29 Twink Cup Thread (that isn't complete aids)

Like I've stated in about a hundred threads in the past. I am willing to help with any type of tournament in this bracket. I would love to help organize it and what not. The only thing with me is that I would want Vets to be involved.

I just want to see more activity outside of pugs in this bracket.
I'm down! I would love to get something set up for us level 20s! I think we would be the two that would be able to do it! Could also get a hold of some of the other 20s that are very active in the bracket, I'm sure they would be excited as well to help.

Just hit me up in game or PM and we can talk about it further!

I'd be interested in helping out with this as well, hopefully everyone can decide on some cool ideas to help bring variety to the games!

Let me know mr burg or mr light.
You act as if the 20-29 bracket has never had Premades before.
Or that guilds with 10 man teams don't exist right now.
Light and I made up, still considering hosting this. My apologies to the community, the comment was made that I am immature, I am going to politely disagree, but I will say I do have a short fuse. I will work on this, and if anyone posts anything that really ticks me off im gonna give it an hour or so before I reply. I will get back to you guys wether this is for sure, and if so, what the rules and date will be. It will have to be when people arnt focused on school so im thinking the first few days of most peoples xmas break may be best. Again, my apologies 29 community.
I know it hasn't gotten for enough for rules and planning just yet, but seriously don't allow BM's.

Besides that, glad you reflected back on this thread and took the higher road of continuing to do it! I know there a bunch of 29s who would be interested in doing it.
Whats BiS has been trying to get wargames going for weeks. Everyone keeps stalling, canceling, or saying they need 3 weeks advance notice. It would APPEAR there is nobody capable of fielding a 10 man in the 29 bracket.... Jamesbqt Byebye asked one question about your tc and you flipped and dropped him and our whole guild from Btag. He merely asked if there ws going to be a prize or just bragging rights and you cussed him out and un-btagged. You sir are no community leader, nor do you have the temperament to be one.
Whats BiS has been trying to get wargames going for weeks. Everyone keeps stalling, canceling, or saying they need 3 weeks advance notice. It would APPEAR there is nobody capable of fielding a 10 man in the 29 bracket.... Jamesbqt Byebye asked one question about your tc and you flipped and dropped him and our whole guild from Btag. He merely asked if there ws going to be a prize or just bragging rights and you cussed him out and un-btagged. You sir are no community leader, nor do you have the temperament to be one.

They never asked me to 10v10, id me more than down. Im not trying to be a community leader, I want to help improve the bracket. Tensions were high between myself and others at that time and I took what he had said the wrong way. I have already extended my apologies to him. I hope that you as well can move forward. I would like to see your team in wargames against mine in the next few weeks, it would be a blast, and I hope to see you in the 29 twink cup!
It has been decided. I will host the twink cup. I will be making a new thread within the following days with the date, time, rules etc. if you do not like the rules feel free to offer any suggestions you may have. Are 20s allowed? Yes but I'm not making any changes to the rules each team will be allowed 1 brew regardless of level 29 teams will have shadow priests and there will be no restrictions on abilities used. I understand this creates an obstacle for some of the 20 teams but it would be too hard to organize it to make it fair if 29s had to make their teams suitable to face 20s or 29s depending on the bracket. 20s are welcome to create a 29 team though, it wouldn't be much work. There will be a website made up for you to register your team on. The cup will be in about 4 months time in early to mid December. Thank you for your continued support. I will do my best to make this twink cup a reality in the most professional and organized manner possible.

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