39s "Armory" Thread + Discord Link


Bracket Tourist
Hello and Welcome to the WotLK 39s "Armory"

For more information regarding builds here's a Link to the 39s Discord

So since there isn't an actual "armory" for WotLK you should go to https://eightyupgrades.com/ and share your builds and we can post them for people looking for general gearing direction/ideas

I guess there's a couple weird things to the site currently:
  • Heirlooms don't have any stats on them but you can at least equip them. They're at the bottom of the list.
  • Sometimes Heirlooms don't show up, Change the to Phase 5
  • If your character uses Leather->Mail Heirlooms, you might have to level the chatacter to 40, equip the item, and delevel it.
  • They recently added gear suffixes like "of the Monkey" just click the "random suffixes box at the bottom

Feel free to post exactly how your character is currently geared, or what you would consider BiS.

Don't forget to mention what the playstyle is of your build. ex. Glass cannon, FC, Arena, BG, Whatever and I will link to your post in a (Details) addition.

I look forward to your submissions!
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Feral FC - PJX
Feral - DJ
Restoration - Donor
Feral - Idiot
Restoration - Idiot

Marksman/Survival - Dramatized
Marksman/Survival - amoney
Marksman/Survival - Chops
Marksman/Survival with INT - zykee

Fire - PJX
Fire - TyDubb

Welfare Retribution - Cig
Holy - Cig
Welfare Holy - Dform
Welfare Holy - Dramatized

Holy - Ohti
Shadow - DJ

Subtlety - Zelleon
Subtlety - Dramatized
Welfare Subtlety - Skelmir
Subtlety - Dimzyy
Subtlety - Rubbertoes
Subtlety - Fred

Restoration - Kirise (Details)
Enhancement - Kaxle
Elemental - Boodog
Elemental "Bomberman" - Donor
Enhancement with PoD - Porowl

Affliction - Donor
Affliction - Dramatized
Soul Link/Affliction - Donor

Arms: Axe - Chops
Arms with PoD - Dramatized
Arms: Sword with Bleeds - Cig
Welfare Arms: Sword - Fred
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You're missing like over 2% hit, you're gonna be missing your attacks, hit cap is 5% for melee (30 hit rating), you only have 16 hit rating, you also can't put 6 stats on wolffear harness, it requires level 31, the item level only takes into effect if the item doesn't have a required level (quest items).
Hpally - I'm rocking most of this atm, still need to get AGM.
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Affli Warlock

* Champion Herod's Shoulders instead of Revelosh's Spaulders
* Draenei gets 1% hit rating from racial (ty to poster below who reminded me)​

Holy Paladin

Arms Warr


Might update my Mage, Priest and Druid's armories later on. (I included the future heirlooms I will use, but rest of the pieces reflect my actual gear on the characters with the exception of +healing revelosh bracers on Paladin.)
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Resto shaman, battle healer build:


I couldn't figure out how to add heirlooms, so assume the Aged Pauldrons of the Five Thunders, Blessed Hammer of Grace, and Inherited Insignia of the Alliance will take corresponding slots when those arrive.

Most of those choices come from these (long outdated but still useful) guides. Please pardon my self-aggrandisement:

This resto shaman build intends to shift roles quickly between healer, utility, and offensive caster. The high spellpower from enchants and numerous "of healing" pieces allows for harder-hitting heals and shocks, and the talents help with mobility, increased uptime, and decreased enemy movement.

Points of interest:
  • The Green Whelp Armor works well in melee-heavy contexts, but needs an Eagle (stam/int) alternative in caster-heavy contexts. Armor loss from using Green Whelp Armor isn't a big deal given how much extra armor the Green Tower provides, and how much Chops seethes during each nap he takes.
  • Draenei get a +1% hit chance bonus. Combined with the Surefooted boot enchant, Draenei shaman reach the 3% spell hit cap without using the glove +hit enchant. That said, movement speed boot enchants are great, so it may be worth using one of those and trading in 20 spellpower on gloves for 15 hit instead.
  • If by some miracle (or deep pockets) you land a Miner's Hat of the Deep and you're not big on using engineering items, consider swapping out engineering for mining to get the +10 stam bonus.
This build works best in random BGs. Premades and arenas see healers getting locked down and burst apart much more frequently, prompting for significantly more stamina.
they're at the bottom of the list I believe if you search for them you should be able to find them?
View attachment 21840

Interesting, only the BoAs gotten through Emblems of Heroism are listed as available. The heirlooms I want must have used a different currency, which I vaguely recall. Since the ones I listed all have resilience, maybe the site doesn't include PvP currency options? I don't recall how we got that class of heirlooms.
Interesting, only the BoAs gotten through Emblems of Heroism are listed as available. The heirlooms I want must have used a different currency, which I vaguely recall. Since the ones I listed all have resilience, maybe the site doesn't include PvP currency options? I don't recall how we got that class of heirlooms.
You get the grand staff of Jordan, and other resilience ones via storekeeper shards which you can get via wintergrasp quests, or dungeons if your faction controls wintergrasp
You get the grand staff of Jordan, and other resilience ones via storekeeper shards which you can get via wintergrasp quests, or dungeons if your faction controls wintergrasp

At first I got excited because I was like, OG Wintergrasp! Then I remembered I rolled on basically an Alliance-only server, so it's gonna be dungeons for days. Which is prolly more efficient, but gads, I loved Wintergrasp.

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