39 Twink Warlock

Unstablle said:
my lock ßàit has the highest possible without BoAs minus one im almost positive (damn you +20 shadow wrath boots) which is at 392 i think. no naxx either :( i sit at 1856 hp and 1972 mana in that set. in my soul link set i sit at 2.9k hp and 2.5k mana, but i still need to go out and get robes of the lich which will bring up my hp quite a bit.

without naxx and 20 shadow damage boots (and no BoA) in non-exploitable gear, you should be at;

386 unbuffed.
If you still want a "Guide" then you can check from my lock, zeprophet. i'm getting BoA Trinket(Insignia+with resi) and STV trinket soon and hopefully that can help me to win the war vs rogues, i have Tidal Charm and Insignia of the horde on me. recently got 39 and was done farming the "main" gear yday
I'm not sure I'd take 39 of Healing bracers over of Shadow Wrath, you're kidding yourself if you're using other spells than shadow enough to sacrifice the loss in dmg, albeit small. Green lens can be 36 shadow as well instead of 34. I have a few 36's of frozen/fiery/shadow on Skullcrusher US if you're interested. :snicker:

Other than the helm/leg exploits and what I just mentioned you've got what I'd use. Well I do prefer the extra stam from Kris+Umbral combo but either way is fine.
If your looking for the best weapon after 3.1 hits, it will be the Dignified Headmasters Charge. I'm not sure how available BoA gear my be to you, but at lvl 39 it gives:

DHC (3.1):

17 Stamina

14 Intellect

*Some crit*

31 Spell power

Although even after the enhanced 31 spellpower with a 30 SP enchant you'll have 61 spell power on this staff.

Comparing to a Staff of Jordan, it can have 77 Shadow damage with soulfrost or 66 SP with a 40 SP enchant.

The Dignified headmasters charge may have 16 less spell power, but it has 17 more stamina, which justifies the loss in my opinion.

This is Demonthenes, my warlock.

As of posting, he is in half of his survival set. Though any <empty> slots should be assumed as BoA. I do have a robe of the magi, but I've grown tired of looking purple, so the current one i have equipped is a wicked looking red :)
I favor shadow spells over anything else(obviously) but some players do know how to kick and the 2 more spellpower for shadow might be lesser valued then(Searing Pain spam/Immolate), but i'll still how to agree with you, eyes open @AH.

The 34spellpower is cuse i wanted to start, couldn't be arsed waiting but i got my eyes open on AH and if 3.1 dosen't break me i'll go farm to get 36sp.

the Mainhand/offhand combo is not anything i'll switch to, 110mana and the pointless spirit over 5sta and two less spellpower. it dosen't seem like i'm going stick with SoJ anyway if the BoA staff gets out with that high sta and spellpower not to forget i'll change to destro and try it out where the crit will benefit me even more:p
Don't allow yourself to be vulnerable to kick then? That's really not hard as a warlock to be honest. As well those would be the very few chances you would be using fire I was speaking of and frankly, especially if you're good at avoiding kicks, then its simply not worth the 2 extra shadow dmg... but hey that's just my opinion.

I will agree the BoA staff is looking mighty tasty with that extra stamina. We'll see how that pans out for me on switching to that over my kris+umbral combo. My kris currently enchanted with soulfrost is only +10. I have two +11 kris' but I haven't enchanted them yet. 30 Spellpower is rediculously cheap 3.1 compared to Soulfrost so that may play a part in my decision on switching to the BoA.

I love the look of the dagger with soulfrost tho... so we'll see.
Mother Goose said:
Don't allow yourself to be vulnerable to kick then? That's really not hard as a warlock to be honest. As well those would be the very few chances you would be using fire I was speaking of and frankly, especially if you're good at avoiding kicks, then its simply not worth the 2 extra shadow dmg... but hey that's just my opinion.

You can fake cast but your life is ticking down so your time is limited or hope they don't have trinket ready when you use Tidal charm(ever 15th' min) else you can enjoy a full stun lock+grenade and i my case thats 90-100% of my hp. so i don't see how you do anything vs the kicks unless you switch to Succubus(Blind and we are back to basic again), but please share if you have any ideas about how to get em off you when they start out with CS-KS.
Once a rogue is on me i usually accept defeat. The occasions I survive are the times i ROFL a the rogue.

When a rogue opens on me:

/pet attack

/cast siphon life, when you have the opportunity.

For the good rogues that will most likely kill you before you can do much else:


Hunt their ass down before they can stealth


For the bad rogues:

/cast corruption

/cast curse of agony

/cast immolate

I've given up trying to fear a rogue. I just try to make sure they die with me.

On occasion, they don't get a slowing poison off, I just curse of exhaustion and hope they don't have blind or sprint on CD.
Hunt em when they appear is my tactic atm, it does cuse me alot of deaths but atleast three or four times the kills :)

I also try to get em before stealthing with sending Fel hunter on them and Spell locking them into combat, but ye good rogues don't fall for that :(
Demonthenes said:
Once a rogue is on me i usually accept defeat. The occasions I survive are the times i ROFL a the rogue.

When a rogue opens on me:

/pet attack

/cast siphon life, when you have the opportunity.

For the good rogues that will most likely kill you before you can do much else:


Hunt their ass down before they can stealth


For the bad rogues:

/cast corruption

/cast curse of agony

/cast immolate

I've given up trying to fear a rogue. I just try to make sure they die with me.

On occasion, they don't get a slowing poison off, I just curse of exhaustion and hope they don't have blind or sprint on CD.

sounds like you havn't heard of anti venoms.

I have beat 3 twink rogues this morning my 39 warlock and kited away slowly killed them all and laughed at the while doing. ( they all stun locked me to the point where i became immune )

if rogue opens on you, you wait for the cheapshot to expire, he kidney shots you trinket out, ur most likely slowed use an anti venom and then exhaustion him down and you may need to pop a swiftness pot. After your 20yards + hit him with a corruption and siphon life and continue to keep your distance and you will be ok.

Tip: If you use your anti venom and he re cripples you, use another type of anti venom the 3 differen't kinds share differen't cds so you an actually take off 3 anti venoms.

If you ask any twink rogue on the my battlegroup they will all tell you out of the 100 times a twink rogue sneaks up on me about less then 1% does he take me down.

Practice that rogues will no longer gives you problems and u dont need to bust out the succy.

This is coming from the top ranked 39 lock on the battlegroup nightfall, server venture co, qpacx
That really is a flawed method. The only Warlocks that stand a chance against stamina stacked rogues are SL stamina warlocks. Even rogues in the 500ap/20% crit category can take 2000hp very quickly. Any good rogue, if he is in a trully 1v1 situation with you, is not going to engage in combat with you unless he has some cds. A good rogue will take two strategies, if he's fighting a warlock with 2500hp or less, he will try a traditional stunlock combo. You can either trinket out of the kidney shot, or you can trinket out of the blind. The choice is yours. Whats important to remember is that he will have two periods of burst damage where he can take 2500hp or less.

Good rogues will all have 220+ engineering, so they always have a counter stun to stop you getting distance, whether it being a grenade, a swiftness potion, blind, sprint etc. The other point to mention, is that most twinks do not get all the utility available to them, so regardless of being a warlock, you have the upper hand if you are using grenades and swiftness potions. That's not a counter-class strategy.

For a warlock who is stamina stacked, and in the 2.5-4k hp region, the rogue will not blow his KS straight away. Battles like this are about locking you down, soaking up the dot damage (lifeblood + AB trinket), which is quite possible on 3.3khp + LB+ABT, timing kick, gouge, and if all else fails, a kidney shot. It is also possible to quickly vanish + cs within dot cycles. The anti venoms are not really a problem, as whilst you are popping them you are consuming a GCD, and are likely to get another cripple proc almost immediately.

If i can keep top mages locked down, and stopping them from getting distance on me, do you really think a warlock can?

It sounds to me, that 99% of rogues don't know how to play. Which is personally verified.
double ambush + sprint > coex

if you can keep top mages locked down all the time 1v1 then the mages are bad
I didn't say all the time, but the issue is that mage can't get range on me, given we both have our cds. Too many rogues do dumb things like open up with cheapshot. Rupture + GS - thats 1000-1300hp out of the way already. Wait to see if he pops blink or FN first, Immediately vanish after he has made his decision - you don't want a FN destealthing you, don't waste any time and get immediately on that mage before blink cycle.

I find that with improved garrote + GS, it's actually no advisable to go for ambush builds on a mage, (but perhaps not if you have imp Ambush). For your 60 energy you are getting a 25% chance at 1200 damage, or 75% chance of 600, compared to a 100% chance of getting a 600 DOT on your target (around 750 if hemo has been applied), for 30 energy.

At this stage he still has his heat wave and FN, and you have 2 combo points, because blink has been burned, stealth up, and you have a 15 sec window before next blink. IOA on FN, sprint on heatwave or if he gets any distance, keep sprint up, double if need be, if you can't take him down in the blink cycle, then you should have your second vanish. There is absolutely nothing even an amazingly well played mage can do to stop a skilled sub rogue. The rogue has a large margin for error, where the mage has practically none.

BTW, is this lock the 'top ranked' lock based on epeen? Or what?
elesian said:
I didn't say all the time, but the issue is that mage can't get range on me, given we both have our cds. Too many rogues do dumb things like open up with cheapshot. Rupture + GS - thats 1000-1300hp out of the way already. Wait to see if he pops blink or FN first, Immediately vanish after he has made his decision - you don't want a FN destealthing you, don't waste any time and get immediately on that mage before blink cycle.

I find that with improved garrote + GS, it's actually no advisable to go for ambush builds on a mage, (but perhaps not if you have imp Ambush). For your 60 energy you are getting a 25% chance at 1200 damage, or 75% chance of 600, compared to a 100% chance of getting a 600 DOT on your target (around 750 if hemo has been applied), for 30 energy.

At this stage he still has his heat wave and FN, and you have 2 combo points, because blink has been burned, stealth up, and you have a 15 sec window before next blink. IOA on FN, sprint on heatwave or if he gets any distance, keep sprint up, double if need be, if you can't take him down in the blink cycle, then you should have your second vanish. There is absolutely nothing even an amazingly well played mage can do to stop a skilled sub rogue. The rogue has a large margin for error, where the mage has practically none.

well, on my mage i have been soloed a couple times by good rogues, but i have another trick up my sleeve - POM. POM + poly is awsome :D

not only that, but i have over 4k mana that you have to burn through. my mana is where most of the bleed damage will go.

a rogue has nearly no margin for error. if it messes up one CD i will usually get away.

remember that a mage also has iceblock :p

granted, i'm not going to kill you, but i spend most of my time with a flag on my back anyways.
ok so rogue Vs Mage if they are equally geared and skilled, the mage will win...

nuff said

idk who the rogue is...
That is a common mis-conception that mages destroy rogues. Even a poorly played mage will beat a better than average rogue, but make no mistake the expert rogue has the upper hand. It all comes down to cd's and re-acting quickly. Mages blow through mana fast as it is without expending it on dot and opener damage. Pom-poly is nice, possibly might help you get some distance, but most rogues will quickly sprint the other way, whilst your blink is down, and then reset. Didn't realise some mages actually go arcane at 39? Can't see that being the way to go tbh, enlighten me?
Mages blow through mana fast as it is without expending it on dot and opener damage.

with arcane int i have 4.3k mana and imp mana shield

Pom-poly is nice, possibly might help you get some distance, but most rogues will quickly sprint the other way, whilst your blink is down, and then reset.
sorry i'm just talking about WSG
Didn't realise some mages actually go arcane at 39? Can't see that being the way to go tbh, enlighten me?

fc mage
Im not sooo sure about the expert rogue comment

i will agree and say that a well played rogue is nothing to scoff at but a mage that is Intelligently using everything he has will beat a rogue at 39...

although i will also say mages margain for error is much much much smaller than that of a rogue even at 39, they have A lot of ways to reset a fight...

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