39s Servers - Whos on what


Hey guys,

Can we get info on who's playing on what servers so those who have mains on different realms can work out where to build up their twinks

On Deviate Delight with some old heads. We are doing 19s, 29s, and 39s but we favor the later. Here's the thread I put up about it.
US- Whitemane - Alliance
In touch with one other guy that is making a 39 twink, hoping theres a few more out there.
About 5 of us horde side Grobbulus. 6th confirmed outside of my guild, already set and ready to go.
Whitemane Horde - I got a ton of perfect Hpally gear sitting on a bank alt if someone needs on Alliance. I am looking for Tiger Nocturnal 12/12 or Quilliard Harness.
cyber I'm a holy pally on whitemane-ally.
All I need is a mail belt of healing (have cloth +31 RN) or mail belt of the eagle, cheers.
6 of us rolling 39's ally on thunderfury.
39s on Oceanic Server Arugal - so far have a 39 shaman and my mate's got a 39 mage, we're also planning on rolling two 39 rogues on alliance secondary to concerns about possible faction imbalance and queue times
Got a mage almost finished on Oceanic - Felstriker. See you on the Gulch come phase 3.
Is Oceanic in the same BG queue as US servers? or they have separate?
Have pretty much all BoE's including POD on Earthfury :D Maybe making a rogue or lock, and going resto with the sham too!

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