2v2 Arena Tourney Official Signup

Yeah, run any comp u would like, but comp diversity always spices things up, nobody wants to mirror for 15 games straight. Also I'm looking for some feedback from u guys on the best time. What does everyone think about Saturady 1/31/15 5pm EST. So far we have 8 teams i believe and i can imagine atleast 4 more signing up and since its round robin the tourney could take quiet a few hours. The more the merrier tho

Ouch, thats not a good time for me, i get home at 7 pm est on saturdays, cant make it at that time :(
Need more Warrior/Rsham.

We personally have zero experience with that comp though, we wouldn't know that it doesn't have any counters, not to mention there are no better/ more enjoyable comps to play.

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Rsham counters many healers especially priests. With dampening its a lot of pressure for the priest to heal through rend damage when bubbles get purged and heals get sheared.
noob arena player here.
Why is warrior/rsham better than warrior priest?
Need more Warrior/Rsham.

Hey! I'd like to register!
Rukiå - Arms Warrior - Aerie Peak Horde
Ruizaix - Resto Shaman - Aerie Peak Horde

Team Name: We Passed Accounting
(For realsies.)

Edit: Friday is not a good day for me since I have classes until 8:30.
However, my partner and I are both free on Saturday!
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edit: switched factions

skeezin - brew - blackwing lair - horde
allahdiglett - rsham - barthilas - horde
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Ouch, thats not a good time for me, i get home at 7 pm est on saturdays, cant make it at that time :(

Two Monkeys On A Waterslide will have to withdraw, we're both having scheduling issues.
Rsham counters many healers especially priests. With dampening its a lot of pressure for the priest to heal through rend damage when bubbles get purged and heals get sheared.

While I agree with the statement I wouldnt call it counter. Disc/BM-Monk, Disc/Ret, Disc/Arms are good comps vs Shaman/War. Offheal and/or Aoe-Dmg pressure Shamans a lot. Also Shamans can purge themself oom ;)
Rsham counters Disc only in theory.

That theory completely ignores flat numbers. Disc priests should be averaging 10x more damage than an Rsham.

If you scale an Rsham team into Dampening as a Disc team, you will have an advantage.
Rsham counters Disc only in theory.

That theory completely ignores flat numbers. Disc priests should be averaging 10x more damage than an Rsham.

If you scale an Rsham team into Dampening as a Disc team, you will have an advantage.

Coordinate around pillars and Priest/mage is down , haha :)
Coordinate around pillars and Priest/mage is down , haha :)

Well obviously with any 2's comp there is more lee-way than a simple "X counters Y."

But Mechanical counters are often not as patently accurate as one might think, especially at lower level brackets.

For example, Rshams should be an effective counter to Feral Druids. Nature's Guardian matches the cooldown of Tiger's Fury, so Rshams should be able to consistently outlast the dangerous Ferocious Bite Critical from Ferals.

That is an example of a mechanical counter - but that presumes that Ferals are effectively balanced (or relatively balanced) relative to Resto Shamans.

Imagine that this mechanical scenario (NGuardian counters FBite) has Feral on a scale at 100%. This is the perfect balance equilibrium. Now imagine someone took this hypothetical "slider" and moved Feral to 200%. Or 300%. Or 400%. Mechanically Feral is countered, but you can always manipulate numbers to essentially overpower mechanical counters.

I'm not saying definitively that Feral is 400% stronger than in a balanced equilibrium - these numbers are simply part of a hypothetical situation.

The way that this imbalance would manifest itself in actual play would probably be that Feral would break the Nature's Guardian threshold without needing to TFury Bite.
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noob arena player here.
Why is warrior/rsham better than warrior priest?

Well, each comp has its strengths and weaknesses. There are instances where warrior priest would be better than warrior rsham. However, in a direct match up, rsham war is far superior. What the priest brings to the table (bubble and damage) are both nullified in that match up. Purge makes bubble useless, and a priest has no chance for damage output when its being sheared on every other heal with a warrior sitting on him 100% of the time. This is especially true in the case of the horde, which has arcane torrent and war stomp to score kills rather easily early on. I get this mind set not from theory, but from experience fighting priests I consider to be very good.

Hope that was helpful!
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Well, each comp has its strengths and weaknesses. There are instances where warrior priest would be better than warrior rsham. However, in a direct match up, rsham war is far superior. What the priest brings to the table (bubble and damage) are both nullified in that match up. Purge makes bubble useless, and a priest has no chance for damage output when its being sheared on every other heal with a warrior sitting on him 100% of the time. This is especially true in the case of the horde, which has arcane torrent and war stomp to score kills rather easily early on. I get this mind set not from theory, but from experience fighting priests I consider to be very good.

Hope that was helpful!

Unless you've managed to get Fury working prior to its 6.1 bug fix, Arms has less up-time damage than an Enhancement shaman - I have no idea which Warrior spec you could possibly be talking about that would prevent an intelligent priest from easily bringing 10x more damage to the table than a Restoration Shaman.

Coupled with the extremely, extremely poor scaling into Dampening and the ease with which Warriors can be prevented from maintaining a double rend even 75% of the game, I see only reasons as to why Priest/Warr would be superior to Warr/Rsham.

The Restoration Shaman team has ALL of the burden to force a kill before even low dampening (20%). If they are unable to do that, then the Restoration Shaman's strongest utility is reduced to being nearly worthless.

As a Healer/Warrior main in this bracket, I feel like I know what I'm talking about here.
Unless you've managed to get Fury working prior to its 6.1 bug fix, Arms has less up-time damage than an Enhancement shaman - I have no idea which Warrior spec you could possibly be talking about that would prevent an intelligent priest from easily bringing 10x more damage to the table than a Restoration Shaman.

Coupled with the extremely, extremely poor scaling into Dampening and the ease with which Warriors can be prevented from maintaining a double rend even 75% of the game, I see only reasons as to why Priest/Warr would be superior to Warr/Rsham.

The Restoration Shaman team has ALL of the burden to force a kill before even low dampening (20%). If they are unable to do that, then the Restoration Shaman's strongest utility is reduced to being nearly worthless.

As a Healer/Warrior main in this bracket, I feel like I know what I'm talking about here.

Feel free to simul priest war with me and I will show you, really isnt that hard at all
Bump, and a thanks to [MENTION=12571]Swag[/MENTION] , We will be able to stream and record every game played thanks to him. 1 week left till the tourney, would like atleast 4 more sign ups. Depending on everyones schedule some ppl may play on early friday or even saturday that way everyone will be able to attend. Please update your teams signup post with the best times friday and saturday that u are able to arena at plaese
Bend and I are going to play.

BÔp-mok'nathal ; Druid
Bendandcough-Blackwing Lair; Priest
[MENTION=711]Trickynick[/MENTION] [MENTION=6999]Tapout[/MENTION] [MENTION=14595]chrij23[/MENTION] [MENTION=24529]Nachoz[/MENTION] [MENTION=23739]zarastelle[/MENTION] [MENTION=13679]Restopathic[/MENTION] [MENTION=19918]Skeezin[/MENTION] [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION] [MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION]

Please update or pm me with the times ur team will be available on friday / saturday. Please be as open and free as possible so we can have a true Round Robin with everyone being involved. I will need to know this sooner rather than later please

Also note that the restriction on time is much looser than initially thought. So if u have a team that can participate on only certain times friday or saturday then please signup for now and we should be able to accommodate the schedule
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Please update or pm me with the times ur team will be available on friday / saturday. Please be as open and free as possible so we can have a true Round Robin with everyone being involved. I will need to know this sooner rather than later please

Also note that the restriction on time is much looser than initially thought. So if u have a team that can participate on only certain times friday or saturday then please signup for now and we should be able to accommodate the schedule

Thank you AC for getting back to me, but my team withdrew later in the thread and will remain so. Hope everyone has fun though!
[MENTION=711]Trickynick[/MENTION] [MENTION=6999]Tapout[/MENTION] [MENTION=14595]chrij23[/MENTION] [MENTION=24529]Nachoz[/MENTION] [MENTION=23739]zarastelle[/MENTION] [MENTION=13679]Restopathic[/MENTION] [MENTION=19918]Skeezin[/MENTION] [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION] [MENTION=18826]Bop[/MENTION]

Please update or pm me with the times ur team will be available on friday / saturday. Please be as open and free as possible so we can have a true Round Robin with everyone being involved. I will need to know this sooner rather than later please

Also note that the restriction on time is much looser than initially thought. So if u have a team that can participate on only certain times friday or saturday then please signup for now and we should be able to accommodate the schedule

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