[39]: ATW - Boostz II Trailer/Teaser

Just an update to those who haven't heard.

About 3 weeks ago my HD crashed and i lost all my footage, so im currently re-recording, and am about 75% done, just need to record some duels, which hopefully i'll have the majority done in the next 2-3 days.

Then onto editing.
The clip of you stealthing then going afk in 3s last night, then QQing about losing afterwards would be a good clip for the video imo.
Alteffour said:
The clip of you stealthing then going afk in 3s last night, then QQing about losing afterwards would be a good clip for the video imo.

You post screenshots of priest hunter beating mage shaman, so I'm doubting your credibility when it comes to these types of suggestions.
lol, id direct your attention to the wow cyclone forums for boostz mysteriously going afk. There is no credibility to doubt. And imo mage/shaman is at least a semi viable 2s team if played properly, at least as viable as priest/hunter which imo isnt that great. Its not my fault they q'd as that 2s comp.

Not to mention that any ss I post in my blog thing here is simply to show who/what is q'ing for arenas, not to boast that I beat sub and bazba in that team. I even specified that I lost a lot of matches that day too, just didnt happen to take screens of them at the time. Everybody knows that you guys in ATW are good/great players, so stop your QQ and get on with life, im just teasing boostz. Here ill even post up the screen to bug ya even more:


Keep in mind that the ATW players left the starting area at us, so it wasnt like we merely rushed in and pwnd afk players. Boostz even showed up go figure. I just loved him bitching in the forums about it afterward as if it really matters. Boostz did wise up the next 3s game though and went afk out of stealth so wed know.
Alteffour said:
lol, id direct your attention to the wow cyclone forums for boostz mysteriously going afk. There is no credibility to doubt.
My doubt is in regards to your claim that it would make a good video clip, not to whether boostz goes afk.

And imo mage/shaman is at least a semi viable 2s team if played properly, at least as viable as priest/hunter which imo isnt that great.
It's semi-viable, but not vs priest hunter.

Its not my fault they q'd as that 2s comp.
Was it not your fault for taking a screenshot of your victory and uploading it to a website?

Not to mention that any ss I post in my blog thing here is simply to show who/what is q'ing for arenas, not to boast that I beat sub and bazba in that team. I even specified that I lost a lot of matches that day too, just didnt happen to take screens of them at the time.
Which brings us back to why you thought it was worth including a team you countercomped in your list of victory screenshots.

Everybody knows that you guys in ATW are good/great players, so stop your QQ and get on with life, im just teasing boostz.
Last I checked, disagreeing with somebody =/= crying. And as far as your "teasing" goes, do you mean to tell me that you worded that so it wouldn't start an argument? I'm a bit confused here.

Here ill even post up the screen to bug ya even more
Where did I say it bugged me? All I did was attack your credibility.
None of your posts on this web site have even come close to attacking my credibility. They have all been bad attempts at trolling my posts for no reason that I can see (a great example would be the shaman thread I started a while back where you posted a bunch of completely moronic garbage). Did I personally offend you at some point in the years I have been playing this game? I say it bugged you due to your response post...it was meant to tease boostz for overreacting on the forums, but ill take nabbing one of his lackeys as a good alternative. Last I checked the post wasnt aimed at Powerglove.

As for your above post:

Do you honestly believe that we ran Priest/Rogue simply to counter Sub/Bazba? We just happened to be on and decided to q 2s and thats who we faced. Even with Hunter/Priest being good against that comp, we won those 2 matches with my latency at 2000...regardless of matchup I felt that was pretty cool, especially against players from a good guild and especially since one of the players is Sub (bad matchup or not).

Of course it wouldnt make a good video clip, LOL...get a grip on reality, did you honestly think that I would suggest he for reals put a clip of him being afk in his video???? Youre pretty dense.

I will continue to take screens of arena matches...good comps or not...I guess I could just say "I played vs sub and bazba and they were playing Mage/Shaman" Its just as easy to post the screen I took. I took the screen cause I forgot to take one the win before that, and those were the first ever times ive played vs Sub who is a player I respect so I wanted a pic to remember it. Since then ive got plenty of other screens of both beating and losing to sub, some of them will get posted up at some point in my blog, and guess what? Ill probably pick more screens of me winning over me losing. I do promise though that Ill try to note when/if the comps I post of me winning also beat us.

For example. I posted a screen shot of our 3s team beating your 3s team from a few weeks back. Is there no credibility there? Were we running a countercomp? We just q'd what we had so we could join you guys and Pro in some 3s. I stated clearly that the matches were even with all teams winning some and losing some, even though I only had screens of the wins. Can you truly fault me for not wanting to take every screen of a loss?

I applaud Boostz for making a vid where he is going to show his fights with Brumble, win or loss, thats pretty cool and good for him for putting himself out there to be shown like that, good and bad.

I dont applaud you for trying to "attack my credibility" when you hardly know me and every bit of real evidence so far puts us on pretty even footing as far as real game play is concerned (even though there is only a few 3v3 matches to show so far). All you have done so far is troll me. If that was your goal, then GG, you have succeded.
Alteffour said:
None of your posts on this web site have even come close to attacking my credibility. They have all been bad attempts at trolling my posts for no reason that I can see (a great example would be the shaman thread I started a while back where you posted a bunch of completely moronic garbage). Did I personally offend you at some point in the years I have been playing this game? I say it bugged you due to your response post...it was meant to tease boostz for overreacting on the forums, but ill take nabbing one of his lackeys as a good alternative. Last I checked the post wasnt aimed at Powerglove.
lol I've never taken offense to anything you said. what happened in the shaman thread was you got angry that someone disagreed with your spec. you consider it moronic garbage only because you are narrow-minded.

You post things on public forums, which makes it everyone's business. If you don't like it when people respond to you, using private messages might be a good idea.

As for your above post:

Do you honestly believe that we ran Priest/Rogue simply to counter Sub/Bazba?
I didn't say this. Please read my post before responding to it.

Of course it wouldnt make a good video clip, LOL...get a grip on reality, did you honestly think that I would suggest he for reals put a clip of him being afk in his video???? Youre pretty dense.
Whoa whoa. Last time I checked, you were the one who decided to take things seriously when you gave me a wall of text in response to a joke post.

I will continue to take screens of arena matches...good comps or not...I guess I could just say "I played vs sub and bazba and they were playing Mage/Shaman" Its just as easy to post the screen I took. I took the screen cause I forgot to take one the win before that, and those were the first ever times ive played vs Sub who is a player I respect so I wanted a pic to remember it.
Right, so you just happened to be taking screenshots of all your other victories, but you only took a ss of that one because it was the first time you fought sub. gotcha

Since then ive got plenty of other screens of both beating and losing to sub, some of them will get posted up at some point in my blog, and guess what? Ill probably pick more screens of me winning over me losing. I do promise though that Ill try to note when/if the comps I post of me winning also beat us.
Nice red herring. The point is, you were screenshotting your wins and decided a team you countercomped was worthy of screenshotting.

For example. I posted a screen shot of our 3s team beating your 3s team from a few weeks back. Is there no credibility there? Were we running a countercomp? We just q'd what we had so we could join you guys and Pro in some 3s. I stated clearly that the matches were even with all teams winning some and losing some, even though I only had screens of the wins. Can you truly fault me for not wanting to take every screen of a loss?
Again, diverting from the main point. The comp you "happened to be running" has nothing to do with this. It's the fact that you only took screenshots of your wins, and that one of them was a team you had 0 chance of losing to.

I applaud Boostz for making a vid where he is going to show his fights with Brumble, win or loss, thats pretty cool and good for him for putting himself out there to be shown like that, good and bad
Still not seeing where this has anything to do with what I talked about

I dont applaud you for trying to "attack my credibility" when you hardly know me and every bit of real evidence so far puts us on pretty even footing as far as real game play is concerned (even though there is only a few 3v3 matches to show so far). All you have done so far is troll me. If that was your goal, then GG, you have succeded.

Apparently you're not understanding any of this, so I'll map it out for you.

1. You tell boostz to use a clip

2. I tell you that you're not a credible person when it comes to deciding what sort of content to use in these regards and cite an example where you failed at it (which is, in fact, an attack on your credibility)

3. You give me walls of text filled with nonsense that have nothing to do with #1
also thought this was kind of funny and ironic

Alteffour said:
They have all been bad attempts at trolling my posts

All you have done so far is troll me. If that was your goal, then GG, you have succeded.

You seem to enjoy demonstrating your failure to understand logic.
Rumbly In My Tumbly

Hum dum de dum, hum dum de dum

I'm so rumbly in my tumbly

Time to munch an early luncheon

Time for something sweet

Oh I wouldn't climb this tree

If a Pooh flew like a bee

But I wouldn't be a bear then

So I guess I wouldn't care then

Bears love honey and I'm a Pooh bear

So I do care, so I'll climb there

I'm so rumbly in my tumbly

Time for something sweet

I don't need a pot of honey

I'd be greatful for a platefull

When I'm rumbly in my tumbly

Then it's time to eat

It's the tasteful thing to do

Be it ten or twelve or two

For anytime is food time

When you set your clock on Pooh time

Bears love honey and I'm a Pooh bear

So I do care, so I'll climb there

I'm so rumbly in my tumbly

Time for something sweet to eat

"Nice red herring. The point is, you were screenshotting your wins and decided a team you countercomped was worthy of screenshotting."

No, I decided that beating Sub regardless of comp was worthy of a screen due both to my latency being so horrid (I mean really...you try playing with that latency against any comp and see how you do) AND more importantly due to it being Sub who is considered one of if not the best mage in the 39 bracket. I see no reason to not take a screen regardless of comp.

I understand why you think you are attacking my credibility...but you dont understand why you fail miserably in doing so. You cant attack somebody's real credibility by attacking an obvious joke/troll post. You can attack my trolling ability certainly, but not my credibility as a player or person.

And I again state that my main intention of posting any screen of Sub/Bazba was to show people what comps were being run as clearly stated in the blog.
Alteffour said:
No, I decided that beating Sub regardless of comp was worthy of a screen due both to my latency being so horrid (I mean really...you try playing with that latency against any comp and see how you do) AND more importantly due to it being Sub who is considered one of if not the best mage in the 39 bracket. I see no reason to not take a screen regardless of comp.
if i played a priest, latency wouldn't matter because it's an easy class to play

bazba was ele during that fight, so unless you think sub should be able to 2v1 you guys, you still have nothing to support your argument

I understand why you think you are attacking my credibility...but you dont understand why you fail miserably in doing so. You cant attack somebody's real credibility by attacking an obvious joke/troll post. You can attack my trolling ability certainly, but not my credibility as a player or person.

If you'll notice carefully, I wasn't attacking your post. I was attacking you. Again, please read my posts before you spew walls of text.
Yah perp, because the only game ive seen you in recently we beat you guys easily..we are clearly bad. Oh wait...youll probably blame it on your comp or us running a counter comp right? Maybe you were afk? ATW always seems to have an excuse.

Would you care to enlighten me Powerglove as to why you would feel the need to attack me? I still fail to see what exactly it is I have ever done to you. Is there a reason why you follow my posts and try to "discredit" me? If and when I do post garbage, it is generally obvious and shouldnt require somebody posting walls of quotes to point it out.

And sorry, while priests in this bracket might be pretty strong, playing any class in this game with 2000 latency is not easy, although ill admit Priests having a certain number of instant casts is the reason why I was still able to play it somewhat succesfully. You can argue that Bazba was elemental, but saying that Sub should 2v1 us is stupid. Maybe rather than trying to heal Bazba should have been playing as ele and the team should have been playing as dual dps. Its not my fault that bazba couldnt figure out how to purge the only two spells I could consistantly cast while two seconds behind everybody else. And again, if its such a big deal...then why q as that team? Unless you are looking for an excuse right from the start.
Alteffour said:
Would you care to enlighten me Powerglove as to why you would feel the need to attack me? I still fail to see what exactly it is I have ever done to you. Is there a reason why you follow my posts and try to "discredit" me? If and when I do post garbage, it is generally obvious and shouldnt require somebody posting walls of quotes to point it out.
speaking of people QQing...

And sorry, while priests in this bracket might be pretty strong, playing any class in this game with 2000 latency is not easy, although ill admit Priests having a certain number of instant casts is the reason why I was still able to play it somewhat succesfully.

You can argue that Bazba was elemental, but saying that Sub should 2v1 us is stupid.
So you agree with me that you have no argument.

Maybe rather than trying to heal Bazba should have been playing as ele and the team should have been playing as dual dps. Its not my fault that bazba couldnt figure out how to purge the only two spells I could consistantly cast while two seconds behind everybody else.[/quote] First it's a really good team to beat because sub was on it, now it's a really bad team to be because bazba played badly. Make up your mind.

And again, if its such a big deal...then why q as that team? Unless you are looking for an excuse right from the start.
Their reason for running that comp has nothing to do with this. Try to stay on topic.
Alteffour said:
The clip of you stealthing then going afk in 3s last night, then QQing about losing afterwards would be a good clip for the video imo.


So we are queued. The phone rings with about 20 seconds to go, i let it go to voicemail. Hear who it is and run off because it's important. I get back, and they are 3 v 2'ing 2 healers.

Now my fault here is that i'm stealthed, i didn't unstealth, i get that. But still, if in the first 20-30 seconds 2 healers are running around and no dps shows up, do you think that maybe somethings amiss.

Basic use of logic suggests otherwise.

Also, i didn't QQ over losing, i thought 3 players killing 2 healers wasn't the best thing i'd ever seen.

Here is the thread, feel free to make your own assumption.

World of Warcraft - English (NA) Forums -> [39] Queue 3's

Boostz even showed up go figure. I just loved him bitching in the forums about it afterward as if it really matters. Boostz did wise up the next 3s game though and went afk out of stealth so wed know.

'Bitching on forums'. Tone down the drama, queen. The next game i afk'd before i stealthed in the first place because people rocked up at the front door (foxtel (cable tv) installing another box).

im just teasing boostz.

the big bad pweest is hurting my feewings mommy.

Lastly, if it doesn't matter, why did you bring it up?
ATW always seems to have an excuse.

WOW. Did a BA member actually pull out the Guild Card?

One would assume you'd be smarter than that.

ATW's Credibility vs BA's Credibility. Not somewhere you'd really want to go.

And i say that as one of the few who doesn't base you guys from the communities views.

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