2v2 Arena League: Preliminary Details

So how many horde mail/leather users are rolling alliance arena toons for the OP gear? :D

me personally not, I love horde too much, look good play good 8)
Shockur said:
So how many horde mail/leather users are rolling alliance arena tons for the OP gear? :D

me personally not, I love horde too much, look good play good 8)

Quoted for EVERYONE with the balls to play Horde in this Alliance dominated bracket.

This all sounds like a blast, but alas my gear is not there yet. Once I get LFH, a trink, and maybe an AGM I'll be down.
I almost leveld a dwarf just for this league, but stopped when i got to 8. I decided it was better to play as a hordie for some reasons i dont want to list because ill probly get banned for such strong language.
Im up for this BTW.

How is the tournament going btw? Any teams faced each other yet?
check the team list thread to find a team or see the competition! the league is due to start within 14 days!
Slimshadylol said:
Can everyone please ignore what Shockur has said so far, I'm sorry man but its clear that you havnt done much arena at this level. When this thing gets up and running, we will soon see. Who do we contact in-game for information on this?

i'm running out of "not sure if serious" jpeg pictures for the posts on this forum
Slimshadylol said:
Can everyone please ignore what Shockur has said so far, I'm sorry man but its clear that you havnt done much arena at this level. When this thing gets up and running, we will soon see. Who do we contact in-game for information on this?


Just for the record, are you trying to say that I am wrong, aka "Hunters are better in 2v2 than 3v3" ?

Are you really trying to say that?


Hunters will be the best class when played by a skilled player, but yes I take it back, they are not OP to the extent of being banned.

I still believe resto shaman hunter will shit on everything, tho.

Don't think I am the one overstating as you claimed EVERYTHING I've said is wrong, when only one statement of mine is slightly away from the truth.
hunters will definitely be banned in the 3v3 games i play in

sorry, i'm trying to have fun here. i'm not really going to dick around with arguing about whether or not hunters will ruin our 3v3 games, because i already know i'm right. when i'm organizing 3v3 arenas, we'll just ban hunters, have fun, and that's just the way it's going to go down.

the only hunter i even know who has been doing arenas with us is thirk, and i'm pretty sure he has other 20 toons
Im Down im kind of not used to all arenas and such but ive found 2 great other players that will play with me for 3v3s 2v2s etc....

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