39 non xp twink looking for a new active battlegroup

Hello everyone. I am rather new here so many of u wont know me. I do read up on these forums daily tho. Anyhow, i have a 39 twink warrior on bloodlust battlegroup and well simply but its dead there. cant queue up for bgs as many of u know and im sure are experiencing yourselves. My question is this. Is there a battlegroup where 39 non xp twinking is active and has a large 39 twink community?? i am considering a transfer but i want to find the right server for me. I have heard from reading here that ruin is a very popular battlegroup for twinks as well as nightfall. Would any of u have any recomendations or knowledge as to were would be a good place for me to go. btw i play horde side undead warrior 39. thnx for any thoughts and input.

ps: excuse my spelling/grammar. i fail lololol
lol ok so far im hearing all good things about nightfall ruin and reckoning but hten one of hte other tells me that the other is bad lol so i spose give or take but i think ive narrowed it down to those 3. choices choices lol thnx guys for your replys
Nightfall Pre-patch had without a doubt the most twinks. We took a huge dip post patch. Right now there is a lot of QQing, but things seem to be getting better each day. The past few days the queues have been great during prime time. We still are not at the point of off time queues, but that should come once others get back.
reckoning has had WSGs popping 4 hours straight for like a week but i'd really rather not get into a reckoning vs nightfall debate

i suggest posting in both BGs, asking how the games are etc, and trying to make an educated decision. both BGs seem poised to host good WSG games for 39s in the future.

there has been a thread already created showing what reckoning has to offer for transfers:


i think there were threads on nightfall too about xfers doing stuff or what their bg has to offer but i'll give someone from nightfall the honor since i might not be posting the best threads
great replys guys, thnx alot. i think ive narrowd it down to reckoning. seems they have a great twink community and many active twinks. ive already claimed my name on 1 of the servers and will e moving there within the next few days!! again thank u everyone for your input. cheers!!
builtokill said:
i'm neutral, i don't play 39s. anyway, I've heard about nightfall and cyclone being the most active.

No offense but that makes your opinion pretty useless lol
I have both a reckoning 29 and 39, and imo I would go to reckoning. The q times in reck have been great every night, the skill level is high, and it also has the unique option of being the best bg in 2 brackets (29 and 39). That way if you want to make twinks in each bracket you can switch back and forth without having to have a lvld dk on 2 servers to farm gold.
TLA4lyf said:
I have both a reckoning 29 and 39, and imo I would go to reckoning. The q times in reck have been great every night, the skill level is high, and it also has the unique option of being the best bg in 2 brackets (29 and 39). That way if you want to make twinks in each bracket you can switch back and forth without having to have a lvld dk on 2 servers to farm gold.

From what I saw on the Reckoning forums, the 29s are sad and the 39s are trying to poach them. Makes me dubious about your 29/39 thing. Anything else that makes Reckoning unique?
Athylle said:
From what I saw on the Reckoning forums, the 29s are sad and the 39s are trying to poach them. Makes me dubious about your 29/39 thing.

from what i know that drama's all over

Anything else that makes Reckoning unique?

Aristeia gives hoofjobs
UPDATE: Well i transfered to reckoning battlegroup. I have been here for 3 days and still have yet to have a battleground pop for me. ive tried during peak hours and "dead" hours and still nothing. Im begining to doubt that reckoning is anygood for 39s. judging from the ppl ive talked to on the particular server im on. I will give it untill next week but if things dont pick up i may head to nightfall, if u guys can garentee nightfall has active 39 NON xp twinks. If still i find nightfall to be more of the same, im gonna just transfer back and retire my twink. At this rate so far i feel twinking is dead in every bracket that is not 19's. If anyones got any suggestions let me know as of right now i am highly disapointed.
hmm, that sucks : / so far my experience hasn't been bad except for the dead hours of course >.>

were usually doing bgs late, depends on day...seems like weekends are our least active days, i mean i know monday/tues/wed were good and thursday had 2 WSGs up for a little while on both occasions. seemed like all days had a WSG going on for a good portion of time but i'm not queuing all the time so i really wouldn't know for sure.

when do you usually queue? i just did a WSG at like 11:40 EST today (sat), was slow up till then, now we're getting a WSG every time one ends, as of 1:20 EST

we're definately a late night battlegroup, or at least so far
Deranger said:
UPDATE: Well i transfered to reckoning battlegroup. I have been here for 3 days and still have yet to have a battleground pop for me. ive tried during peak hours and "dead" hours and still nothing. Im begining to doubt that reckoning is anygood for 39s. judging from the ppl ive talked to on the particular server im on. I will give it untill next week but if things dont pick up i may head to nightfall, if u guys can garentee nightfall has active 39 NON xp twinks. If still i find nightfall to be more of the same, im gonna just transfer back and retire my twink. At this rate so far i feel twinking is dead in every bracket that is not 19's. If anyones got any suggestions let me know as of right now i am highly disapointed.

Sounds like someone is either lying or is a moron

I tell it like it is

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