This is a classic thread.39 Gear mostly comes from SoO Mythic (WF) and TBC Dungeons with lots of Sockets. Toss in an Eng item or 2, a LEgion BoE Epic or few plus Arty at iLvL 53 (double Green +16 iLvLs) and bam, you too haz a 39 Twink. Oops, forgot WoD Crafted (3).
Yeah I’ve looked quite a few places everyday for the last week or so on two servers, I’m hoping to get lucky I’m also spamming trade channel so let’s see. Even if it’s not perfect and 1 nature damage away I’d take it. Let’s hopeI found bis +nature pieces much easier to find than perfect shadow sets for any other brackets. I may have gotten lucky though.
Yeah I’ve looked quite a few places everyday for the last week or so on two servers, I’m hoping to get lucky I’m also spamming trade channel so let’s see. Even if it’s not perfect and 1 nature damage away I’d take it. Let’s hope