never necessarily say i'd win, just saying a good mage should be able to survive through a rogue's assault and that a rogue doesn't always have much room for mistakes either. i mean you started off with saying you could keep the top mages locked down, and i disagree if the mage is just trying to survive.
anyways, if we're back on the 'who wins 1v1' topic, you said something about popping a second sprint on the mage. if you do that the mage will have blink up again, as well as possibly FN. blink also allows for the mage to poly and reset it if it can, while the rogue has fewer CDs up.
smart mages will also use cone of cold before you get into melee. if they do you won't be able to reach them without a trinket or vanish.
a smart mage vs a smart rogue is an interesting battle, but i don't think the rogue will win most of the time. a rogue has to time its CDs very well and reach the mage before it can start to do some lethal DPS. granted, the mage has to time its CDs very well too. it is an interesting battle and seems to depend on who plays it better.
as for the thread going completely off track, it seems like a general rule that all threads must be less and less ontopic as they go along, aside the arcade thread.