39 Twink Private Server

I've been onto the iTwink server and here's some stuff that's wrong:

- no shadowmeld

- reve of the eagle + enchants

- 5 min FF in pvp (+double FF of one person)

- bear form?

- blighted leggings

- no travel form

- mounts in wsg tunnel

- no recently dropped flag debuff

- BOA staves

- glyphs

- shapeshifting doesn't remove frost shock, and probably other movement impairing/ immobilize effects

- Blink is broken.

- Buffs resetting after teleport

- I can shoot through walls

You may know most, but I'll tell it anyway :D
Anyone know of a good healer class that can not get creamed as easily by a rogue? I usually play a priest, and have gotten frusterated with the skill present on this server. Im thinking some sort of prot/holy pally, any ideas?
Brutessa said:
Anyone know of a good healer class that can not get creamed as easily by a rogue? I usually play a priest, and have gotten frusterated with the skill present on this server. Im thinking some sort of prot/holy pally, any ideas?

key is imp. inner fire, renew always up, shield, herbalism, always have 2 dots up, and spamming glyphed holy nova, dispelling agm and using agm. will still be close fights.
Twinkytoes said:
Thanks for adding a Bug Page btw X :)

Don't suppose you have msn or something do you Twinky? I have no knowledge of editing WoW servers but I'd like to help out where possible :) Bug testing, fund raising, dealing with people's problems - that sort of thing I guess!

Emiley said:
hey brumble, what are your characters names on here?
Ahoy Emiley

Brumble, Brumbler and Brumple for my Rogues. I've made 39s of every class, but I've mostly been on Brumbler recently, Orc Rogue

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