yeah its somewhat a toss between 20 and 45 for me personally. WPVP looks amazing (edit) at 45+
Yeah I know they'll always be a niche thing, but I meant to me it'll be useless and just niche instead of useful for OP open world farming like I had hoped. Well, I guess what I want is actually niche and kinda stupid. I enjoy open world farming or dungeon farming on twinks because in Legion it kinda peeked my interest and I started doing open world farms for fun, it turned into something I did for gold but because I had nothing else to do I just kinda actually enjoyed it. The nerf to level 10s just devestates me because I will admit I love PvP but I 100% suck at twink BG PvP as I tried it back in the day and completely failed when going against actual twinks. It made me laugh because I realized how outmatched I am against so many in the twink community because a lot have been doing this for years and I've been in and out of the retail scene for years not really sticking around for much.10's have ALWAYS been a niche thing but NEVER useless. Most Players who started Twinking at 10 did so because that's the 1st Level when Blizzard will reinstate Gold/Items/etc if your Account gets hacked and Toons deleted. They were also Bankers for a lot of us (still are for some of us).
Yes, it's true that some butthurt little kid did everything he could to be heard by Blizzard and likely that's why many of the "toys" we had/have are going away. However, this happens literally every XPac and 10's are not always the focus, Twinks in general are. Filthy casual plebs just can't stand it when they get destroyed by someone with literally hundreds of hours in a single Character, who knows how to play said Character inside and out, and more importantly, how to play that Character against other Classes in a PvP environment. Twinks have always held that stigma, right now is nothing new to us.
EDIT: 10's kind of were useless in either Cata or MoP, can't remember![]()
Most of them do yeah. I only go after those actively seeking out lower levels to kill. I just have to figure out what class I'd wanna make for it cause I first got the idea what I got ganked on my DK at level 32 by a level 47 Mage who was literally roaming around trying to find lower levels that were alone so they could kill them - this shows there's many who don't know how to play so they try to wait for lower levels to be alone so they can mount back up and fly away, which is exactly what he did for about 20 minutes lmao.Nah... NAAAAAAH
They deserve it
You don't need a 49 currently, but im preparing for if or when they fix this: You can party sync into chromie time with a level 50 and a level 10+, you get restricted to 50 but since your 50 already it doesn't do anything, you phase into chromie time with the level 50. Then you become the top of the bracket because your a max level, unless other players do the same thing. Players seem to get confused when they see a lvl 50. I normally just use it for the pve scaling on older content such as gold farming,(or gear if it becomes stronger later), but its an easy way to be usually op while in warmode.Most of them do yeah. I only go after those actively seeking out lower levels to kill. I just have to figure out what class I'd wanna make for it cause I first got the idea what I got ganked on my DK at level 32 by a level 47 Mage who was literally roaming around trying to find lower levels that were alone so they could kill them - this shows there's many who don't know how to play so they try to wait for lower levels to be alone so they can mount back up and fly away, which is exactly what he did for about 20 minutes lmao.