39 Twink Private Server

I must say I really have enjoyed playing on this server so far, even with some minor bugs and a little unstability its still awesome, and I really appreciate the work you have put/are putting into this :)

Can't wait till you get the servers going "for real", its going to be so cool =D

But I'd like to ask you one thing.. it would be very nice if you, when you have time, could post in the Itwink status thread, just short notices of how things are working out, what bugs you have fixed, and more importantly when you estimate the servers will be up ;)


I haven't donated anything yet, but when you get the server up on a constant basis I'll donate the amount that otherwise would have gone to waste(Blizz) =)

- Alz
I can't get on the Itwink.servergame.org website?? It realy pisses me off :S

Ofc i'm not mad at you, just because i was realy looking forward to this ^^

EDIT: And btw. does Rtkgaming, supports game version 3.2.2`??
Batgnom said:
I can't get on the Itwink.servergame.org website?? It realy pisses me off :S

Ofc i'm not mad at you, just because i was realy looking forward to this ^^

EDIT: And btw. does Rtkgaming, supports game version 3.2.2`??

Sorry to everyone who was trying to sign up, my CP for the site sort of crashed on me and I didn't notice >.>

Forum | iTwink 39 Private Server

damm... I can go the link u posted Orc, but when i click on Account Sign In, it redirect me to itwink.servegame.org, wich doesn't work for me??
I certainly like this idea. But I am unable to make an account as the link seems broken.

Hey, i think it will be very fun, but will it be with 3.3.5a luncher? when will it be done?:)
Holy three year thread necro.


The sliver of hope that I have left for this bracket is hanging; I really hope nobody actually plays on this server because we could be playing 39s live =(
NWR will be chaging from 19 twink to 39 twink. We are a fully dedicated private server team, and plan on making 39 twinking a lot of fun. We're coming soon :)

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