29 US Fight Nights

Buck can be the comedy relief.

Roudy everymovie can use a bad warrior, you'll be the warrior who waits for a rogue to open on somebody then jump in becaues you know you'll be kited without the rogue.
A cold stormy night as a chilling rain falls from the heavens.

Fcftw must climb to the top of the tallest tower to rescue fair daydra, however this tower is full of azeroth's worst nightmares, 13 S-keying hunters all named some variant of legolas.

*plays epic music*

*shows scenes of Fcftw stepping behind a hunter and him S-keying....to no avail, then you see Fc get a triple kill with his avenger's shield because stacking leather greens of the boar isnt good hunter gear*
the movie obv needs to have a scene with the hero slaying the antagonist, not just his 13 s keying minions, and saving the damsel, i await the rest of the script
All in due time Fc all in due time.

IE after i get off work later lol
Franchi:Also known as the guy who boasts about 1v1ing igotoparties, yeah there you go *shrugs* I applaud his efforts.

Of all the things I'm famous in this bracket for you pick that? We all know putting panties down for the count is ridiculously easy when he doesn't have a priest babysitter.

i also need a sidekick me thinks, a robin to my batman if you will

I Nominate Nel for this roll.
This has my vote!

Fcftw and Zelpher to save the fair maiden Daydra from the tyranny of Igotpanties and his legion of Legolas wannabe huntards
So we have the main characters and some of the plot, but it needs fleshing out. I think it needs at least a Constable (honest) and a DA (dirty), perhaps someone who supplies the armor/weapons to fc and zelpher, and a reporter of some kind. Further, Panties needs more than just legion of huntards at his command, he needs a right hand man, perhaps a rogue.
DA (dirty)

Lol DirtyAuction #1 19 twink shaman in the world. I like your idea for a sidekick, and the first rogue that comes to mind is Pwnasaurusrex but honestly if me and him were gonna be partners I'd still have to be on my rogue instead of my hunter. Our teamwork with rogue/rogue is unsurpassed, but our teamwork with hunter/rogue is untested. Who was the rogue that opened on DontTrii when he was about to kill me? I wanna say it was Valo or Ohai but I cant remember for sure which one lol.

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