39's Roll Call! Scroll of Resurrection

Only got one game in before it quit for the night. Hope I get a few more in next game night

Last night was a bit slow. A lot of the 19s that have been qing up were playing RBGs, and a lot of the horde were missing as well. Jaymaster and I were whispering as much as we could and we got it going from 8:15pm to like 11:30pm. Monday should be better for sure.
Last night was a bit slow. A lot of the 19s that have been qing up were playing RBGs, and a lot of the horde were missing as well. Jaymaster and I were whispering as much as we could and we got it going from 8:15pm to like 11:30pm. Monday should be better for sure.

Looking forward to Monday! This bracket has been really fun when I get to enjoy it.
I have an ally mage Imbad a horde druid Bearforceone and a horde paladin Isuk. Maybe play soon
Yoube your behind the scenes work and support for any bracket you participate in insurmountable. Thanks for getting new players and old players interested once again in 39s =)
srsly, whats up with US, fucking server reset and server lags every single day. and whats up with all these fucking botters/hackers/ddosers like 50% on US bot.

god you all internet gangsters
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srsly, whats up with US, fucking server reset and server lags every single day. and whats up with all these fucking botters/hackers/ddosers like 50% on US bot.

god you all internet gangsters

lag spikes have been going on in all brackets, had 70's stuck in BGs last night. today tried to hearth to shat....INSTANCE ABORTED
blizz has been merging x, y and z servers, yet after maintenance servers, yet m, k, and h are having issues. several could not do 19's yesterday, trying to log in got long loadiing screens to see CHARACTER NOT FOUND on many players who were on servers not related to maintenance

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