39 Rogue Guide

im pretty sure there is a guide that also includes pictures n all that.


sap. turn to the left or right standing behind your target. when you can not autoattack any more coz you turned too far, you can still do styles.

it is a lil range of some degrees, but it is pretty easy after some training.

think if it as a half circle in front of your char. thats your attack zone. styles can be done all over that zone, while autoattacks are not possible in a few degrees on the left and right...dead zones for autoattack.

well, not that short.
Hey Ishh!

Awesome guide you made, got my Rogue nearly all based on your findings.

Still i got two questions,

1. What kind of poisions do you use.. I now use Crip in main hand and Deadly II in ofhand not for the more dmg, but for the dot tick. Am i right or are there better ways?

2. Is Aqua ring of the enluding any good? I got both but seems to be a good ring.

Thank you. And see you soon if i transfer to Cyclone! (as an ally)
crip MH is fine.

the dot from deadly can prevent some CC...

[item]Wound Poison[/item] is the best choice most of the time.
Thanks heaps Bansil, allows a few more secs to gain more cp's and/or skills.

A noob question on enchants since TBC... Are the "BoE" listed enchants in the guide for those which the enchanter can only do for his/her own items ie. enchanted before given back to twink to equip? ie cannot be used on soulbound items presented in the 'will not trade window'? Or are able to use on soulbound items which were once BoE?

My existing chants are pre TBC Armory - Swarfega

Learnin slow but learnin none the less....
Swarfega said:
Thanks heaps Bansil, allows a few more secs to gain more cp's and/or skills.

A noob question on enchants since TBC... Are the "BoE" listed enchants in the guide for those which the enchanter can only do for his/her own items ie. enchanted before given back to twink to equip? ie cannot be used on soulbound items presented in the 'will not trade window'? Or are able to use on soulbound items which were once BoE?

My existing chants are pre TBC Armory - Swarfega

Learnin slow but learnin none the less....

You can enchant every item through the "Will not be traded" window. One exception is the leg armor enchant, you can apply that yourself. (the +32 armor version)
Iv written and deleted 5 times now. I cant express myself how positive this thread is.

Thank you is only a word, but know that I mean it.

- I have a question. Is BOA shoulders and chest the best in slot if you have all the other itms available? (eks, I have the 18 hit rating headpiece etc, I dont need the shoulders and chest itm to cap it etc)

Bansil said:
both are best in slot...at least they free a lot of hit in other slots. think of goggles for example.

How good are they really? +3 stealth detect vs miners helm and another profesion bonus

PS, Im making a human

Edit: "Tigerstrike Mantle - It has one more stat than the green BoE's" Not trying to be a wise ass, but its got 2 more stats then the green BoE's
My rogue v rogue opener without the explanation why below.

Assuming your fighting a skilled dude, why else read.


#Wait for nearly all energy and sprint, prep, cheap shot.

#HE will now trinket and blind YOU,

#YOU trinket HIS blind and vanish

#Dont let him get away and sap him when bleed ends

#Re-open with cheap shot, hemo hemo and kidney. Rupture before kidney ends

#Now HES gonna prep vanish and try to cheap shot you between rupture ticks

#Pay attention and use tidal charm when you hear the sound of his preperation (then you tidal charm his vanish)

#Look for your "Every Man for Himself" and know when hes gonna blind/bandage you. Trinket when you see he starts to bandage (dont let it tick) and gouge him (even if he has evasion he cant dodge while bandaging) If hes human, he wil have Every Man for Himself ready. If you move litle away and bandage he will most likely trinket his gouge and try to stop your bandaging.

#Then you vanish and reopen on him.

-Please read below why I chose to, for example, trinket a blind then vanish, instead of just vanishing it etc, before you comment:)

[quote name='Ishh'] Duelling Strategies


If you get the opener (sap)

  1. Hopefully you started with sap.
  2. If you didn't, start with sap next time, christ!
  3. Garrote > Rupture without breaking sap
  4. Vanish. Wait for your energy to refill and cheapshot.
  5. One hemo, then kidney shot. Beat on him for a bit, but vanish again and garrote before kidney shot runs out.
  6. If he vanishes, you vanish. A good rogue can time his vanish between your dots and get a cheapshot on you, avoid that.
  7. Finish him.

How can I vanish that last time? Already vanished to use cheap shot, then I vanished to apply another garrote before my kidney runs out.

Wouldn't it be better to NOT vanish and apply that extra garrote and just vanish before kidney shot ends / trinket the incoming blind/vanish that? Vanishing the incoming blind is one of the easier vanishblinds, cus he will most likely spam it in kidney shot. However, if you vanish the blind, then you cant vanish and re-open on him. IMO if u have to chose between vanishing a blind here or trinketing it I whould say its better to trinket then vanish it, so u have vanish ready since its so rare that you get to keep the stealth (maby Im just bad at it, but why do it here and risk everything) Still, IMO best to vanish before it ends.

BUT, the best rogues will already use their trinket on your cheap shot or kidney. When he uses on cheap shot, vanish the incoming blind if your fucking awsome at it and KNOW that your gonna stay stealthed afterwords if not, then trinket it and THEN vanish (If your afraid( like I am) he wil auto hit or bugg your vanish so you don't vanish use sprint before I prep, it lasts so that you still got the sprint when hes trowing a blind on you(after he trinketed your cheap shot) so you trinket-jumpaway-vanish, no way hell hit u then (BUT BE QUICK ABOUT IT, he might have tidal charm).

Use sprint and sap him when the dots stop. You have vanish and sprint glyphs so no way hes gonna get away. Here, if you KNOW hes gonna prep and vanish your sap then sap him before the last tick and right after, this is to ruin his chance to prep vanish cus he dosnt have enugh GCD to do it. Then he dosnt have trinket ready and will have to eat everything. Sap him til he stun DR runs out and cheap+kidney him to hell. If hes still alive you have blind and can restelth and open again! When hes out of the stun hes got trinket + blind on CD but not vanish (prep). Many rogues will prep, vanish and cheap shot on your ass (even with your recent rupture on him). So... YOU KNOW what is coming, but not when. Well you can actually hear if he uses preperation, and then u know when the vanish is coming, so whats keeping you from tidal charming his vanish:D NOTHING:D (maby litle practise but this is pretty basic one). If hes still standing evasion tanking your ass, (maby hes got superior gear or w/e) His blind CD is sneaking up on you. BUT if your human, you have the exact timer on your Every Man for Himself :D Let him start his bandage so he gets the CD and cant dodge/parry your gouge. If hes human he has his trinket ready also, so you start bandaging to fool him to trinket the gouge, then you vanish and reopen on him.

You could also disarm him when u hear the preperation sound so he wil failcheap shot you and save the tidal charm for later.

Instead of bandaging to fool his trinket you could make a bandage or apply a poison to your weap, sometimes makes them trinket:D without you getn a CD on your bandage. Then you could just use a gouge after your vanish-cheap-kidney and get a bandage off there:)

Wall of text, even I had problems reading it:p So Ill do a list of what to do

-Gonna link a frap of it soon

Please give me feedback's, maybe I forgot something:)
Sander said:
How good are they really? +3 stealth detect vs miners helm and another profesion bonus

PS, Im making a human

Edit: "Tigerstrike Mantle - It has one more stat than the green BoE's" Not trying to be a wise ass, but its got 2 more stats then the green BoE's


18stam/9agi <-> 9stam/7hit/27AP(13,5stats) = 27 <-> 29,5


12stam/12agi <-> 19stam/13hit/26AP(13stats) = 24 <-> 45

(even if you value the lich chest more than a 12/12 green the BoA is unreached)

+ with surefooted you are softcapped (except nelfs)

+ you can get some HUGE loads of +hit even over the cap

+ in fights against melee you can use gold miners

+ in fights against rogs you can use catseye

+ you can use 15agi on gloves if not fighting nelfs.

tigerstrike+stealth is the best in slot item if there is anything around that can firsthit you in stealth. besides this, 7/6+12agi > 7/8+3agi.

btw, im pissed of by the BoA items...just becoz others can have em.
Bansil said:

18stam/9agi <-> 9stam/7hit/27AP(13,5stats) = 27 <-> 29,5


12stam/12agi <-> 19stam/13hit/26AP(13stats) = 24 <-> 45

(even if you value the lich chest more than a 12/12 green the BoA is unreached)

+ with surefooted you are softcapped (except nelfs)

+ you can get some HUGE loads of +hit even over the cap

+ in fights against melee you can use gold miners

+ in fights against rogs you can use catseye

+ you can use 15agi on gloves if not fighting nelfs.

tigerstrike+stealth is the best in slot item if there is anything around that can firsthit you in stealth. besides this, 7/6+12agi > 7/8+3agi.

btw, im pissed of by the BoA items...just becoz others can have em.

You diddnt really answer my question:p
Havent got to test this yet, but is it true that you can use agm to stop you from losing stealth from a bleed?

Like, you get a bleed on you and use agm and vanish and u wont get out of vanish?
Sander said:
#Wait for nearly all energy and sprint, prep, cheap shot.

#HE will now trinket and blind YOU,

#YOU trinket HIS blind and vanish

Can you control minds? How do you know he will trinket? AND why whould he trinket cheap shot and not kidney shot, if some1 trinket cheap shot, kidney shot gonna come right after the trinket.

What happends if he got macro with trinket agm vanish? (EDIT:If any absorbing sheild (power word: sheild or agm or such) is up on you, dots wont break stealth and wont break vanish)

Lets face it; there are no perfect Rouge vs Rouge guide at 39 (but some good tricks might help people).

+the wall of text is unreadable to me.
tbh, it is just not possible to make a viable "guide fo da fight".

the most important thing is to get the opener. after that it is a game of action and reaction that is influenced by playstyle, gear, professions, racials....

just think of the dwarf racial...
I've considered scrapping that section altogether. There are so many variables, a guide can't cover all of them.
Depends on how early the trinket is. Infact, there are times (If you are fast enough) where a trinket sap vanish -> sap your target can work. Trinketing the CS can work as the general single or duel hemo on the CS means they are in GCD, although it's something I look out for these days. You would never do this in an RvR fight, as most rogues are getting close to 3k hp and with agm vanish you cannot rush them down, you'll just end up eating a blind, getting sapped between dot ticks, whilst they FA to full.

I think the next step is to consider an arena guide for Rogue + Other @39, and the comps they run against.

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