[39]: ATW - Boostz II Trailer/Teaser

I 'think' i have all the arena scenes i'm going to need, though i might keep trying just to see what i can get. Which basically means i'm down to recording 4 sets of duels

Sub (mage)

Homewrecker (S/L Lock)

Brumble (Rogue)

For the 4th i'm not sure, i'm tempted to do vs a feral drood where they get opener, with either CC or Masud, or possibly Powerglove (war) if we go for his anti-rogue spec.

As much as i'd like to go for a variety, i can't see another class that would be appropriate for a 1 v 1, besides say a ret or dorf hunter, which i did in the last vid.

The other idea floating around in my head is to setup a 1 v 2 situation vs 2 twinks. Though of course anything beyond double dps will be a nightmare to face, but hey, if it's entertaining, we'll see.

See how i go with time anyway.

As for ETA, i wouldn't hold your breath, if all goes well, i'll be done with footage and onto editing within say a week.
"ATW's Credibility vs BA's Credibility. Not somewhere you'd really want to go."

To be fair Phauren and Qavent are both not in BA any longer and havnt been for some time. People still holding those two against the guild are living in a past fueled by nubs getting pwnd by forum drama.

As for the rest things were just boring here so I wanted to liven things up, lol.

Also..your healers came at us, I think they didnt know you were afk either. We figured you forgot you cant sap a shammy in ghost wolf and screwed up so we were in kill mode ;p

Oh and I was on my shaman and not my priest, so you cant say "pweest"
Boostz said:
I 'think' i have all the arena scenes i'm going to need, though i might keep trying just to see what i can get. Which basically means i'm down to recording 4 sets of duels

Sub (mage)

Homewrecker (S/L Lock)

Brumble (Rogue)

For the 4th i'm not sure, i'm tempted to do vs a feral drood where they get opener, with either CC or Masud, or possibly Powerglove (war) if we go for his anti-rogue spec.

As much as i'd like to go for a variety, i can't see another class that would be appropriate for a 1 v 1, besides say a ret or dorf hunter, which i did in the last vid.

The other idea floating around in my head is to setup a 1 v 2 situation vs 2 twinks. Though of course anything beyond double dps will be a nightmare to face, but hey, if it's entertaining, we'll see.

See how i go with time anyway.

As for ETA, i wouldn't hold your breath, if all goes well, i'll be done with footage and onto editing within say a week.

I'm no warlock expert or anything but I struggle to beat our very good rogues (missing AGM and Tidal though so maybe that'll clinch it for me), and they don't have WotF... I wonder exactly how entertaining that fight would be =/ The rest sounds good though!

Look forward to watching it :)

A good SL lock is hard to beat.
Alteffour said:
A good SL lock is hard to beat.

Hard to kill yes. Hard to beat - really depends. The rogue I mainly fight for 'training' is a NE and he has mastered using Shadowmeld to prevent fears (once I'm through kick, making sure he can't gouge and KS is on cooldown). If he doesn't use AGM but does use lifeblood (I have neither so he's being nice) then I generally can't beat him (~500 health left usually).

When I have lifeblood, AGM and Tidal I'll fight him again and see how things turn out!

looks good man, hope the final result is little less world of roguecraft and a little more fighting :)

judging bye the drama in this thread its bound to intresting...
Xailter said:
Hard to kill yes. Hard to beat - really depends. The rogue I mainly fight for 'training' is a NE and he has mastered using Shadowmeld to prevent fears (once I'm through kick, making sure he can't gouge and KS is on cooldown). If he doesn't use AGM but does use lifeblood (I have neither so he's being nice) then I generally can't beat him (~500 health left usually).

When I have lifeblood, AGM and Tidal I'll fight him again and see how things turn out!


There are little tricks you can employ to make your life easier against rogues in duels. What pet are you using
Dottss said:
There are little tricks you can employ to make your life easier against rogues in duels. What pet are you using

I use the VW, spamming Consume Shadows in the hope I will get him while he running towards me. It's worked about twice so far and I won both fights. Using VW Sacrifice when I have him dotted and he's broken sap (or just opened up on me with CS).

I use a 19/11/0 spec with Felhunter and Soul Link glyphs. Any tips are appreciated!

I would like to see rogue 1v1s versus

stam stacked disc priest

spellhance shaman

feral druid sounds great!

looking forward to your video :)
I have been busy and 39's has been slow. I would say this is an 'ongoing' project.

Just goes to show the importance of backing footage up. Losing it all, sucks.

It'll be out when it's out.
Boostz said:
I have been busy and 39's has been slow. I would say this is an 'ongoing' project.

Just goes to show the importance of backing footage up. Losing it all, sucks.

It'll be out when it's out.

you are a terrible rogue who is bad
Id also like to see you vs a solid spellhance shammy now that they have been buffed @ 3.2.

Not as interested in vs a disc priest though, you should be able to take a disc priest down in 1v1 with cds np. Maybe 1v1 with out you getting the opener? lol. Stam stacked disc priest shouldnt be an issue for a good rogue, the rogue can reset too many times and eventually the priest will go oom or just die in a cc chain.
Vircy said:
is this ever going to come out?

I wasn't going to rez this thread myself, just figured it would be forgotten. But seeing as it's been bumped:

This movie has been canned/shelved.

Basically, cyclone is dead, and the one active BG, Nightfall, is death incarnate to my ISP (latency issues). Oceanic ftl.

Unless something changes which makes a bg other than NF remotely active, Boostz is shelved.

Sorry to the few that cared.

bugger to hear that ur not making the vid anymore, was always checking the 39 forums hoping it had been finshed/made!

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