39 non xp twink looking for a new active battlegroup

The simple answer is that it's up to you what you want out of 39's.

If you are after a high level of activity and bgs/premades, Nightfall is the way to go.

Cyclone is the other option, we aren't as active bg wise but are active and very competitive with arenas.
Deranger said:
UPDATE: Well i transfered to reckoning battlegroup. I have been here for 3 days and still have yet to have a battleground pop for me. ive tried during peak hours and "dead" hours and still nothing. Im begining to doubt that reckoning is anygood for 39s. judging from the ppl ive talked to on the particular server im on. I will give it untill next week but if things dont pick up i may head to nightfall, if u guys can garentee nightfall has active 39 NON xp twinks. If still i find nightfall to be more of the same, im gonna just transfer back and retire my twink. At this rate so far i feel twinking is dead in every bracket that is not 19's. If anyones got any suggestions let me know as of right now i am highly disapointed.

I told you Nightfall in the beginning. Come on down to Nightfall. We would be happy to have you. While Nightfall isn't great right. It is better than the rest. Getting better by the day.

Right now we have loads of guys transferring in. A number from Whirlwind, Stormstrike, and Bloodlust.

We just got a big guild from BL. We have 3 to 4 others looking STRONGLY at a transfer to Nightfall. Also our 29 population seems to be gravitating to 39. More and more of our 39s are becoeming active again.
roudy said:
i dont have problems getting a game at all in reckoning with my xp off......op must que at like 7 am or someshit

Well I transfered off Shadowburn to Reckoning and while most nights from 7pm est till 2am est there is usually 1 wsg going but thats it. I've never seen a BG during the day. On a few occasions there have been 2 wsg but i never have seen AB. Usually play with and against the same people and usually Alliance wins the match. Alliance seems to have a well balanced pug and they stick together. They have a few warriors that are beasts and are supported by healers.
Thnx for the recent info guys. Someone asked if i queued at 7 am. No im sry i dont im either working or sleeping lol. the Times ive been queing generally are 3pm till late if i work 1st shift. or 11 pm till early morning if im on 2nd shift. central time. maybe its just the hours im queing but so far neither has gotten me in a BG. I was wondering could this be because im not queued for a premade cause ive jsut been pugging. For those of u on nightfall i think i am goin to move over there is there a server that is recomended over another? (horde side) Also maybe a guild recomended over another??

yeah if your horde side it might be hard to get in a game as a pug, most games horde side consist of <bloodbath> <midnight society> and <frostmane elite> partials.....i play alliance and have no trouble pugging into games..actually just missed a wsg pop because i was feeding my kids lunch :(

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