39's Roll Call! Scroll of Resurrection

Another extremely succesful night! Games started at 8:00pm and lasted after 2:00am of continous non stop games. We got 2 games up simultaneosly at a couple of points through out the night as well. The balance was a lot closer with a lot of close games in my opinion. I enjoyed thoroughly being sap spammed by bigmoran and ohso all night long lol

We will be trying again this Monday (08/11/14) at 8pm/eastern. Remember that each day added will be there for the weekly schedule =)
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I done for tonight, GG
Hey, I have horde toons: 39 War (Glasser), 39 Priest (Ukkos), 39 Rogue (Andridius), and an alliance toon: 39 Pally (Chalkbored) ready for some action.
Games were a blast last night!

Are you streaming the games by any chance? I think that would be good promotoin for the bracket. We could even put the stream links in the OP so if people are sitting in Q they have something to watch.
Are you streaming the games by any chance? I think that would be good promotoin for the bracket. We could even put the stream links in the OP so if people are sitting in Q they have something to watch.

Yeah i am! Streamed the games last night! I will stream when i play in future!
How are the games tonight? Still popping?

I don't check this forum until the day after games, so sory for the late response.

Games started a bit early last night like 7:40pm east and lasted until after 1:00am. I had to leave at 1:00am so i am not sure what the status of the games was after that. I know a couple of us are constantly updating people through Btag and announcing if 2 games are up (which has been the status quota ever since monday). We also are constantly updating through the official 39 thread in the wow forums. I will try and check this thread during games, but most 39s just use the official wow forums so I keep most of my attention there.
I enjoyed throwing kegs at you guys.

Currently there are only 3 offensive BMers in the bracket. I have to say that I think they might become more popular with their surv/CC. Not to mention they are great in mid fights to soak up a lot of the damage.

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