all 4 bosses when 3.3 comes out...
but thats the point, i did start out PUG, actually only PUGs goes in there, at least on my server.
and guess what... even if i tell them that i do all bosses, i always lose half the raid once the latest boss is dead, and if i start with others mobs, they just drop all together not to lose their time. maybe your server has more luck then mine, but on rivendare, getting all bosses down is harder then getting married.
the reality is, you get emblems sure, but the tier 7 that archavon drops is not worth taking at all except for resell. emalon tier 8 is semi-good compared to what you get from emblem, so again its not worth taking and only ancalon gives out the tier we truly want. so people barely ever wants the 2 emblem more there is in VoA.
on rivendare, everyone says it, and its true... VoA is their biggest faillure, for two of the boss in there aren't even worth doing. except if you want those 2 emblems. why do you think nobody does OCC huh ? the same is there... too much trouble just to get emblems. nobody ever does that one heroic. same happen to VoA on my server, too much hassle on archavon and emalon for just an emblem !
there easy... but the gears needed to kill the last boss, makes it difficult for new comers to be accepted in the vault. which renders the problem even more present ! i remember the time where emalon came out, nobody would let you in the vault if you dind't have 2k dps already, but 2k dps meant that you didn't need the vault to begin with. now its the same, on my server anyone without 2.5 or even 3k dps cannot compete int he vault. so why do the vault when TOC regular and heroic gives you more already.
my shaman never give VoA a thought, i just came in 80, ran heroics for emblems, ran regular toc and then heroic toc, now i'm ready TOTGC. no need for VoA at all. it is a faillure and nothing else in that view.
as for the ulduar statement, where did i say i did it ?
i said from my friend saying, its way too short. shorter then naxx due to it being too linear unlike naxx. and he did it in 1 hour while a full undying run of naxx took him 2-3 hours with practically the same group as his ulduar. reason being they tank and spanked ulduar all together while naxx needs a hell of a lot more strategie.
thats what he said about it.