2v2 Arena Tourney Official Signup


Vaco Del Blanco
The tourney will be held on the weekend of 1/30/15 - 2/1/15, the exact date is not set yet. It will be round robin style in series of best of 3, aiming for atleast 8 teams, hopefully many more tho.

Rules :
- 1 healer max
- 1 BM monk max
- 1 Feral max
- Tank specs are considered DPS roles as far as role changing goes
- You are able to change specs in between matches but not if it changes ur role. ie: A boomkin can go feral or guardian but not restoration in the middle of a series, upon the next series the player could then go restoration.
- Ferals are unable to use Ferocious Bite, every other move is fine.
- Have fun

There is no set prize for this first tourney, its more of a startup that i hope will lead to 3s or bigger tourneys. If somebody would like to donate something ( doesn't have to be tangible ), that would be amazing. Or if anyone has an idea for a cheap prize, idk like 20 runs thru any dunguen (lol). You have until 1/29/15 to signup ur team and u must signup as a team. The format to sign up is as following:

Char name - Class - Realm - Faction
Team member - Class - Realm - Faction

The main server hub for doing the wargame challenges will be Aerie Peak, but having a player from there is not necessary. If anyone would like to help me organize and setup the brackets, that would be extremely helpful as i don't have much if any experience in making brackets for tourneys. The rules are still subject to change, if u have any questions please PM me or post in the previosnary thread to try to keep this signup thread as clean as possible.
Signing up along with Lankypuss
Hopefully time zones wont be too inappropriate for us.

Trickynick - Mage - Aerie Peak [Alliance]
Aaryaa - Priest - Aeire Peak [Alliance]
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[MENTION=18878]AlbinoCow[/MENTION], can the event be postponed , because i would really like to have my account wide boas on all the characters.

we can always do another tourney, if this one works out fine, im sure people will like to continue doing it, maybe a 3s tourney in the near future. no need to postpone this one for boa tab.
Ez- Priest - Aerie Peak- Horde
Nachoz- Druid- Aerie Peak- Horde

We are available at 8 pm EST Friday
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Lamboswagx- Rsham - Ursin - Alliance
Lukenukem- Arms Warr - Ursin- Alliance

We will be available any time after 4 pm EST both Friday and Saturday.
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Kincaide - Arms Warrior - Aerie Peak Alliance
Shamanpow - Resto Shaman - Eldre-thalas Alliance

Team Name: Two Monkeys On A Waterslide
Yeah, run any comp u would like, but comp diversity always spices things up, nobody wants to mirror for 15 games straight. Also I'm looking for some feedback from u guys on the best time. What does everyone think about Saturady 1/31/15 5pm EST. So far we have 8 teams i believe and i can imagine atleast 4 more signing up and since its round robin the tourney could take quiet a few hours. The more the merrier tho
Yeah, run any comp u would like, but comp diversity always spices things up, nobody wants to mirror for 15 games straight. Also I'm looking for some feedback from u guys on the best time. What does everyone think about Saturady 1/31/15 5pm EST. So far we have 8 teams i believe and i can imagine atleast 4 more signing up and since its round robin the tourney could take quiet a few hours. The more the merrier tho
Could you push the time back to 3 EST or I doubt we can compete
Me and [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION] are switching, will edit this with our new comp; didnt realize so many warrior/rshams were coming to the party xD

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