29's US let's get prepped


Alright US servers. are we going to try a few central servers to roll on to get ready for the new 20-29 bracket? It would be nice to have a server with a nice healthy population of players to buy and sell from the AH.
BH? Tich? KT? Those are all high pop realms. Share your thoughts.
I will be rolling heals on each side. Either shaman or paladin. I am still undecided on the level due to gear and scaling.

Please don't try to centralize 29s to any specific server. It's only made 19s a shit show which resulted in gigantic egos and guild based group queuing. It's already going to be enough that 29s have a significant advantage over F2Ps in terms of gear, enchants, glyphs, and abilities. Encouraging people to migrate to specific servers/guilds will be like putting gasoline on a brush fire. Nothing good will come of it.
Everyone should really just represent home realms come WoD. The MoP 29 community is so far and few, recruiting isn't ideal at this time. Best of luck!
Please don't try to centralize 29s to any specific server. It's only made 19s a shit show which resulted in gigantic egos and guild based group queuing. It's already going to be enough that 29s have a significant advantage over F2Ps in terms of gear, enchants, glyphs, and abilities. Encouraging people to migrate to specific servers/guilds will be like putting gasoline on a brush fire. Nothing good will come of it.
29's are not the 19's and never will be. If you reread the original post, no mention of guilds or group queuing were ever made.
Everyone should really just represent home realms come WoD. The MoP 29 community is so far and few, recruiting isn't ideal at this time. Best of luck!
This is exactly the reason why NOW is the time to bring it back to life. It has never been easier to reroll a new toon a different server. BoAs are easily transferable. Gold is easily obtainable via selling pets on the new server. It has never been easier to set up shop on a new server.

There many, many things to do besides battlegrounds. You have to think outside of the box(remember hit will be gone). Now that we have crossrealm servers, it goes not have to be kept to one realm. As long as the community is in the same cross realm group you will be just fine. If you want to keep yourself isolated, then so be it. But keep your negative comments to yourself. Thanks!
29's are not the 19's and never will be. If you reread the original post, no mention of guilds or group queuing were ever made.

You're talking to two (me and luplis) of approximately 6 people who actually plays 29s in the present, who has played 29s constantly since MoP went live. There are nights where we're doing 3s or dungeons and we realize that we're the only people in the world playing 29s right now. There was a time when we were organizing a group of 30-40 people on a weekly basis to do 10v10/15v15 wargames in the gulch or AB.

We already have a difficult enough time getting 6 people interested in 3s. Most of the active players are either doing 19s, 24s, or playing on the private servers, and aren't interested in doing anything for 29s/39s on Live between now and WoD (hence the fact they aren't currently playing them). Seriously, you aren't going to just pick a server and fill it up with active 29s and call it the new 'home of the 29s.'

You're much better off just making/updating your toons on their home server, funding yourself, and then looking for others to play with when WoD comes out.

This is exactly the reason why NOW is the time to bring it back to life. It has never been easier to reroll a new toon a different server. BoAs are easily transferable. Gold is easily obtainable via selling pets on the new server. It has never been easier to set up shop on a new server.

There many, many things to do besides battlegrounds. You have to think outside of the box(remember hit will be gone). Now that we have crossrealm servers, it goes not have to be kept to one realm. As long as the community is in the same cross realm group you will be just fine. If you want to keep yourself isolated, then so be it. But keep your negative comments to yourself. Thanks!

Right now is the absolute worse time to try and decide to reroll to a new server. Sure, it might be easy with BoAs and pets you can throw on the AH for funding. But there are no active 29s right now (besides us). You're literally asking people to reroll on an unknown server, with no guarantee of funding, community support, or even activity between now and WoD. What you're asking for is not only silly, but the exact thing most people don't want to be doing right now (especially twinks).

I mentioned 19s and what being centralized around a server has done to them because it's relevant. Sure, Bleeding Hollow might be a great place to go to find a 19 guild, 19s gear, and community activity, but it's hell for anyone who isn't friends with the guilds already established there. It's a high pop server with lots of people group queuing into 19s, utilizing voice chat to roflstomp and GY farm groups of players who just randomly queue up for 19s.

Being organized is great, but only when it benefits everyone equally. Too many players in 19s/24s have an 'in group' mentality, excluding anyone who isn't their immediate friend, and these are the people who are going to be playing 29s come WoD.

Be smarter, think about what you're asking before you make posts like this.
Why do you keep bringing up guilds? Guilds are not needed.
There is no reason to be so defensive, in fact, you should be welcoming the help to grow and expand 29's. If you continue to be negative I will just ignore your comments until they become constructive to this thread. Thank you for the bump.

Now, back to the subject at hand. Tichondrius probably has the largest player base 0-90 US side, almost 200,000. Without looking it up I am not sure what servers they are cross realmed with. I, personally have zero gold on that server, so I would have to start from scratch. But you can get 3k-10k pretty easily over a weekend on a new server. That is a pretty good start for any twink just needing a few enchants and what-not.

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Alright US servers. are we going to try a few central servers to roll on to get ready for the new 20-29 bracket? It would be nice to have a server with a nice healthy population of players to buy and sell from the AH.
BH? Tich? KT? Those are all high pop realms. Share your thoughts.
I will be rolling heals on each side. Either shaman or paladin. I am still undecided on the level due to gear and scaling.


I can tell you are very excited about the possibility of 29s becoming active again if Blizz returns to 20-29 bracket and keeps F2P at 20 (or somewhere in that range). I'm excited about that possibility too, and hope it happens. If it does, I'll definitely be playing, and will even get a couple of toons ready a bit in advance.

To me, it seems a bit early. I don't think a release date has been set, and based on past history it probably won't be before November, and maybe after that, and there are still question marks in my mind as to whether 29s will become active anyway, as other changes may happen that will affect that.

Probably the best way to promote 29s at this point is to join willie and whoever else is playing them and get more action going. If you want to start getting ready to fund/equip new toons on a specific realm that's up to you - I'm sure it would be helpful in the long run if things work out, and you'll attract some people there (if it were me I'd pick a realm that already has a strong twink presence). I wouldn't want to try to sell 29s too strongly to others at this point, however, cause there may be disappointment later.


Why do you keep bringing up guilds? Guilds are not needed.

Because you're asking people to centralize to a specific server. The only reason to do that is for guilds.

There is no reason to be so defensive, in fact, you should be welcoming the help to grow and expand 29's. If you continue to be negative I will just ignore your comments until they become constructive to this thread. Thank you for the bump.

Defensive? I'm just telling you how things are. I'm not going to welcome random people to a dead bracket that won't see any changes for months. I'm not going to encourage people to make new toons or move to a specific server because there's little to no point right now.

Yay for another useless thread though, amirite?
I rarely ever agree with Willy, but he is right. He might be a dick but he understands the 29 community at its current state. I'd suggest instead of arguing with him, you work with him and Luplis. They do have best interests of the community at heart.

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What a bunch of buzzkills.

Thank you for the bump, Dorigon.
As for the rest of the people that would like to join me rerolling new toons a server, I may be making a guide soon on "how to establish yourself on a new server with zero gold".

Sweetsidney. If you'd like, we do Arenas on the weekends. If you wish to come play sometime, we'd love to have you.

My BT is Luplis#1819.
Alright US servers. are we going to try a few central servers to roll on to get ready for the new 20-29 bracket? It would be nice to have a server with a nice healthy population of players to buy and sell from the AH.
BH? Tich? KT? Those are all high pop realms. Share your thoughts.
I will be rolling heals on each side. Either shaman or paladin. I am still undecided on the level due to gear and scaling.


This is not directed only for you, but since many of you never played the 29 bracket I would really appreciate it if you (all the new to the bracket) dont start making the decisions, since you lack knowledge of the bracket.

The reason I say this is because there is ALREADY a "central" 29 twink server. The majority of the 29s I play and arena with at the moment are from Ursin. They have an awesome GM (Luplis) that is very dedicated to 29s (he paid for my realm xfer for my twink so I could access my boas, back before 5.4, so I could play with them). They have both an alliance twink guild, and a horde twink guild that are more then welcoming.

I just cant stand players that are "known" in other brackets and think that they can just barge in another bracket and put their own terms down. Yes based on twinkinfo everyone thinks this bracket is dead, but yes there are still a lot of 29s around.

Nonetheless, that was me sharing my thoughts. You may agree or disagree.
Luplis has 7 Glowing Magical Bracelets on Illidan Horde

That is the sort of "prep" that I am bringing up. I started collecting those bracers, a few different helms, some neck pieces(just in case we can enchant them), gloves etc across several servers quite some time ago. I do not expect to be "sponsored" as no one should. It is just too easy to make gold on WoW.

This is not directed only for you, but since many of you never played the 29 bracket I would really appreciate it if you (all the new to the bracket) dont start making the decisions, since you lack knowledge of the bracket.

The reason I say this is because there is ALREADY a "central" 29 twink server. The majority of the 29s I play and arena with at the moment are from Ursin. They have an awesome GM (Luplis) that is very dedicated to 29s (he paid for my realm xfer for my twink so I could access my boas, back before 5.4, so I could play with them). They have both an alliance twink guild, and a horde twink guild that are more then welcoming.

I just cant stand players that are "known" in other brackets and think that they can just barge in another bracket and put their own terms down. Yes based on twinkinfo everyone thinks this bracket is dead, but yes there are still a lot of 29s around.

Nonetheless, that was me sharing my thoughts. You may agree or disagree.

What makes you think I have never played in this bracket or any other bracket? Is it simply because I do not " brag" about my accomplishments? I am a little too modest for that.
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
What makes you think I have never played in this bracket or any other bracket? Is it simply because I do not " brag" about my accomplishments? I am a little too modest for that.
Speak softly and carry a big stick.

This is not directed only for you

I have a big stick
That is the sort of "prep" that I am bringing up. I started collecting those bracers, a few different helms, some neck pieces(just in case we can enchant them), gloves etc across several servers quite some time ago. I do not expect to be "sponsored" as no one should. It is just too easy to make gold on WoW.

What makes you think I have never played in this bracket or any other bracket? Is it simply because I do not " brag" about my accomplishments? I am a little too modest for that.
Speak softly and carry a big stick.

Your OP leads people to believe you have never played in this bracket.

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